Note: Thanks to the book friends for "Ordinary, but also ordinary" for the reward of two thousand eight hundred book coins!

The past few days, the sum of rewards has exceeded fifty renminbi, which is more than five thousand book coins, and we will add more tomorrow! thank you all!


"I lick!"

Anyone can see that this person is already extremely resentful in his eyes. When he said this, It already has the smell of gnashing teeth, and it must hate the youngster in the bones. It is not difficult to guess, he must be thinking about how to retaliate afterwards!

This matter is probably not over!

When people are being bullied, they usually have two manifestations. One is anger, thinking about how to retaliate in the future, and the other is submit to humiliation, and they don’t even dare to resist. The person oppressed by Ning Tianlin now belongs to the first.

"If you want to lick, just speed!"

"While you are rubbing, I will put all this ashtray in your mouth!"

Ning Tianlin is not a fool How could he have not noticed, but for him now, what else does he care about the threat of this kind of person? Whoever refuses to accept it, fight until he takes it! If you continue to dissatisfied, then you don't need to accept it, just kill the matter!

He is now, already not in, but there are a few more lives in his hands!


Soon, this person licked the ashtray in front of many people, and after a while, all the residue was licked clean. Net, as if washed with water.

"Not bad." Ning Tianlin nodded, said with a sneer to the four people, "Since you are so obedient, then take out another ten thousand and give it to the boss of the Internet cafe. This is the property for the Internet cafe. Loss fee! "

Ning Tianlin knows that this ten thousand yuan is definitely enough. After all, the Internet cafe just damaged a computer desk, and the computer on it is still there, but he won’t be able to pay for it. Die, although he is the perpetrator of this violence.

"Ten thousand?"

"Why use so much!"

Several people were surprised. Although they are no longer students, they all have a job , But 10,000 yuan is not a small sum for them. Moreover, the most important thing is that they feel aggrieved, get beaten, and lose money!

Is there any place to reason in this world.

"It works, but it doesn’t work. If you say it, I’ll have the final say!"

Ning Tianlin didn’t mean to reason with these people, this kind of people , Today is completely full and support, owe to clean up! Didn't you just see Shi Xiaojun alone, plus Lin Jiayi, so you can bully?

If you change to a few burly ones, they dare to ask for a plug-in! At most, begging for a face and asking aloud!

"Speed, one minute, take your bank card and go to the Boss! If not, you will know the consequences." Ning Tianlin wants them to bleed, otherwise this kind of person, no As the president remembered, he threatened even more.

As for whether the other party has money, how could Ning Tianlin know that this kind of thing is just a piece of cake for the battle strength system.


"We are shua!"

Finally, a few people decided to pool together and pay the ten thousand yuan. After all, every day The average was more than two thousand, and he wouldn't be unable to afford it. After that, he walked out of this network city in a desperate manner.

And when he walked out the door, the man who was forced to lick the ashtray by Ning Tianlin, the resentment in his eyes, anyone could easily see.

Furthermore, the webmaster walked over and handed three bottles of drinks to the three of Ning Tianlin. At the same time, thank you again. If it weren't for the last 10,000 yuan, Boss didn't know how to explain it. It must be deducted from his salary!

"Tianlin, when did you become so powerful?"

Sitting again at the computer desk, Shi Xiaojun still looked at his upper bunk with an incredible face. The scene just now really frightened him, the other party was even beaten out of blood! He hasn't personally experienced such things as fights when he grows up.

"What is change."

"You've seen me fight before."

Ning Tianlin's attention is now on the game again On, smiled at Shi Xiaojun Dao. How could this kind of thing be explained clearly, and he also wanted to leave an impression on Shi Xiaojun now that he was originally very difficult to deal with, but he hadn't performed before.

After all, this kind of thing may happen frequently in the future.



Shi Xiaojun was taken aback, but then I thought about it, although he had been with Ning Tianlin for a year. Shop, but I have never seen Ning Tianlin take a fight, now it is like this, maybe it is his original strength.

And Lin Jiayi next to him secretly said in one's heart, "Sure enough!"

"It turned out that in school, I just kept playing the pig to eat the tiger, without a chance. Performance."

She has seen Ning Tianlin kill even the bandits with her own eyes. She has long believed that this kind of small scene is definitely easy to deal with.

"Okay, hurry up and eat."

"The meal I brought you will be cold."

Speaking, put the morning aside The pork bun and Liangpi of the bacon sauce were taken out.


Three hours later.

"Tianlin, can't you leave? Return to the dormitory?"

"Why, all night tonight?"

Shi Xiaojun is playing very hard Excited, in just a few hours of effort, he has reached the third stage of silver, and a little higher, he is at the gold level. This is the original, this speed he can't even think of.

So, not only did he not feel sleepy at all, but he encouraged Ning Tianlin all night.


"All night."

Ning Tianlin decided long ago that he would not leave this Internet cafe without finishing a hundred rounds. This is about his spirit, so sloppy! One hundred rounds, twenty minutes a round, total two thousand minutes, thirty-five hours or so, which is more than half a day.

Adding the matching and halfway delays, it is estimated that it will take two days.

So he is not going to go to class tomorrow, he will fight to the end. Everything is for the spirit!

Besides, what about skipping a day's class? Is he still afraid that the teacher will call him?

"Lin Jiaxin, how about you, should you go back all night?" Shi Xiaojun asked Lin Jiayi again.

"Huh? All night?" Although Lin Jiayi is a rich girl, she really stayed up all night, and she didn't play games all night in Internet cafes, but after thinking about it, she glanced at Ning Tianlin. Said, "Then I will stay overnight."

"I will raise the level while you are on the hook."

It's just what she really thinks in her heart, and only she knows it. . Moreover, afterwards, he picked up his mobile phone and called the nanny Aunt, and finally lied to him after telling a lie.

It's night.

September 1st of the Gregorian calendar.

The fourteenth day of the seventh lunar month, the day when Gates of Hell opens.


At twelve o'clock in the night, Ning Tianlin had just finished a game of League of Legends, and suddenly saw that two men came in from the door and finished. Qian, after going through the post-procedures at the counter, sat in a chair and turned on the computer.

"How do I feel that these two people are a little weird?"

Ning Tianlin frowned, because the feeling these two people give him is very strange, but as for what, I couldn't tell for a while.

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