
Nine by Nine Returns to One!

When the last golden thunder completely disappeared in the abdomen of Wanzu centipede, the magnificent world burst out with a dazzling light, and then disappeared in a flash. In Ning Tianlin's mind, the shout of the battle strength system sounded even more.

Obviously, all the indifferent battle strength systems have always been a little excited.


"It's over!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes are also full of excitement, because he knows that from now on , Wanzu centipede has taken a big step on the road to powerhouse. If it turns out that its battle strength has a fixed number, then it will represent infinite possibilities in the future.

"Twenty thousand pairs of barefoot!"

"This evolution has allowed Wanzu centipede's barefoot to grow to 20,000 pairs!"

Ning Tianlin breathes They are all a bit rush, because in the evolution at first, the barefoot of the centipede is only about 10,000 pairs, but now, it has reached 20,000 pairs!

Twenty thousand pairs!

Forty thousand!

That is a full 400,000 points of battle strength!

A few days of work, an increase of two or three hundred thousand!

Ning Tianlin is a little dazed, and even more unbelievable, because in this case, his own battle strength will also be advanced by leaps and bounds, again increasing by two to three million!

"What is impossible."

At this time, the battle strength system laughed, "Do you think it was suffering for nothing?"

"In this world, there is no suffering for nothing! The sin of suffering for nothing!"

"The skeleton tends to reorganize, do not increase the battle strength, it is sorry that it comes from chaos!"

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin once again remembered the birthplace of Wanzu centipede. Although I don't know how awesome it is, its original eggshell can cause the destruction of the universe, and it feels terrifying to think about it.

Furthermore, according to the meaning of the battle strength system, it is still the ancestor of that clan!

And that race, in the universe, is counted as Peak!

"I can't imagine what you will be like in the end."

Ning Tianlin laughed, and then shook the head, with a wry smile, "I only hope that in the end, I myself I can surpass you."

"If not, I feel sorry for you if I fit with you."

This step, Ning Tianlin knows how difficult it is to go, but it is not without confidence . If he is allowed to grow up by himself, it is impossible to kill him, but with the battle strength system and the existence of the exchange platform, everything is possible.

"Come back!"

After that, he faintly said to Wanzu centipede.


The body of the centipede of Wanzu disappeared in a flash, all submerged in the body of Ning Tianlin.


After a while, his right palm stretched out, and his entire palm slowly became purple in a burst of invisible energy, like a nebula changing, slowly rotating , Not something else, but the star just born from the abdomen of the centipede, mysterious.


Then, with a wave of his hand, he aimed the nebula-like palm at the mountain in front, and saw the purple star shoot out a brilliant light, the body in front , It swayed, and then burst suddenly, all moved towards his palm rushed over.

Ning Tianlin did not hide, because he knew that this rock could not hurt himself at all.

What's even stranger is that these mountains, in an instant, passed through the palm of Ning Tianlin, disappeared!

You must know that this mountain is nearly tens of meters, but Ning Tianlin's palm is only a dozen centimeters!

"Sure enough, I was sucked in!"

Ning Tianlin was a little moved, this rock, as expected, was swallowed by the stars in the palm !

My mind was immersed in it, and I was staying quietly in a nebula, like a meteorite.


It was a wave of his hand. An elephant that only exists with Earth was exchanged by him from the exchange platform, and then he directly reached out and wanted to take them Let it be absorbed!

Just now it was a rock, a dead thing, but now it is a living body!

Even Ning Tianlin wants to experience what the battle strength system says, it can extract one-billionth of their battle strength as an increase in their own battle strength.


What disappoints Ning Tianlin is that these elephants were sucked into the palm and survived for a while, but after a few minutes, they all died. Lose. Now, there is no air there, and it is simply not suitable for them to survive.

"The journey is far, slow and long, because I am a little impatient."

Ning Tianlin laughed and didn't care. This is the first evolution of Wanzu centipede, and I am a little impatient. One day, he will be able to do it.

"Now these are very satisfying."

Ning Tianlin smiled, preparing to remove the air restrictions. It is now stable, no different from the past in this valley.


The battle strength system said, "If I tell you that this centipede has another ability you don't know, what will you do?"

"oh?" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, "What other ability?"

"Equipment!" battle strength systematically said, "Now it has evolved once, and it still eats Heaven and Earth. Although it cannot be loaded with dead objects, it can be used as an equipment space!"

"In other words, it can now wear specific equipment to increase its battle strength!"


"Wearing equipment..." Ning Tianlin was taken aback, followed by excitement. The accidents brought to him today are really more and more, and they are all good.

Wanzu centipede, you can even wear equipment.

"In the exchange platform, you can exchange it for the most suitable equipment." The battle strength system said. He even directly presented the equipment that Wanzu centipede can wear today in the form of a light curtain.

Behind each piece of equipment, there are also the essence points that need to be consumed.

"Redeem all."

Seeing that more than five million points are needed in total, Ning Tianlin thought about it and exchanged them all. And these equipment, although not clothes and shoes, are forged based on the four attributes of strength, agility, spirit, and physique.

A total of 100,000 points of battle strength can be added.

It is half of its fleshy body battle strength.


"Exchange is successful!"

The battle strength system instantly said.


Then Ning Tianlin's heart flashed, and the Wanzu centipede was released again. It's just that these equipment are not worn on its body, but are all stored in the newly formed astral space.

"These are not creatures, so they won't be calculated by drawing one-billionth. They will only be given energy in the most appropriate way." The battle strength system explained.

"At this time, after I merge the centipede of the ten thousand feet, the battle strength increased by its equipment will also be counted in my body?"

Abruptly, a Single thought formed in Ning Tianlin's heart, making him even more excited. If this is also possible, doesn't it mean that he can wear two sets of equipment?

When the time comes, the battle strength added by this equipment alone is extremely terrifying!

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