

Ning Tianlin nodded, I don’t care about this, but this Young Master is better than Sir, it sounds more in line with himself. No one makes himself only twenty-one years old.

"Ning Young Master, thank you for saving me."

Ruo Meng'er still has some lingering fears, and sincerely expresses her gratitude to Ning Tianlin. The corrosiveness of Xingkongsha was far beyond her ability to contend. She really thought she was dead just now.

"Don't thank me."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand, "If you don't make the last move, I won't save you."

"You should be thankful."

After his rebirth, Ning Tianlin has not been an enthusiastic person for a long time, and he will not help someone for no reason, even if this person is really on his own. In front of him, he was dead.

"Thank you."

"Anyway, I really want to thank you."

Ruo Meng'er bowed sincerely again, also for herself. Fortunately for the action. At the same time, he didn't expect that the Young Master in front of him would be so easy to talk. You know, his battle strength is far above himself.

The minimum is above 100,000!

Far beyond yourself!

"Well, if nothing happens, you can go."

Ning Tianlin is ready to leave. He and this woman are just strangers coming together by chance. Uncertainly this time a farewell, there will never be the possibility of seeing each other. It's just that as soon as he finished saying this, he narrowed his eyes and stared somewhere in front of him.

I even couldn't help but enraged, enveloping the two of them.




The astral qi cohesive protective cover, constantly thinking of collisions The sound, the surface continued to sputter ripples and shocks, and at the same time, three spaceships appeared three kilometers away, moving towards here quickly and flying.

Moreover, the up ahead and below spaceship are constantly blazing. Ning Tianlin glanced at it and knew that it was caused by a weapon launch.

It is these three spaceships that are attacking themselves!

"courting death!"

Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes, and his body exuded a faint killing intent. At the edge of the galaxy, not many people can beat him in battle strength, And the size of this spaceship is only 100 meters.

About the size of his flying saucer in Earth.

Obviously, it's just F-rank. Don't control him. It's far from his opponent.

"Not good!"

"It is a barren peak pirate!"

"They are here!"

And Ning Tianlin Just about to start, Ruo Meng'er next to her has been complexion greatly changed, and her mouth is even more yelled.

She didn't expect anyhow, the other party came after her! She originally thought that she had escaped the other party's pursuit, but now it seems that she hasn't! They just followed Xingkongsha, and when it was gone, they chased them.

"Yes, if you change to them, you won't stop."

"If One Doesn't Cut The Grass At Its Roots, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More!"

If Meng'er is sighed, knowing the situation in front of her, she can hardly escape. No matter how fast she is, she will not be faster than this F-rank spaceship. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Xingkongsha just now, they would have caught themselves long ago.

"Wild Peak Pirate?"

Ning Tianlin raised his brows, and there was nothing to worry about. On the contrary, he was even more happy. The journey to the starry sky is inherently boring and lonely.

"Do you know them?"

Ning Tianlin just heard that she said "chasing it"! Obviously these people are likely to come to chase her.


If Meng'er is nodded, her face is somewhat gloomy, and even soon a color of hatred arises, some smell of gnashing teeth, "It's them, slaughter My clansman, my parents, family members, and even all relatives were killed by them!"

"My family, now I am the only one left."

"I thought they had given up on hunting me, but I didn't think that they hadn't stopped."

The scenes of the past appeared in front of her, making Ruo Meng'er's face flushed, and her eyes filled with hatred, making Ning Tianlin was a little surprised.

This hatred power is really not so big.

"Ning Young Master, you go quickly."

"Their goal is me, not you."

"You leave quickly, they said Maybe I won't chase you."

It's just that soon, Ruo Meng'er seemed to remember something, and urged Ning Tianlin quickly. She knew that the youngster in front of her was powerful, but she was absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the barren peak pirates.

Because it is said that the real controller of the pirates of Huangfeng is a powerhouse with a battle strength of more than two stars!

You can even reach Samsung!

In this area of ​​thousands of light years, few people are his opponents.

The most important thing is that these people often hide in the dark. The Milky Way has sent people to encircle and suppress them many times, but they have not been brought to justice. One is that the galaxy itself is big, and the other is that these people are really good at hiding.


"Why should I leave?"

"They just beat me, so why did I let them beat me in vain?"

Ning Tianlin smiled, speaking very easily, and even let Ruo Meng'er hear a hint of ridicule, and quickly persuaded him nervously, "Ning Young Master, you go quickly! Now it's not a joke! "

"I know these people are probably not your opponents, but if you really offend them, their boss will not let you go!"

"You His portrait and voice will definitely appear in the hands of their boss, chasing you down!"

"The pirates of the deserted peaks are not easy to provoke!"

Although I also hope to see you The powerful youngster can save himself, and it is very likely to succeed now, but this is tantamount to pulling the opponent out of the water! She and the other party can't harm him for no reason!

Furthermore, he has just taken a shot to save himself, and it is his life saving benefactor, so he can't be hurt!

"Okay not to be trifled with, I have the final say, what you said doesn't count!"

Ning Tianlin shook the head and didn't care. If this Ruomenger asked himself to stay and help her, he might turn his head and leave, but now, if the other party lets himself leave and bear it alone, he will stay instead.

He has used the spiritual secret technique to probe the girl in front of him. He did not lie or fake mercy, but he really hopes to leave as soon as possible.

In this case, Ning Tianlin is even more reluctant to leave.

Since I have just helped once, why not make another move this time.

Save people to the end, accompanies Buddha all the way to the west!

"Ning Young Master, you..."

If Meng'er is sighed, I don’t know how to persuade him. Besides, I can’t go if I want to go now. The three Fspaceships have already arrived by their side, forming a triangle shape, wrapping them firmly.




Three spaceships in the universe The abdomen of Ning Tianlin opened at the same time, and twenty or thirty silhouettes fell down, and as soon as they showed up, they were suspended in the void, and the two moved towards Ning Tianlin flew over quickly.

The first person looked at Ruo Meng'er and Ning Tianlin again, taunted in his mouth, "Ruo Meng'er, you are so fateful that you have escaped the starry sky sand! In its hands They all survived!"

These people didn’t expect. If Meng’er could survive this so-called death sand wind, they just didn’t dare to enter rashly, so they could only follow Behind the sand in the starry sky, chasing after him.

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