"Look..... Finished reading."

The bank card in his hand was slowly handed over to Ning Tianlin. He really couldn't imagine that a person's card could have so much money!

"Then now, can I serve it?"

Ning Tianlin asked with a smile.

His card, of course, will not have so many Galaxy Coins. It is not that he can’t afford it, but it is completely unnecessary. His essence points can be converted into Galaxy Coins at any time, even if billions , Also consumes a lot.

Anyway, this time, it is impossible for him to pay the bill.

In the end, he has a way to get these people scrambling to get the money.

Just now, he just used mental fantasy when the waiter was observing the money, so that what the other party saw was only an illusion.



"I will order now."

The waiter hastened nodded, leave quickly.

And this scene was clearly seen by Ning Tianlin's "classmates", all with their mouths open, unbelievable.

"Old...Boss, he really has so much money, thirty million, thirty million!" The people next to Gorgier were shaking a little, this kind of huge amount of money Qiancai, he had only imagined before, never thought that he could see it with his own eyes.

Although they belong to others!


"Can't I see it!"

Gogil was silent for a long time before coldly shouted. It's just that your mind is shaking, and you quickly think about how to deal with the next situation.

The person who can pay so much money is by no means an ordinary person. Even if he is ordinary, there is also a Great Influence behind him!

How can this kind of person be offended!

But as soon as he came up, he offended the other party, and it was so thorough, all kinds of irony and disdain, trying to restore the impression of oneself in the other party's heart, it is almost impossible.

"Good Su Qi!"

"It's you who hurt me!"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he shot his gaze to the side Su Qi. This Su Qi design must have harmed him! Holding the banquet so diligently and informing yourself that you must have known that the other party has a big backing, but let yourself be the first bird, blackmailing each other like other freshmen!

Let yourself hit the iron plate fiercely!

If not, why didn’t she just order? Add one more and you will die!

You should know that clicking on one or more will not cost much, but it is to show your attitude and position!

Only when he saw that Su Qi also opened his mouth wide and looked unbelievable, he doubted his judgment again.

Don’t Su Qi himself know that?

It was a bit big for a while.

The same is true for the other boss in the class, staring at Su Qi angrily, but then he is puzzled, and he is not sure whether Su Qi knows such a thing.


"Fortunately, I just held back. I didn't order food and didn't add fuel to the fire."

"If not, I absolutely I will give this Ning Tianlin to the offended to death."

"I thought I contacted these people and pitted him!"

In addition to shock, Su Qi's eyes were only shocked. Shocked, she really didn't expect, her "Senior Brother" is so rich, and the balance of the bank card can exceed 30 million!

What kind of wealth is this!

It is the assets of all students of their pet lineage, there are not so many!


All the student assets, plus the family assets are not so much!

This is an astronomical figure!

"Everyone needs anything else, just order it."

Ning Tianlin sat down on his seat again, looked around his desk for a week, and didn't even look at Gougir and the others. He is already his enemy, he simply ignores it.

These people will tidy up later, and they will be unhurried for a while.

"No need."

"There are already a lot."

"I'm afraid I can't finish it."

Su Qi hurriedly waved her hand, she couldn't see that Ning Tianlin was a polite remark, the other party had already demonstrated their financial resources, and there was no need to cut meat from the other party at this time.

"That's good."

"When the food comes, it must be delicious."

Ning Tianlin laughed, and didn't say much. And at this time, no one dared to say what to eat. If you order food at this time, you will not only be blinded, but even your heart will be blinded!

The opponent may not have much battle strength, but super rich!

This super rich represents a kind of strength. After all, if he does not have strength and a strong background, he is a youngster, how can he have so much money!

Do you earn it yourself? Who the hell believe it!

And the money is definitely enough to make core students kill their lives! Just a bottle of wine can let them kill themselves!

Money is not everything, but sometimes money can do everything you can't even think of!


Su Qi smiled respectfully, even the people around her laughed. Fortunately, she was on the side of Sister Su Qi with the right person, otherwise , I am afraid that there will be no good life in the future.

And the people like Gougir and Ninja Ghost all bowed their heads, speechless for a while, appearing extremely silent.

This depressive atmosphere didn't ease until the dishes came up.

Even after a few glasses of wine, these people feel that it doesn’t matter, there is not much terrifying.

So what if Ning Tianlin is rich? But if they really dare to use money to press people, they will beat this Ning Tianlin to the point that they don't even know him, they will act first, and it is not impossible to find a reason to kill them!

Being rich does not mean you have battle strength!

Kill Ning Tianlin, they have been staying at the Academy, and no one can do anything to them! Besides, they are all acting secretly, maybe no one knows.




The sound of continuous collision of wine glasses.

When I started to eat, these people became more and more relaxed, and only food was left in their eyes. After all, their most important purpose here is to eat! Humiliating the new student Ning Tianlin, just incidentally!

They usually don’t want to eat this kind of attribute meals!

And this kind of High Attribute meal!

Almost all are open mouths, strong wind scattering the last clouds are faster than eating, for fear that they will be snatched by others if they are slower. Some have steamed legs in their mouths, and they have reached out to grab the stew on the table.

It is exactly what a group of beggars only have when they enter the restaurant.

And Ning Tianlin also moved the chopsticks, but only a little bit of everything. These attribute things are useless here, and there are not many essences that can be exchanged for them, and they are simply not rare.

I looked at these people with a sneer in my heart.

"Eat, eat."

"Wait when you cry!"

Ning Tianlin is ugly to him, he will definitely be a hundredfold Repay it back.


Only at this time, a box door on the side was suddenly opened, and then one was wearing a green palace dress, leaning toward the sea, with smooth hair The woman rushed out with a crimson complexion.

He ran away in a hurry without any direction.

When I saw a group of students sitting in front of me, I didn’t care at first, but when I swept across Ning Tianlin’s body, suddenly my whole spirit was shaken and moved towards Ning Tianlin without hesitation and rushed over. .

"senior, help me."

"senior, help me!"

While running, he eagerly asked for help.

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