
Just do it!

Ning Tianlin's thoughts flashed directly, and he chose to merge with Wanzu centipede. However, although the battle strength has increased a lot, it does not have the equipment just worn by Wanzu centipede.

These equipment did not merge into his body, but fell to the side. He waved it and installed it into his space ring.

"Just forget it."

"Some of my expectations are too much."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care much, now Wanzu The centipede's battle strength has greatly increased, which has already made him extremely satisfied. He has added two or three hundred thousand points of battle strength. In addition, he should be qualified to fight with the nine-eyed chief.

If there is a conflict between the two, he will not be afraid.

"In this way, in the future, let Wanzu centipede wear its own equipment and go hunting outside."

The true growth path of Wanzu centipede is to give it freedom and let it go. Hunting outside, growing by yourself, and being with yourself, some limits its development. After all, sometimes I have a lot of things to deal with, not killing all the way.

When it was in Earth, it had a period of time, hunting for life in the Amazon river and the sea outside.

At first, Ning Tianlin was a little worried about its safety in the galaxy. Now it seems that the 500,000 points of battle strength after wearing the equipment should be enough to run rampant in some places in Jiumu County.

"When things are done here, I will let you out."

Ning Tianlin smiled, he could feel the joy of hearing the centipede here. Also, killing is the true nature of Wanzu centipede, staying by your side all the time is somewhat limited.

"Okay, now, give me the space ring on you, and let me see what a teacher of your nine-eye Academy has."

Everything is over Ning Tianlin had the mind, and turned his attention to the bottle bell controlled by Puppet Insect. Now that she is dead, the space ring can be opened at any time.

Maybe there is something you need inside.

At the very least, you must turn them all into your own essence points.

. . . . . .

At the same time.

Nine Eyes Academy.

Beside a small stream.

In a slightly rudimentary wood house.

"Big news!"

"Big news!"

"Absolutely big news."

A slightly higher Fiery-red hair youngster, energetic and bustling broke into the apparently quiet wood house, loudly shouted.

At this moment, there are about three people in the house, all gathered together to talk and laugh, looking happy and happy.

These three people have nothing common with each other in appearance. They have high noses and deep eyes, ears as big as a fan, and some with arms over knees. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these three people, although They are all human beings, but they must come from different planets.

"What's the matter?"

"A surprise!"

Among the three in the room, the ears are as big as a fan, so I drank dissatisfiedly There was a cry, but his expression was not impatient. A few people are roommates, there is nothing wrong with this attitude.

"What big news?"

"See what excites you?"

The high nose and deep purpose on the side also said with a smile.


"What's the big news."

The last man with arms over knees was also curious, but his expression was plain, like It's like asking frequently. A few days ago, a major event happened in his home, his parents clansman were all killed, and even the planet in charge was taken away. How could he be happy.

"Do you know that the teacher who just domesticated the pet lineage, Pingjinger and old fogey Weibing, quarreled at the gate of the Academy! They even almost moved their hands!"

The red-haired youngster who rushed in, explained excitedly.


"You are too make a fuss about nothing."

With a high nose and deep purpose, he waved his hand with an indifferent attitude , "What's so strange about teacher scolding, I don't think it's okay even when I fight it with my hands." At the same time, in order to show his erudition and talent, he explained, "It is people who have interests. It is normal for such things to happen."

"Besides, the two of them are notoriously bad at the Academy. What's so strange."

After speaking, leaning on the wooden chair, I feel that the other party is really making a fuss about nothing.


"Make a fuss about nothing!"

The other two also despise it.

"Hey, do you know why they quarreled?"

"It doesn't matter if they are quarreling in private, this is at the door of the Academy! And in front of so many students! "

This youngster with red hair seems to know that the three of them in the room would say that. Not only was he not angry, but he raised his brows and asked triumphantly.


The three people in the room were taken aback. Yes, there is always a reason for the quarrel, and they all aroused interest.

"They quarreled because of a student!"

"A recommended student!"

"They all want to recruit the recommended young man for themselves Student!"

The red-haired youngster did not continue to lose his appetite, and explained.


"Students recommended?"

Sure enough, the three of you listened to the spirit startled, and even the attention was involuntarily concentrated .

Students who can be recommended are not ordinary!

Generally, they are strong in battle strength, or youngsters who are extremely good in a certain field.

"Is this recommended as a pet lineage?"

The youngster with his arms crossed the knees, asked the youngster who was very worried. Since the two teachers, Ping Ling'er and Zhu Bing, rob the students, obviously this student should be more prominent in pet domestication.

In other words, he has a powerful pet in his hands.


The youngster nodded with red hair. I was about to continue speaking, but I heard a "cut" with a high nose and a deep purpose, waved his hand, "Stop!"

"Pet lineage, I'm not interested in knowing it."

"I don't want to listen anymore."

After finishing speaking, the carousel chair showed an expression of ignorance.



"I don't want to listen anymore!"

"No matter how genius is , It’s rubbish too! Can’t get on the countertop!"

The ears as big as a fan also shook the head, not interested.


The youngster with red hair was taken aback, followed by a smile. Of course he knew what was going on. The pet domestication lineage relied on external forces to drive ominous beasts. In combat, one does not necessarily have much battle strength.

Everything is on the pet!

These people, no matter how powerful they are, they don't take it seriously.

If you don’t cultivation yourself, don’t improve your battle strength, simply is not the right way!

This is also the accepted truth of the Nine Eyes Academy!

I haven't seen the Martial Dao competition once every ten years. There is simply no shadow of them! Among the top ten core students, none of them, that is, none of the top 100!

This pet domestication lineage is already on the wrong track!

No matter how good it is, it is no use!


"I knew you guys would think so."

The youngster with red hair laughed and continued, "But you know, this Student, who recommended these teachers of pet lineage?"

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