
"What's the matter?"

Just abruptly, her eyes narrowed, and a hint of joy appeared at the corners of her mouth . Because in her eyes, the angle of the coin suddenly slowed down a little bit.

Although there is only this trace, it is definitely the back when landing!

She will win!


"It's changed again!"

Many onlookers, including Meng Yifan, gave a soft voice, because at this moment, The angle of the coin's falling has changed a little again, and the result after landing, I am afraid it will be the back.

"What's going on!"

Messy Old Man complexion changed, what's going on?

How did the direction of this coin change again?

It was just the next scene, but his complexity was greatly changed, which is even more unbelievable. Because in his Divine Consciousness, there is no silhouette of the three-headed man. At such a moment, he can't even contact the pet he has raised with painstaking efforts!

Even he can’t even see. At this moment, the invisible three heads hidden in the ground below, originally only one of the two heads left, slowly withered and turned into a Stars!

Now, these three heads are turned into a head, and they are not controlled by Messy Old Man, he can't find a head!

"What's going on?"

"Why can't I get in touch with Santou?"

"What's going on?"

Unfortunately, Messy Old Man turned his gaze fiercely on the bottle Ling'er standing opposite. Without judgment, he attributed everything to this bottle Ling'er. It must be her ghost. !

If not, how could he lose contact with Santougai?

Besides she has this ability, who else has this ability?

Meng Yifan of the top ten elite students? More impossible! Although he is an elite student, he is not an expert in pets. He simply doesn't know the tricks in this area. Impossible is him!

And this Ning Tianlin who is about to enter the Academy? There is absolutely no possibility!

Although he has some ability under Meng Yifan’s description, but if he can find even the three heads, and cut off his mind and mind, then what else is Ning Tianlin doing? Academy, you can be a teacher directly here.

He is absolutely impossible!

Also, at this moment, the child's eyes are so clear, how can there be such clear eyes after the hands are finished!

So, he attributed everything to his old rival, Ping Ling'er.

It must be her!

It's just that he was unwilling, and urged a lot of his mind to get in touch with Santougai, but no matter what, the connection channel was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and there was no sound. He didn't even know whether these three heads were dead or alive.


Soon, in the next second, the coin that was tossed fell on the ground, with the back facing up and the front facing down. It didn't bounce on Earth, and rolled again.

This is also the reason why everyone can determine the result of a coin's whereabouts from the air.

The ground at the entrance of the Academy is very soft, similar to Earth plastic, but softer and can remove all the elasticity. At the same time, it does not emit heat all the time.

Allow the snow falling on the ground to evaporate instantly.

"haha, old fogey, you lost!"

The dust settled, Ping Ling'er said with a big smile, although she didn't know how the change happened at that time But what about it, the result is here, no one can change it. She didn't believe that this bad old fogey would be so shameless, she didn't admit it at this time.


Bad old fogey coldly snorted, "Don't be proud!"

"Let's see!"

" Maybe, you, a student, just looks impressive but is worthless, nothing!"

If you don’t get it, you will slander it. This makes Ning Tianlin's eyes narrow, exuding a faint chill, just a flash Pass away. I am also satisfied with the decision I just made.

He did everything just now, of course.

Stealth skills and nature may be counted as the ability to reach the sky from others, but in the battle strength system, the fart is gone. As soon as these three heads appeared, the battle strength system reflected all the pictures and explanations in Ning Tianlin's mind.

I have seen everything it does, really.

I am also surprised by all kinds of strange things in this world.

There is such a miraculous life in this Jiumu County.


But soon, he decided to use spirit strength to destroy the spiritual connection between these three heads and Messy Old Man, and at the same time be in these three heads. , Implanted his own mind. One is that he doesn't like the big yellow teeth of Messy Old Man.

Under the influence of such a person's bad breath, I guess I haven't learned anything yet, I'm afraid I will be fainted first.

This beautiful and alluring woman, at least still smells of perfume, which is better.

The second point is that the Messy Old Man's methods are a little irritating. It is really to achieve the goal, by fair means or foul. This kind of indiscriminate means is used.

I thought it would be just and honorable, but it turned out to be dark.

Life and death are fateful, wealth is in the sky, not to mention just a small coin. In this case, cheating is still going on. He must not be someone who is determined to be indomitable. Following such a person, I am afraid that life will not be any better.

Choose one of the two, Ning Tianlin still decides to choose the one that makes him more comfortable.

So, he moved his hands and manipulated everything.

Now, only one head of the three heads is left, and it has become his possession.

"It’s nothing, don’t worry about your old fogey."

"Eat the carrot first and worry about it!"

No one answered, the one on the side The beautiful zombie Bowen shot her mouth back and looked at Messy Old Man's eyes with contempt, "Go back and brush your toothbrush, it's disgusting!"

She said, she squeezed it on purpose. Pinch your nose and fan the smell with your hand.

Although Meng Yifan on the side didn’t say anything, he was a little angry. It was obvious that you had watched Ning Tianlin’s video just now. I didn’t get it at the moment, but he said this "what "Neither is" such words.

Isn't this because he was recommended as a fart?

He has always been arrogant and temperament, and he couldn't help but feel angry with this Messy Old Man. It just didn't show up on the face, and didn't say anything.

"flat little girl, you are courting death!"

Old fogey was furious, when did a student dare to talk to him like this, besides, this woman, still Not a student of this Academy at all. Without even thinking about it, with a wave of his hand, he moved towards Bo Wen's face and slapped it.

He has already lost an adult here, and at this moment, he is even insulted by a girl. How can he not be angry!

Especially, he has always been proud of this large row of big yellow teeth!

A monstrous tone, not whoever wants to have it!

In this scene, Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, and his face became even colder. This kind of morality is low enough to slander him if he doesn't get it. At this moment, he still dares to treat his own people. Do it!

When you really come to this Academy, do you really want to be a student?

If you don’t do the worst task, why don’t you dismantle the entire Academy?

A rat feces harmed a pot of porridge. Although this pot of porridge was so delicious before, but at this moment, it is bad and it is broken. If you can't drink it, you will be caught by a rat's feces. What's wrong.

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