

"The slave and maid got it, there will never be a second time!"

The maid was nodded in a hurry, she didn't dare to look into the eyes of Palace Lord. Because she knew that what Palace Lord said was the truth. The nine-eyed adults don't raise waste. Except for beauty, whoever is more capable is more favored.

If this kind of thing really can't be solved, or if you don't even try to solve it, you just go directly to Master Jiumu for help. If he knows it, you will definitely take a low look.

It is even possible that the grace from now on is absent.

"Just know."

Palace Lord nodded, then waved his sleeves and said, "Go down, and bring the guardian of Kubol to the palace."



The maid bowed back. Of course she knew who Kubol was, the number one general under the Palace Lord, and the battle strength reached the existence of a six-star powerhouse! Although I don't know the specific number of 600,000, but in Zhulin Palace, it is definitely the Number One Person below the Palace Lord!

After 3 minutes.

Kubor had already arrived in front of the Palace Lord, but he did not dare to look up. He just glanced at Palace Lord and lowered his head. Although Palace Lord faintly discernible's body is also very attractive to him, he dare not impudent, let alone look directly at him!

Because her body belongs to only two people, one is herself, and the other is Lord Nine Eyes!

If Kubol dared to be impudent at this moment, he wouldn't know how he would die in the future!

"Go to Jiumu Academy and kill this man."

"Carry his head and come back to see me."

Speaking, waved his hand. Just show the appearance of Ning Tianlin, "A new born pet lineage, his teacher is Pinglinger."

For others, it may be difficult to enter the nine-eye Academy to enter the heavenly ascension, not the teacher. , Not a student, simply impossible without an identity mark, but for her and this Kubol, it was completely easy.

The entire Jiu-Mu Academy belongs to Master Jiu-Mu, and she is also Master Jiu-Mu, and she wants to enter, just a matter of one sentence.


Kubor glanced at the portrait in the void, nodded without hesitation. Although I don’t know what happened, it’s just a new birth of a pet lineage. , He wants to kill, it's easy!

"If there is no other order from the Palace Lord, the subordinates will do it now."

Bend over respectfully, waiting for Palace Lord's answer.


Palace Lord waved his hand and motioned to retreat. Just when the other party is about to walk out of the bamboo forest and the silhouette is about to disappear, frowned, shouted, "Wait a minute."

As he said, waving his sleeves again, Ning Tianlin's video at the time appeared in the void Among.

"This is the video at the time, are you sure?"

After watching it for a while, the Palace Lord asked Kubol.

She didn’t want Kubol to watch this video, as long as she knew who the target was, because he had a life-long confidence in Kubol, not only the number one general under her, but also the master of Nine Eyes. assistant.

For this kind of person, is it not easy to kill a new student?

She has just stated her address and profile picture, she will succeed!

If you dare to make trouble in her Fuchun Tower, you must pay the due price!

But when she saw Kubol’s back, she frowned more and more. When the other party was about to disappear completely, she finally stopped calling him because she was always faint Feeling uneasy, it seems that Kubol is not the opponent.

And as soon as this idea arises, it gets stronger and stronger.

It is said that women have Sixth Sense, and she feels ill at ease, always feel that something is wrong.

So after thinking about it, I finally called Kubol to let him know who his opponent was, and at the same time, I looked at the video at the time to see if he was sure.

If you have a good grasp of it, give yourself some comfort.

"This is a video of him fighting, are you sure?"

Ten minutes passed, staring at Kubol's eyes, and asked seriously.

"Go back to the Palace Lord, 100%!"

"This man is not my opponent!"

"It's easy to kill him!"

Without the unease and fear as imagined, Kubol answered incomparably calmly in front of him, and he was also extremely confident and calm.

This result makes this beautiful and alluring Palace Lord frowned instead, "Are you sure?"

She always finds something strange, but she can't tell.

"One hundred percent sure."

"If this task cannot be completed, the subordinates will come to see you!"

Kubor smiled, very smiling Relaxed and extremely confident.

Originally, when he saw Palace Lord's nervousness, he was still a little bit nervous, but he was not sure, but when he saw the video, he was relaxed in his heart and decided that killing this person would be easy!

Because in the video, the opponent is a pet master who relies on driving pets to fight. Although this ominous beast is powerful, the ultimate battle strength shown is only more than half a million! The fifty-five battle strength that hasn't even been killed by it!

Wutu died under the opponent's venom!

They only caught up for a while and were ruined by the poison!

If Wutu is more careful, he will never be killed so easily, or even die in the end, that would be a fight of murky heavens dark earth.

He believes that his own eyes and judgment, coupled with so many years of experience, will never be wrong!

As long as this ominous beast is killed, this Ning Tianlin is just the fish on the chopping board. The ominous beast is dead, can this pet master be his opponent?

The highest battle strength of Wutu is only 550,000, and I am 100,000 higher than him. How can I miss it?

So he has great confidence!

In fact, from the surface, he was right, and his vision was indeed vicious. The highest battle strength demonstrated by the Wanzu centipede at that time was indeed only five hundred and fifty thousand!

But there is one thing he doesn't know, and it is impossible to think that part of Wanzu centipede's battle strength is not his, but his master Ning Tianlin! He simply doesn't know that the battle strength of the centipede can skyrocket!

As long as Ning Tianlin is willing, he can put all his battle strength on Wanzu centipede!

When the time comes, the battle strength of Centipede is the unity of the two!

No one would think of this, he Kubol would not, this beautiful and alluring Palace Lord would not, even the future Nine Eyes, even the Galaxy Lord would never expect this. In the entire universe, there are too few people who know what the Wanzu centipede is.

No more than ten fingers!

And these people, how can Ning Tianlin meet now?


"Since you have this confidence, then go."

beautiful and alluring Palace Lord relaxed, since Kuboldu So confident, what else does she have to worry about?

Women’s Sixth Sense is not always accurate, she still believes in Kubol’s vision and strength! If not, she will not become the number one general under her!

Waving his hand, Kubol retreated.

"I only hope that the Fuchun Tower matter will not reach the ears of Master Jiumu."

Now, she can only think about it like this, and hope that This matter is resolved.

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