
"I think so."

The person on the side echoed. But there is still some worry in my eyes, "It's just that since I was recommended, I must know the person who recommended. If the two are close, is it appropriate for us to do this?"

"Is it offending to recommend him? People?"

"Boss, as you know, we can't afford to offend such people."

People who are qualified to recommend are all from the Academy. Big guys, students, all have battle strength, ranking in the top ten!

This kind of person is amazing to get angry. You can find a reason and you can be submissive.

"What kind of frustrating thing to say."

Gougir waved his hand, not caring, "What is this!"

"What is the core student like? Existence, I will worry about this kind of thing. We just let him invite him to eat a meal and spend some money, not his life! Besides, it is normal for this old student to bully the new student."

"Even if he is a core student, he must know."

"It won't be so much."

As he said, Gougir is also doing everything in the heart. This kind of speculation, "Besides, the relationship between these two people may not be as good. As you know, every recommended place is actually bought by a lot of people at a big price."

" These people have nothing to do with themselves."

"I guess, it must be the freshman Ning Tianlin, who bought a recommended place from the core students for a big price, and his own strength is not good. If not, , Won’t come to our pet lineage."

"This kind of spending money to buy qualifications is gone."

"And, the relationship between the two is really good, then this Freshman Ning Tianlin should have been prepared long ago, and definitely won't go to Fuchun Tower, just change the place."

"Since Su Qi has set the place in Fuchun Tower, she is not afraid, we are still afraid. What!"

Speaking, waved his hand, "Tell the people here, if you go to eat, let go of it."

"Fuchun Building is a place like this. You can’t go in a day or two. You have to seize the opportunity."

The price of Fuchun Building is expensive, but these people have never worried that new students can’t afford to pay, because if they can’t afford it If so, Fuchun Tower will be deducted from your Academy account every month!

As long as you are still at the Jiumu Academy, he will deduct it until it is paid off.

Unfortunately for one day and one year, one year is not enough for ten years!

There is always a day to pay off!



The thin man was nodded, and at the same time he sipped to the ground on the side and said loudly, "Su Qi She is not afraid, we are still worried about the fart!"

At the same time.

The other group of Shinobi is doing the same thing and guessing.

In the end, it was a damn thing. In the evening, must give this new student Ning Tianlin a big meeting ceremony, let him know what is called first come first, what is the difference between young and old!

"Fuchun Tower?"

"Seven o'clock in the evening."

When receiving the address sent by Su Qi, Ning Tianlin hehe smiled, not Caring, didn't think so much, isn't it just a place to eat. Besides, is there anything he can't afford to eat in this nine-eye Academy?

. . . . . .

At the beginning of Hua Deng.

Although it is just nightfall, the entire 9-Layer-high Fuchun Building has been covered with a gorgeous veil, decorated with lights, sparkling and clear, mixed with soft and charming music, so that people around here , As in the illusion.

Especially at the moment on the left side of the third floor, there are already many people sitting.

A table has eight people, a total of seven.

Take a closer look, except for someone in one position, but I did a lot of work.

It’s not someone else, it’s just Ning Tianlin’s pet lineage that I’m going to eat tonight.

If Ning Tianlin is there, he will be curious, isn't there a total of fifty-three pet bottle bells lineage? At this moment, he was sitting fifty-five, two more.

"Hey, isn't this pet lineage?"

"Why, is it going to kill a new student again?"

This position is not in the private room , But the lobby, so people coming, people going, not long, many people saw it, and as an old student, they knew what was going on at a glance.

In this posture, what else can you do if you don’t slaughter the new students!

The pet lineage's are all poor ghosts. Normally, who can afford to eat here!

It's easy to tell that they are pet lineage. It is the emblem on their chest, which has a logo on it to make their identity and logo clear.

At this moment, a tall man, with his arms around two women on the left and right, just walked up the stairs, he saw such a taunted scene.

The two women, glamorous on the left and pure on the right, were hugged by the tall man at the same time, without the slightest shame.

Don't talk about the universe, the entire Jiumu County, that is, the entire Milky Way, the powerhouse is respected, the opposite sex around the powerhouse, there are too many of them, there is no monogamy at all.

As long as you can afford it and have the ability, you can have as many women as you like.

Nine Eyes Academy, the same is true.

It is normal for a man to have several women by his side.

"Boss, Chen Yiming, ranked 99th in the elite list!"

The pet lineage students present here all bow their heads with ugly faces. They are Gou Jier, The same is true for Shinobi. Don't talk about looking at each other's eyes, just don't even dare to look up.

Chen Yiming, they know each other.

Although not a core student in the Academy, it is also one of the influential figures. Martial Dao lineage. Ranked 99th in the elite student list.

Although it doesn't sound high, it's a very remarkable thing to be ranked in the top 100 among more than three million students.

This kind of people, almost all students will remember their looks to prevent conflicts with them sometimes.

At this moment, people like Gougir, although they know that the other party is humiliating themselves, they dare not even lift their heads.

In front of such a person, humiliation is humiliated, what else can he do?

A fight?

Unless he wants to die!

Besides, if you are humiliated, you will be humiliated.


Chen Yiming took a sip when he saw the bear shape, then haha ​​smiled, ignored it, and continued to walk forward.

His position is in the box, not this hall!

In his mind, all pet lineage is scum, and he doesn't care about it at all.

"Boss, let's go."

When Chen Yiming disappeared, someone said to Goujier.

At the same time, they also saw many people, showing their disdain at these tables.

No way, their pet lineage has never been a good character. Although it is not the lowest in the Academy, it is true that they often can't raise their heads.

Although everyone knows the practice of slaughtering new students, and it is commonplace, it is not a glorious thing after all. At this moment, being humiliated in public is a bit annoying.

"Su Qi, what's the matter?"

"Will Ning Tianlin come or not!"

"Isn't it seven o'clock!"


"It's 6:50 now!"

Don't lose your temper at Chen Yiming, Goujier directly coldly shouted at Su Qi.

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