"This is also the secret heart of Linghu, but the heart of Tianxiang Linghu, after being processed by the chef of Fuchunlou, one bite can increase the spirit strength by 40 points. !"

Many lives are afraid that others don't know what Gogil ordered. Every time the other party orders a dish, they move towards the people around and explain.

Their bosses are all high-quality goods, a worthwhile trip!

This trip is definitely worthwhile!


"Just now I dared to ask that I brought my girlfriend here, this time I didn’t eat to make you vomit blood, I wrote the three words of Gougir upside down!"

Gou Jier's heart is coldly snorted. Just now, when Ning Tianlin asked why there were two more people, he really wanted to draw his big mouth on Ning Tianlin's face. I still need to ask?

I brought a woman here, what's wrong!

Not satisfied?

You can eat it now!

Originally, you can pay off the Fuchun Building bill in three to five years. Now, ten years have started!

Speaking, I ordered eight very expensive meals in a row.

Almost every dish is a dish that can increase fleshy body fleshy body attribute.

"The boss is really ruthless, this meal, it is estimated that there are 50,000 Galaxy coins in total."

One person whispered to the side, "I see this Ning Tianlin, I'm going to sell my body!"

"The body that sells farts!" The man on the side sneered, "I think it is to sell the kidney! It is impossible to sell the kidney for so much money!"

"This is not necessarily true." The person continued, "His family can buy recommendation qualifications from the core students. Maybe this kid is also rich. Maybe this is true."

On the one hand. While speaking, he watched Ning Tianlin's reaction.

"Are the dishes ready?"

"The standards for each table are like this?"

When Gogil finished speaking, the waiter on the side bowed Body way.

You can’t do it if you don’t bend yourself, this table of food alone is worth nine thousand galaxy coins, and at seven tables, it will cost more than 60,000 galaxy coins. This is not a small sum, generally you can eat two. Thirty thousand is very good.

Moreover, these sixty thousand miles are also drawn by him. One thousandth, more than sixty Galaxy coins are indispensable!

Adding today's salary, it should be almost 100 galaxy coins!

"What's on here?"

"Haven’t you seen my boss, haven’t you ordered it yet?"

Gougier didn’t reply, but from another table The person next to the Shinobi was just yelling. At the same time laughed to Ninja ghost, "Boss, you said, I also order a few coquettish ones."

"Brothers are good for several decades. I have not eaten meat in several decades. This time, I must have a good mouthful."

Pet lineage, they haven’t entered a new life for many years. They can’t bear to spend money to enter this kind of occasion. If they don’t eat a good one this time, I’m sorry they are fading out of the bird's belly!

"Don't worry."

Nodded, pointing to the menu, "Tianhe Baosheng."

"Qianshan True Spirit."


"Xuanyun smallpox."

Forcing me to talk, I ordered eighteen dishes at once, regardless of everyone The mouth was stunned. If this goes on, plus the 14 Dao just now, there will be a total of 32 Dao.

If there is no 20,000 Galaxy coins per table, it will definitely not come down!

Seven tables, that's 140,000!

140,000 Galaxy Coins, if you don’t have enough money, you may not be able to earn it for ten or twenty years! If it is from the little planet, I am afraid it will be in a hundred years!


Really cruel!

But I like it.

Anyway, it's eating someone else's food, not eating your own, I don't feel bad about it!

"This...is it over?"

"Every table is the standard?"

The waiter swallowed his throat, Some asked incredulously. Although in this Fuchun Tower, there are hundreds of thousands of meals per meal, even two to three million, and millions of them. He has also seen them, but there are few new ones!

Now this situation can be seen by fools, it is this pet lineage who wants to kill new people!

After so much money, this new born will have to peel off the skin without dying!

He has seen Zai Xinsheng, but he has never seen Zai so cruel!

"This pet lineage is really cruel. It hasn't been fishy in several decades. This time I have to peel this new student!"

The waiter wrinkled in his heart, but he didn't Say more.

If someone orders a meal, he can tell the food, otherwise it will cause a commotion. Besides, there is still a one-thousandth of the commission available.

"It's over?"

"Who told you it's over?"

It's just coldly snorted, focusing on Su Qi, "Sister Su Qi, how is it?"

"You can also order some?"

"Don't let us order, it's all enough for us big masters."

"You little bit too, you are welcome."

Staring at Su Qi's eyes, he didn't care about Ning Tianlin's attitude at all.

"No need."

"This is enough."

Su Qi waved her hand and did not continue. Although she wanted to order a few dishes, After all, there are really two things in these menus that she hasn't eaten before, but after thinking about it, she can't help it.

Senior Brother!

The words Senior Brother are not for nothing!

When I think of Ping Ling'er teacher asking this Ning Tianlin to be the Senior Brother, there is a lump in her heart.

If the opponent's battle strength is so high, I am afraid she will feel better in the future!

Furthermore, she gathered all her classmates over and the ultimate goal of hosting this banquet was to make Gougir and Ning Tianlin fall out, and even mobilized to fight, and let them suffer.

By the way, eat some food!

Although part of the goal has been achieved now, but the result is not clear, she still chooses to forbear.


Hearing Su Qi’s words, both Goujier and Ninja ghost were taken aback. This is not Su Qi’s style. Although the gender is different, the other party just A woman, but they never treated Su Qi as a weak woman.

Sometimes shots are more ruthless than they are.

At this time, instead of continuing the slaughter, it stopped?

Is there any reason they don’t know?

But it was only a moment, they thought about it and they were relieved. Now they have ordered so many, a table of more than 20,000, a total of more than 100,000, which is indeed enough, compared to the few slaughtered earlier A lot more.

"Okay, that's it."

"Let's serve it."

Su Qi said directly to the waiter on the side.

She has been paying attention to Ning Tianlin's reaction all the time, but at this moment, there is no emotional fluctuation on the other party's face, but she has no words on her face, and she hasn't even looked at the price on the menu. , But anger is for sure.

She will be angry too!

It’s just that whether this anger will be expressed is two different things!


"Please wait."

The waiter bowed, preparing to exit.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, Ning Tianlin next to him suddenly waved his hand and stopped the waiter from leaving.

"hmph hum."

"Don’t hold on, it’s too much, it’s too late!"

"Fuchun Tower has a rule, As long as you order food, you can't get a refund!"

Many people say with a sneer. I think Ning Tianlin will cancel some dishes, after all, these dishes are too many.

It's just Ning Tianlin who took the words, but they all fell their jaws, "This dish is still a little too little, not enough to eat, I will order a few more."

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