"gu lu!"

Even Su Qi, who has always been very good at plotting against, now looks at Ning Tianlin like a fantasy story and swallows involuntarily Spit, but what Ning Tianlin said is true or false.

Ning Tianlin is really crazy.

You have to know what the concept of these tens of millions of Galaxy coins is, that is, the richest student in Jiumu County, dare you to say that you can come up with such money!

Moreover, it can be taken out, which is also taken out for major events, not for treats as it is now!

With tens of millions of Galaxy coins, you can buy a few planets with good resources in Jiumu County!


"Do I seem to be telling lies?"

After one minute, Ning Tianlin saw him The waiter hasn't gone down to operate, can't help but frowned, staring at the waiter, coldly asked, "What I said, it doesn't count?" 'S frown, moved towards hiding the sky and covering the earth. The waiter gathered in front of him and shivered involuntarily.

Go back a few steps.

It's like being in a sea of ​​blood in a corpse mountain.

But despite this, the other party endured the fear in his heart and shivered and replied, "If you really want to, although there is no habit of paying first and then eating, in order to guard against the unexpected, you must first Let me check the balance in your card."

"If the balance is enough, we will serve you dishes!"

It depends on the balance!

This is the biggest insult to guests when eating at every restaurant! As if I can't afford your food!

But at this time, no one thinks that checking the balance is superfluous, it is an insult to personality, but that it should be. A bottle of 500,000, fifty-six people, 28 million!

Including other meals and the like, it has exceeded 29 million, and even reached 30 million!

30 million Galaxy coins, not a small amount!

What if you can’t afford to eat and drink?

Kill you? It’s not enough to sell it for 30 million!

It means to imprison you for permanent work here, and you may not be able to pay it back when you die!

The waiter does this now, which is the most appropriate way. After all, it’s just looking at the balance, not paying immediately.

But he also hopes in the heart that what this youngster said is true, a big tyrant, a real rich man, and not a country bumpkin who pretends to be stupid. Thousands of thousands.

If this is the case, this business is completed, and his mention is a terrifying number!

Working in a restaurant is no better than other things like buying clothes, selling houses, and selling cars. When he sets up a table, he gets a one-thousandth commission, which is almost pitiful. Sometimes a table is less than one thousand yuan, and he can't even pick up one yuan.

And if this business is completed, he estimates that he will not be short of money in a few years.

One thousandth of thirty million, but thirty thousand!

This money is enough for him to work here for three years!

"Yes, take the money out. Look at the money!"

"Look if he has money in his card!"

At this time, many people have already I didn’t realize that I was going to eat and drink for nothing, but was shocked by Ning Tianlin’s imposing manner at the moment. It was not appropriate to say that it was an imposing manner, because Ning Tianlin did not release all his energy, but Introverted person is more ordinary person than ordinary person.

This imposing manner is completely the imposing manner of the local tyrants, and the imposing manner of the rich.

Tens of millions are like floating clouds, not in my eyes!

At this time, these classmates are poor. They don't believe that their peers, their classmates, a freshman, can get so much money! If there are really thirty million, then their impudent order just now is not a humiliation, but a complete joke!

People who can even get 30 million will care about your two or three hundred thousand?

Therefore, they suffocated in their hearts, hoping that Ning Tianlin would be embarrassed and impossible to take out the money. Anyway, the food has been ordered, and it is impossible to return it. You have to pay for the two or three hundred thousand meals anyway!

They must eat it!

"Sister Su Qi, looking at him like this, won’t you really be able to take it out?"

The flower next to Su Qi asked in a low voice, lying in her ear .

"I don't know."

Su Qi shook the head. She originally wanted to say, "That's impossible. How could someone get so much money, just can, How come to their pet lineage."

The Young Master in this wealthy family, who only eats medicine pill, doesn’t know how much battle strength will be achieved, so he still needs to cultivation with them?

Just when I saw Ning Tianlin’s confident eyes and still not bent down at all, the words came to my mouth, but it turned into "I don’t know."

" Yes!"

"Look at the balance!"

"Hurry up!"

"Don't ink!"

The classmate urged It seems that Ning Tianlin is not their same sect, but a destined enemy.

"Sir, if you can't let me check the balance, I really can't give you drinks." The waiter was a little embarrassed. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Only I know."

"Okay." Ning Tianlin nodded, "This is what it should be. . "Speaking, handed over a card and gave it to the waiter.

At the same time, I scanned the same sect around him and sneered in his heart. He agreed to check the balance, but he never said that he had to pay! The balance is the balance, and it is two concepts to pay the bill!


"Really handed the card up?"

"Is there really so much money?"

Almost all the classmates couldn't believe their eyes. Ning Tianlin actually passed the card to the waiter. Could it be that there is so much money?

"Boss, if we really have so much money, we might be in trouble..." A little brother frowned next to Gorgil, "This kind of person is absolutely terrifying."

"Thirty million is enough to buy the life of a five-star powerhouse!"

"Go away!" Gogil was furious, but frowned deeply, "You I don’t know if I’m talking about this, I’ve gone to the ball earlier!"

He is not a fool, so how can he not know the truth? The power of the family behind it will be so huge, it is estimated that there will be countless people who have worked for him if they talk about it.

"Thank you."

The waiter respectfully took the card and put it on the machine that was already prepared, but when he scanned the balance above, he suddenly The body is trembling. Because he can't count how many zeros there are.

Densely packed, the whole machine is fully occupied!

The machine can load eleven digits. Obviously, the balance in this card is over 100 million!

And it's still billions!

The bottom line!


"Who is this youngster in the end!"

I am all excited because all of this is true. If this order is really successful If so, his service commission is almost equal to his three-year salary!

"Have you finished reading it?"

"After reading it, return the card to me."

Ning Tianlin looked at the waiter indifferently said.

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