
"Why not come yet!"

"What does he mean!"

When Gougir spoke as the boss, many people immediately followed the clamor.

"Su Qi world, he won’t stop coming."

At this time, another person greeted him, but although he called Sister Su Qi in his mouth, there was no The slightest respect, "Sister Su Qi, this banquet, but you told everyone to organize it."

"When the time comes, the Lord has not come, this meal, you have to start it!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hands on the chair, and he was stunned, and didn't put Su Qi in his eyes at all.


As soon as this person finished speaking, there was a woman next to Su Qi. She patted the table and stood up, loudly said, "Ninja ghost , What do you mean!"

"Sister Su Qi kindly asked you to come over for dinner, and she gave her face shameless, right?"

And Shinobu simply didn’t care, she seemed to expect it This result has already been there. A man who has become a man also stood up, pointed at the woman just now and cursed, "Huahua, your boss didn't say anything, you are the oldest!"

"Is there any place for you to intervene!"

"What do you mean by being so anxious? Is it true that my boss is right, this Ning Tianlin, really does not come?"

If Ning Tianlin is here, I will definitely find it very funny, how is this a classmate gathering, is it completely like a gathering of triad bosses? One refuses to accept the other.


"pipe down!"

At this time, the silent Su Qi waved his hand, stood up, and scanned for a week. Coldly shouted, "What's the hurry!"

"Isn't it only 6:50, it's not 7 o'clock yet!"

"You think that everyone else is like you, and you want to have a meal , I remember to die and live, come here early to take a seat?"

Say, take a deep breath, "Don’t worry, if he doesn’t arrive at seven, let’s order, it’s all mine. !" It’s not that Su Qi can’t afford to pay for the meal, but when she said this, she still shivered in her heart. He could afford it, but after she paid the bill, it was estimated that five Have to eat soil for six months!

The food here is delicious, but it's really too expensive!

"Sister Su Qi!"

The woman next to Su Qi and the one standing on Su Qi's side are all in a hurry. I am afraid that Sister Su Qi will really have to pay, this is not a small number.

"It's okay."

Su Qi waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing wrong, and pretended to be extremely calm, but at this moment, he was overwhelmed and extremely nervous.

Ning Tianlin, you are here!

This is less than six minutes!

She has never seen her before and invites others to dinner, and she still hasn't shown her face.

She originally wanted to use this meal to let Ning Tianlin teach these same sects, or let Ning Tianlin eat her own food, but now the other party hasn't shown up, don't let her a dead loss.

Dig a hole and bury yourself!

This meal will cost a lot!

"Sister Su Qi is proud!"

"With your words, we will feel at ease!"

People around are laughing heartily, this time With Su Qi's promise, what else are they worried about? Don't say wait another five or six minutes, it is fifty-sixty minutes, and they will wait forever.

Some of the meals at Fuchunlou are more than expensive.

Some of them are attribute dishes. If you eat them, you can increase their attributes.

This is the big head!

"Sister Su Qi, or, I will urge you in the past?"

"Tie him too!"

Look at the people on the side If he didn't go down, he whispered in Su Qi's ear.

"No need."

"Sit quietly with you!"

Su Qi denied.

She sent a location message to the other party, and at the same time signaled to pick him up in the past, but was rejected by Ning Tianlin, and said that she is busy now and will definitely be there later.

If Ning Tianlin is forcibly invited at this time, I am afraid it will be counterproductive.

He is the Senior Brother in the mouth of Jinglinger. The bottle teacher will never deceive people in this respect.

What she is curious about, Su Qi, is that this Ning Tianlin is their Senior Brother, is that the Gorge, the Senior Brother who endures the crowd!

"Here is coming!"

"Sister Su Qi, he is coming!"

Just when Su Qi just finished speaking, Huahua is a joy, staring at the door, there is nothing wrong, then Ning Tianlin is here.


But she didn't even notice that when she heard this, Su Qi, she took a long breath in the heart, as if in her heart A big rock fell down. She also didn't want to pay for it herself.

This is a lot of money after all!

you lose something rather than I lose everything, which best describes her current mood.


Stand up directly, then turn around, face moved towards the direction of Ning Tianlin, loudly said with a smile, "Here, here!"

Speaking and pointing to the seat next to him.

There are fifty-six people at the seven tables, and only her left has a place.



Gou Jier, a group of Ning Dagui, also set their sights on Ning Tianlin, look When he was extremely young and definitely not as old as them, he was relieved.

At this time, although age does not represent battle strength, it is generally the older the age, the stronger the battle strength.

It’s just that they didn’t sit up. Instead, they sat on the chairs carefree and didn’t move towards Ning Tianlin. After seeing Ning Tianlin sitting down, one of them even said, "Waitress, click Food a la carte!"

This Fuchun Building is different from some hotels in Earth. At the very least, it does not prepare meals in advance, but order them on-the-spot, only when they are open for food. Will give you a menu.

If not, prepare the meals in advance, and the guests are not satisfied that the taste is wrong, or the meals are cold. They charge such a high price, and they would be sorry for the price.


And Ning Tianlin could not help but browse slightly wrinkle when he saw the other party's behavior.

These people don't pay attention to themselves at all.

I will not even ask myself if I even ask about an introduction. Obviously, I don’t want to be myself at all, I just eat!

"It seems that this meal is not simple."

Ning Tianlin was sneaked in his heart. He has always been if people respect me one time. I respect others. Now, If you don't give yourself a face, you don't have to give him a face.

"Right right!"

"Order food, order food!"

"I almost starved to death!"

At this time Someone agreed, while muttering, "I invite others to dinner, and I have come so late, is this what a new student should be!"

"It's really a shame!"

Although he didn't look at Ning Tianlin's eyes and the voice was not loud, how could Ning Tianlin not know that the other party was talking about himself, and his heart was cold at the moment, and he confirmed that this pet lineage was far from thinking about his own harmony!

At the very least, it is even more unbearable than the impression of these students in Ping Ling'er's mind!

But think about it, these people are the same in front of the teacher, and they are the same in private.

"Leave them alone, I will introduce you to these same sects."

Su Qi on the side looked at Ning Tianlin's reaction for a while, but he didn't even look at it at all. What happened, my heart was shocked, and I couldn't help but interrupt the way.

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