Green planet.

Among a verdant bamboo forest.

This bamboo forest is quite lush. The bamboo poles are densely packed and thick and unusual. Especially the height of the bamboo poles is close to the sky, and each bamboo is at the height of several hundred meters. Compared with Earth's, it is completely incomparable.

Among the bamboo forest, there is a clear spring with gurgling water, clear and rippling, but as you go in, you will feel that the temperature here is getting higher and higher. Although it is not hot, it is already steaming. , Such as cloud such as fog.

If you look closely, you will find that in such as cloud such as fog, there is a hot spring that is occupying enormous land. The water is rippling and the mist is steaming, which is also caused by this hot spring.


In the mist at this moment, occasionally there is a "crash-bang" stream. In the steam of such as cloud such as fog, I saw a woman with a skin like jade and a peach blossom face, lifting up the clear stream and slowly sliding down her muscle back.

Zhi Ru Ningyu, she is talking about such a woman.




Just at this moment, a man wearing a palace The pretty woman pretending to be hurriedly walked in, her ruddy face was a bit pale, and she stumbling hurriedly before she saw the silhouette of the woman in the bath, "Palace Lord, Palace Lord, it’s not good, it’s not good Now."

He was out of breath, obviously running for a long time, and a little anxious.

"What to panic!"

The frowned bathing woman, she likes to be quiet, she does not like noisy, if otherwise, she will not stay in a bamboo forest all day long, but nevertheless, she But I also know that this palace maid has been with myself for several years and understands his own personality. At this time, such a lost self-control must also be in an emergency.

I could not help but drank softly, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?"

Speaking, he stood up from the hot spring water, At the same time put on a thin layer of gauze.

"Palace Lord, dead! The Wutu guardians, they are all dead!"

The maid was a little panting, while she was talking, she also paid attention to Palace Lord’s face, She knew that this incident was not a trivial matter, and Palace Lord would definitely be furious after hearing it.

Sure enough, when the woman wearing palace gauze heard it, the complexion greatly changed, and hurriedly asked, "Dead?"

"Why did they die?"

"Who can kill them at the Nine Eyes Academy?"

"Who would dare to kill them!"

The Palace Lord almost couldn't believe his ears at all, others didn't. She knew the specific battle strength of these five people, but she knew it clearly. Four hundred and twenty thousand for the bottom, five hundred and fifty thousand for the highest!

In other words, the Wutu with the highest battle strength is a real five-star powerhouse!

With this kind of battle strength, how many of the Jiumu Academy will be their opponents?

Yes, but these people almost all know her relationship with Dean Jiu-Mu. Who dares not put Dean Jiu-Mu’s face in his eyes and kill them?


"Who did it?"

The Palace Lord was a bit out of control, and his brows were frowned deeply. After all, the battle strength is the highest Wutu's five-star powerhouse, but her top three thugs are also the great protectors of Zhulin Palace.

She is dead now, how can she not be angry!

Furthermore, the other party dared to do this, completely not putting them in their eyes!

One more thing, Fuchun Tower is a major wealth pillar of the Zhulin Palace. Without it, their wealth will be greatly affected.

"This is the video at that time."

"Palace Lord, please see."

The maid also knows that the matter is important, so I will not explain too much, but Present the video of the time in the form of a light curtain.

Now the battle strength system does not block any videos, because for Ning Tianlin today, there is no fear of being exposed to anyone. Powerhouse will not notice him, and the one who notices him is not his opponent.

It's completely different from the powerless and powerless in Earth at the time.

Ten minutes later.

"Really strong ominous beast!"

"I can't think of a pet lineage, but there is such a genius."

After reading everything, Palace Lord is almost the same I understand that, although it is still very angry, it is not that kind of restlessness, incomparable, because it is obvious that this incident is only a sudden occurrence, and no one specifically targeted her at Zhulin Palace.

These people don't even know the existence of Zhulin Palace.

She worries that someone will go to Fuchun Tower to make trouble, but the target is the Zhulin Palace, which is really hidden behind the scenes.

"However, this matter will not be so easy to forget."

"My people in Zhulin Palace, I don't mean to kill or kill!"

"This person must be buried with them!"

There was a severe light flashing in the eyes of the Palace Lord, "No matter how genius is, if this thing is so simple, then go down, then my Fuchun Tower Where is it? I know how people in the Zhulin Palace will react, and I will not put us in their eyes in the future!"

"Then Palace Lord, do you want to tell Lord Jiumu about this matter, presumably he knows Now, I will definitely be the master of Palace Lord." At this time, the maid at the side thought for a while and made a suggestion.

She has been with the Palace Lord for many years, and of course she knows the relationship between the Palace Lord and Lord Nine Eyes.

For this kind of thing, as long as Master Jiumu is willing to come forward, this youngster is not dead and can't die again!

"Palm mouth!"

As soon as the maid’s voice fell, the Palace Lord waved his hand without hesitation in front of him. At the same time, he stared at the maid’s eyes and said sternly, "Fifty clicks , You know the consequences!"




Palace Lord just finished speaking, this The maid had already slapped herself in the face with great force, and every time she had clearly printed a paw print on her cheek, "Maid slave damn! Slave maid damned! Slave maid damned!"

"Maid slave will never say anything in the future. This is the case."

"The slave and maid will never say such things in the future."

"The slave and maid will never say such flowers in the future."

While fanning, he begged for mercy and promised. Although she had guessed part of the reason, she didn't dare to neglect the slightest. She knew that the anger of the Palace Lord that had been slapped down by the fifty slaps was gone.

If not, she won't know how she will die in the future.

"Do you know why you are wrong?"

Until the end of fifty slaps, the palace dress wearing palace gauze was coldly asked.

"I know."

"We can't rely on Lord Jiumu for everything."

"If we can solve the matter, we must solve it by ourselves."

The maid lowered her head, afraid to look into the eyes of Palace Lord.


"It’s good to know."

Palace Lord coldly snorted, "If this kind of trouble, Lord Nine Eyes, I will stop here in the future. The premise of the palace is a half word!"

"You have to know, I am just a concubine of his, and there are thousands of people like me! Although I am more advanced, It's more of his favor, but do you know how many people are staring at me from behind!"

"If I mess with Lord Jiumu in everything, how will he favor me in the future!"

"Is there any good impression on me!"

"Besides, he has sent so many powerhouses by my side. If I can't even handle this kind of thing by myself, how can I Let him see my ability?"

"You know, he hates trash the most!"

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