“bang! ”

It’s just that Ning Tianlin hasn’t made a move yet, but the woman next to him has moved towards Messy Old Man to greet her, since she has become This youngster's teacher, the people around him, of course have to be protected by himself.

Besides, this young woman was also on her side just now.


The two collided, and there was no collision of heaven shaking, earth shattering, but the woman's hand, grabbing the other's arm, and sarcastically said , "Oh old fogey, you want shameless, and you even shot a little girl."

"The face of our Academy teacher was just thrown in by someone like you!"

She knows, bad old fogey this slap fan, let alone the young woman's face swelling, I'm afraid the body will be seriously injured! Their battle strength level is still too powerful for a little girl.


Old fogey coldly snorted, and then I looked around and saw that many students were pointing fingers on the side. Knowing that something was impossible, I fiercely glared at him. Wen gave a glance, waved her hand, and walked away.

"Master, do you think he is bullying me like this?"

"Why didn't you kill him?"

Ning Tianlin stared at him with cold eyes From the back of old fogey, if he changed to the past, he would have taken the shot and explodes the opponent into waste, but at this moment, he chose to be patient. The large-scale serial task released by the battle strength system this time cannot fail without even completing the 1st Step.

Moreover, the punishment for failure is extremely severe.

However, the beautiful girl Bowen's voice still rang in his ears, indicating why she didn't do anything. She knew that this old fogey was not even a dog in front of her master.

Simply jump does not raise.

And she thinks she knows the master’s temperament, in the past, this time has already started.

It's just that she doesn't know that her master has the greatest secret in the universe, the battle strength system. What's more, the battle strength system has released large tasks at this moment.

For the mission, Ning Tianlin chose patience for the first time.

"There is always a chance."

"He can't live long."

Ning Tianlin said to Bo Wen faintly in the heart.

He is patient now, which does not mean he will endure after completing the task. As long as he enters the Jiumu Academy, he can let go and do something.

"Ning Tianlin, hello, I will be your teacher in the future."

"Formally introduce me, my name is Ping Ling'er."

beautiful and alluring The woman said with a slight smile to Ning Tianlin, while extending the hand, she wanted to shake hands with Ning Tianlin.


Ning Tianlin also smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Let's go, enter the Academy and talk about it."

After shaking hands and letting go, Ping Ling'er turned around and wanted to enter with Ning Tianlin. It's just a pity that the two students who were guarding the school gate just now turned out again and stood in front of a few people.

Sorry to Ping Ling'er, "Ping teacher, you need to complete various procedures first, he can enter only after he has the emblem of the hospital."

"And , This person is also forbidden to enter the Academy."

As he said, he turned his gaze on Bo Wen, which was self-evident.


Ping Ling'er expression turned cold, now is really a random student, don’t you put yourself in the eyes, your own words are useless ?

"Bottle teacher, this... This really cannot blame us. If it is normal, it is all right for you to speak, but now the entrance test is about to be done. Except for students, any No one is allowed to enter!"

"Don't embarrass us either."

"You know, if we violate the regulations, we will also be expelled from duty!"

How could these two students fail to see the anger in Jingling's eyes, but still brace oneself explained. No way, it's about to enter the freshman admission, the Academy is very strict.


After that, Ping Ling'er glared fiercely at the two students, coldly snorted, but only coldly snorted, waved his hand, and said to Ning Tianlin, " You are here waiting for me, and I will come as soon as I go."

She also knows that in this form, she can't blame the two students in front of her at all. And she is a teacher, and she also knows some secrets that the students don't know. Although the freshman assessment was relatively strict in the past, this time it was completely severe.

It is said that this freshman assessment is not simple and cannot tolerate any mistakes.

The director Jiumu also specifically talked to their teachers.


Everything has reached this step, Ning Tianlin can't say anything, nodded, watching her turn and leave. It's just that at this time, Meng Yifan on the side also turned out and said to Ning Tianlin, "I will go in too."

"You are recommended by me, and you must have some programs."

Speaking, I wanted to reach out and pat Ning Tianlin's shoulder, signalling him not to worry, but before he raised his hand, he forcibly put it down. Because he remembered that the other party was a powerhouse.

And it's a powerhouse better than him.

He is not qualified to do this yet!


Ning Tianlin nodded, watching the two leave.

Only a moment later, he also grabbed Zombie Bowen's hand and ran away. One minute later, when he appeared again, he was only single. Since Bo Wen is not allowed to enter, then merge.

It is a matter in the eyes of others, but for him, it is just a piece of cake.

In half an hour.

The silhouette of Ping Ling'er appeared at the door of the Academy again, and saw that Ning Tianlin was only one person, and Bo Wen was no longer by her side, so she asked, "Already arranged?"

With her, Bowen is not the thing. Since you can't enter, just wait outside.


Ning Tianlin nodded, at the same time, he took the hospital emblem that Ping Ling'er handed over and put it on himself. From this moment on, he is a student of Jiumu Academy.

"Unexpectedly, this hospital emblem is still a battle strength equipment."

What Ning Tianlin did not expect was that when the emblem was worn on her body, the Spiritual Qi was scattered. Nourish the body, and the battle strength has increased to a certain extent.

Although there are not many, it can even be described as pitiful, but it is also good equipment for ordinary students.




Following Ping Ling'er, I entered the Academy.

Just as they left, the voice behind them was endless.

"Who is this youngster?"

"How much is the battle strength?"

"Even recommended by Meng Yifan!"

Many of the students on the side know Meng Yifan. This kind of people are influential figures in school, and they are also the Elder level in the student union. They have never heard of him using recommended places to recommend others.

This time, I even gave such a youngster.


"It doesn't matter how much his battle strength is!"

"It's just that he is good at pet cultivation."

"These are all trails."

"With pets, how can it be compared with our real cultivation fleshy body battle strength! I haven't seen the grand competition of the Academy every time, so I didn't practice pets. What happened together!"

"I bet, this newcomer will soon know what is called there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there is Person beyond the Person!"

. . . . . .

Note: sorry, some kavin, coded for four or five hours, deleted and deleted, and these came out. Today is just such a chapter, let me think about the next plot. The original idea needs to be changed a lot.


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