"This is An Jifan."

"This is Miaohuahua."

"This is Chang Jisikong."

Su Qi stood up and pointed to a table of eight people introduced. Several people at the table they were at had already been introduced when Ping Ling'er was in the valley. This time, Su Qi introduced to Ning Tianlin, who hadn't been there last time.



Some people, with Su Qi's voice, are faintly nodded, and some just ignore it. , Looking at the menu in hand, each minding their own business looking for food, even talking and laughing with the people next to him, simply did not look at Ning Tianlin.

Especially when Gorgil was introduced to this table, the other party ignored it, and a thin man beside Gorgil waved his hand, coldly snorted, "Okay!"

"What to introduce!"

"I'm late, so hurry up and serve!"

"If it's not for the face of the food, who will come back!"


Simply ignored Ning Tianlin's meaning, and didn't give him face at all.

And Su Qi deliberately glanced at Ning Tianlin in embarrassment, seeing that he had no reaction, no smile, and no cold face, not knowing what he was thinking, so he ignored this person and continued to introduce.

Such scenes happened twice again.

3 minutes later, Su Qi's voice stopped, and at the same time he said, "There are fifty or three in the class, all of them are here."


Ning Tianlin nodded, motioned to know.

And just when everyone thought he was seated and ready to order and serve, Ning Tianlin asked in confusion, "Isn't it fifty-three?"

"Why sit now Fifty-five people?"

Ning Tianlin already knew everything from the battle strength system and asked deliberately.

"A table with eight people, a total of seven, plus I can count as full, what's the matter?"

"Where did those two come out? "

Ning Tianlin asked Su Qi with a puzzled face.

And Su Qi directly turned his gaze on the woman next to Gorgil, and at the same time glanced at the woman next to the Ninja Ghost, without saying a word.

Although she knew what was going on, she didn't expect that Ning Tianlin actually asked it in person. Yes, both Gougir and Shinobu brought their girlfriends over.

It was rare for them to have a good meal at a restaurant like Fuchunlou in the past.

"Ning Tianlin, what are you doing so clean!"

"Sister-in-law can come to have a meal, to give you face."

"don't refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"

At this time, a person beside Gorgil stood up, walked to Ning Tianlin's, patted his shoulder and attached it to his ear Coldly said, "Have you seen Jinhuan, who was introduced by Su Qi just now, is our boss's girlfriend."

"She can come to eat a meal, it will show you a face! don't be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer!"

"You are a freshman, and you don’t know many rules yet."

"At this Academy, talk less. Do more, if not, I don't know how to die."

After speaking, he gave Ning Tianlin a cold stare. Seeing that there was no response from the other party, I thought that I was frightened and stupefied by myself. With a sound of hehe, he twisted his waist, stepped forward, and went back to his seat.

"Ning Tianlin, take it easy."

At this time, Ning Tianlin came to Ning Tianlin's place and called by his name, "It's just a meal." , Why should it be so serious, it’s just to give you face if you can come, if not, no one will come to the treats, you say how bleak!"

"Don’t finish eating, in the end nothing is left, no one remembers yet Hello!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand, touched Ning Tianlin's head, and left unrestrainedly.

And Ning Tianlin hasn't moved from beginning to end, and his complexion hasn't changed. It's fake if he doesn't get angry, so he dares to fiddle with his head at will! Except for parents, family and friends, those who dare to do this are not born yet!

But he got angry, he didn't do anything, but hehe sneered in his heart, and sentenced to death for the two who were talking in his ear just now.

What about classmates?

The current practice is different from those hooligans in Earth!

He Ning Tianlin thought that what he entered was not a school, but a black club!

Almost everyone in the class is watching Ning Tianlin's reaction, that is, Gougir and Ninja Ghost who did not look up and only looked at the menu, but also the spirits gathered, watching his reaction.

Only when I saw that Ning Tianlin didn’t say anything, but after pulling a chair and sitting down, he was completely relaxed in his heart, and many people even muttered, "Look at this I thought I was going to do it."

"It turned out to be a bastard too!"

After speaking, there was a laughed heartily, for fear that others would not hear what they were talking about. Like.

The reason why they are so to Ning Tianlin that they want to eat for nothing, bullying the new students is one aspect, and there is another reason, in their eyes, Ning Tianlin joined Su Qi's group as soon as they came.

If you don't bully him, who else can you bully!

When they first came, Su Qi gave them a message. Isn’t there any other explanation for Su Qi?

To draw his face is to draw the faces of everyone on Su Qi's side!

And at this time, I can see that this Ning Tianlin does not have any characteristics. If otherwise, Su Qi has not argued for him until now. Obviously, he has not put him in the eyes and let them Keep beating!

While Su Qi looked at Ning Tianlin's reaction, his eyes couldn't help showing disappointment. They thought that Ning Tianlin would be angry, at least a few words and curses should be done.

But it turned out to be so silent, and I was forcibly accepted.

Fortunately, the teacher at Pinglinger called him Senior Brother, thinking how powerful the battle strength is, now it seems that it is a waste of money, nothing! In exchange for them, being so insulted by others, they have already lifted the table to do it!

Although this has happened, it has not happened!

It turned out that there was a bloody new born, so I couldn't bear to be so bullied, so I went straight to it!

The results are available. . . . . .

It is also these old students who teach the new students how to behave every minute, and in the end, they have to pay for the food!

Sometimes battle strength really depends on age.

It’s just how they know that the Ning Tianlin in front of them, the last thing they want to do in this life is to force them with others, because with him, hands-on is more direct than pressing and can solve problems better.

I don't do it now, but the time is not there yet.

It's all killed, who will pay the bill?

"Steamed Dragon Oil."

"Linghu Secret Heart."

"Ling Zong Cangyan."

"Bi Fire Sky Spider."

Amidst the noisy noise, Gogil’s voice sounded, and every time a dish was ordered, there was echoed by the person on the side, "This is good, this is good, this Jade Fire Dzi Bead, But with the blue fire floating outside the starry sky, the naturally agile sky spider is roasted."

"After seventy-nine procedures, the sky spider’s skull was taken off when it came out, and all the contents inside were removed. Everything is fragrant."

"Not only does it have the original flavor, but within ten days after eating it, it can add 30 agility attributes!"

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