"Swallow heaven and eat the earth!"

"That's it!"

Ning Tianlin hesitated for a moment and decided to say.

Because he has already figured out that in these other aspects and abilities, the battle strength that can ultimately be improved is limited. For example, strength and agility are all increasing at five, ten, and fifteen points.

Paralysis, thunder and lightning, and Formation, although sometimes they can play a surprising role, but ultimately the decisive factor is the explosive battle strength.

The battle strength that can be improved in the end is limitless. After all, a certain part of the body has been transformed into the universe, and how many creatures the universe can accommodate is a number that is totally unimaginable.

Stronger and weaker, Ning Tianlin still has a judgment.

Moreover, Ning Tianlin knows that all nine opportunities will be used in this swallowing heaven and eating the earth!

It's better to cut one finger to hurt his whole body. On the other hand, to fully blossom, it's better to be proficient! Do something to the extreme!

Since Wanzu centipede will evolve a total of nine times, Ning Tianlin will not have one strength, one agility, one swallowing heaven and earth! Instead, they are all placed on the top of the world!

In this way, it can also be the ultimate!

"Are you sure?"

"If you decide, you can't change it!"

"This choice is irreversible!"

battle The strength system asked again.

Although it also thinks that Ning Tianlin should do this, it will generally not interfere with Ning Tianlin's decision on major choices.


Ning Tianlin responded, and at the same time cruelly, "Consumption of 100 million points of essence, for the first evolution!"

Yes, another 100 million points of energy! Ning Tianlin is a little bit painful, he has accumulated nearly 280 million points of energy these days, almost all of them are obtained by plunder. Originally I was going to collect 300 million points, and a jump seemed to improve the battle strength.

But I don’t want to. In less than a day, 200 million were spent here.

Moreover, Ning Tianlin noticed that the second evolution of this million-foot centipede, the number of essence points consumed has reached one billion! The more you go, the more you need to consume!

By the ninth time, it is already an astronomical number!

"But compared with the harvest, these are worth it."

Ning Tianlin has no regrets, nor will he regret it. Essence points are used to improve battle strength. Nowadays, Wanzu centipede needs it even more!

Besides, Wanzu centipede's battle strength is his battle strength, what's the difference?


"Start the first ability plan!"

"First Layer!"

Just when Ning Tianlin made the final decision, the battle strength system sound continued to sound, and at the same time, while the body continued to be damaged, the centipede, which was constantly recovering, began to change drastically.

I saw the broken abdomen and stopped recovering, but was wrapped in a magical purple ability, slowly rotating, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and in a moment, a purple vortex was formed.




The surrounding Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi all started moving towards this purple vortex gathering . In less than ten minutes, the Spiritual Qi in the entire valley was swallowed thoroughly by Dragon Inhaling Water!

"Fortunately, the entire valley has been sealed up. If not, this change will no longer be hidden from anyone!"

Ning Tianlin is a little fortunate, although he is not afraid, but This huge change might not only attract the student teachers, but even the nine-eye dean will come. Now, from the outside, the entire valley is still as calm as a puddle of clear water, no different from the original.

"It's just that Spiritual Qi is gone, how can it absorb it?"

Ning Tianlin has seen and realized that this evolution of Wanzu centipede requires a lot of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to maintain, but in this valley, there is not much Spiritual Qi that can be absorbed.

Even the breathable air was pumped dry and quiet.

The 100 million points of essence just consumed, the battle strength system will not provide Spiritual Qi, it is only needed to select the evolution direction at a fixed point! It has nothing to do with Spiritual Qi!

"Do you still need to redeem Heaven and Earth Treasure by yourself?"

Ning Tianlin frowned. If this is the case, his existing more than 80 million points may not be enough This is definitely a huge project, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is needed, and it is decided to be a bottomless pit!


Just when Ning Tianlin was thinking about what he was going to do, he was shocked suddenly, because under the impetus of some kind of force, he was supposed to tear The thunder of heavenly punishment of the centipede body was absorbed by this vortex!

Engulfed by it!

These golden heavenly thunders were forcibly sucked into this purple vortex!

Ning Tianlin also noticed that when the golden heavenly punishment thunder entered the vortex, it was washed by the Disaster Crossing Pill, as if it was filtered, stable, and there is no air in it. So violent.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

golden thunder and lightning, pouring down like a torrential rain, Especially under the suction of purple vortex, it is swift and fast, and the billowing clouds mixed with golden thunder and lightning also begin to move towards purple vortex to gather.

"Whether it is the thunder of golden heavenly punishment or the cloud of chaos, it is the purest ancient source energy. The centipede absorbs them and is worthy of its innate talent."

At this time, the sound of the battle strength system sounded faintly in Ning Tianlin's ears, making him startled for a moment, and then a shivered, this golden heavenly thunder, as well as clouds, turned out to be source energy!

Ning Tianlin, the source, don’t have to guess, you all know that it refers to Universe Source!

Besides it, who else can afford the two words of origin!

"It is estimated that only then will I encounter this kind of source..."

Ning Tianlin is a bit speechless, wanting to see this kind of source energy It is estimated that this kind of grand occasion can only be seen when Wanzu centipede evolves. He knew that if this kind of energy escapes now, it will definitely cause a big change in Heaven and Earth!

Don't talk about Jiumu, the palace lord of Nanzhan, and even the lord of the galaxy, will come and snatch it!


As time goes by, this kind of absorption took nine days. After nine days, the clouds in the sky and the billowing gold thunder disappeared thoroughly. . At this time, Wanzu centipede's entire body has recovered.

Only Ning Tianlin noticed that inside its abdomen, it was no longer a fleshy body, nor was it the vortex just like that, but it was like a magnificent star.

This star does not have a specific size. At first glance, it seems to be the size of the abdomen, but when looking at it at the second glance, it seems to feel the endless Star River, frantically changing.

It's just hazy, without substance.

One Flower One World, one palm and one Buddha Country.

Ning Tianlin knows that today’s centipede is no longer a real thing, but like a real world.

It’s just that this world is still too small and unstable, not to mention the initial stage, it can only be regarded as an embryo at best.

But Ning Tianlin is already very content, because the embryo will germinate, take root, and after the second, third, etc. evolution, this place will become a universe. One party can extract the universe from the battle strength of the creatures inside!

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