
"There is no anger in these two people!"

There is a kind of vitality in people. The aura is more or less, but there is always some, which means that he is still alive, but these two people do not have it! Now that Ning Tianlin's spirit is much stronger than ordinary people, he will never feel wrong!


A word that could not help but surfaced in Ning Tianlin's mind, and his expression changed. And in my mind, involuntarily came up with the scene I encountered in the Netherworld that day when I died. He knows that in this world, at least in Earth, there are ghosts!

The ghosts and the like, Netherworld said, is not nonsense!

In the five thousand years of China, it is only in the recent fifty-sixty year, when technology prevails, that this theory of gods and ghosts has been submerged in the long river of history. It was popular for the remaining thousands of years. Even the ancestors of the Qin Emperor and Han ancestors would Feng Chan Mount Tai when a major event happened!

It is like the Buddhist holy land of Mount Wutai in the west of Shanxi. There is a Changming Hall on it, lit with countless long bright lights, densely packed, there are tens of thousands, and almost all the space of Changming Hall is occupied.

These ever-beam lamps will never go out. Everyday all monks light up the oil for these ever-beam lamps.

The most important thing is that in this Changming Temple, there are Buddhist experts here at all times to recite Buddhist scriptures, bless these people who light the lights, eliminate their sins, and be safe after death. Fuzhong can also be more "ghost".

In this Changming Palace, if you want to obtain the position of a long famous lamp, without the incense of tens of millions of renminbi, it is simply impossible! Because of this position, there will be countless rich and powerful people competing for it.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the name of the owner and the eight characters of birthday are engraved in the lamp of this ever-bright lamp. And these people, all of them are great characters in these several decades.

Li Ka-shing, Guo Zhenying, Wang Zhaoji and so on, can be seen everywhere.

These people, the rich and the noble, are of high authority. Don’t they have as many information and resources as an ordinary person?

They are all fools, spending money in such a place?

Perhaps, you would say that they are just for peace of mind. After all, each of them can achieve what they are today and must have done a lot of guilt. The purpose of this is to make up for the guilt in their hearts. But if this guess is wrong, perhaps, what news did they get through channels that ordinary people don't know?

It’s more like Feng Shui, ordinary person snort disdainfully, but almost all high-ranking officials will have such a shadow of one or two people behind them, and the more wealthy, the more you believe, even the university’s architecture course Here, there is also a course called "Feng Shui", which specifically explains the feng shui matters that should be paid attention to in architecture, such as when to freeze the soil, what direction, and what trees cannot be planted.

Another example is the suicide incident of a Foxconn employee that occurred in Shenzhen that year.

At that time, more than a dozen employees committed suicide every day, one person a day, for more than ten days, and it was all in the middle of the night! Officially, the explanation given by the factory is "employees are under too much pressure and commit suicide!"

As everyone knows, Foxconn has so many factories in the land of China, there are no less than dozens of factories, why is Shenzhen alone? This kind of incident occurred in this factory area of ​​the city? Every day someone commits suicide, more than a dozen people died!

And usually there is no, it is all concentrated in those ten days!

Afterwards, Foxconn’s Boss Guo Taiming also went to Shenzhen to deal with the matter, and the only way he handled the matter was the only one, and that was to invite the eminent monks from Wutai Mountain to catch ghosts and demons to save the souls!

This matter can be found on the Internet back then!

Furthermore, it is ridiculous that after the eminent monk was dispatched, there was no such suicide. The suicide incidents of more than ten consecutive days have finally come to an end. The Shenzhen factory area has restored its former tranquility.

In the eyes of others, the matter of ghosts and ghosts may be feudal superstition. It is unbelievable, but in the hearts of some people who are a little more serious, they hold that they are more trustworthy than untrustworthy. manner.

The older generation, five or six out of ten, can casually tell you about the unexplainable things they have encountered in person. Nowadays, all over China, every day, every moment, there are people who say they have seen ghosts and ghosts, but no one believes it.

And his Ning Tianlin, already affirmed that there is this thing in this world, because he himself came back from that kind of place!

"I just can't think of this ghost, who can also play on the computer, and also play League of Legends!"

Ning Tianlin noticed that after the two turned on the computer, they even started to play. The game League of Legends, and its skillful technique, is definitely not the first time to play.


At this moment, one of them suddenly turned his head, his eyes narrowed, and stared at Ning Tianlin, because he had already felt the look in Ning Tianlin’s eyes, It has been placed on them since they came in!


Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's heart jumped. Although he came back from Netherworld, it was the first time he had dealt with ghosts as a human being. . Uncontrollably, "hehe" chuckled twice, then turned his head and stopped staring at them.

Because he has felt it, the other party is angry.

He still has no means to deal with them, so it is better not to have any conflict.

After seeing Ning Tianlin no longer staring at them, the talent turned his head and refocused his attention on the game League of Legends. Only intentionally or unintentionally, fiercely glared at Ning Tianlin.

"Xing Zhan, those two, are they ghosts?"

The only one who can give me the correct answer is the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin in the heart asked.

"Yes." Xing Zhan answered very positively.

"Sure enough!" Ning Tianlin also wrinkled secretly, "Then how can they be discovered by me?"

"The world, can't you see ghosts?"

Ning Tianlin is a bit strange. It stands to reason that he can't see this thing of ghosts. He has strong yang energy now, and ordinary ghosts can't enter his body at all, and this thing is not that you can see this thing if you want to see it. owned.

"You don’t have Yin-Yang Eye, and the physique is true. According to theory, you shouldn’t be able to see them." Xing Zhan explained, "But they want you to see, you can see , They are hidden, and you can’t find out your current ability."

"They want to play games in Yang Sector now, of course they have to show up. If not, no one will run computer games automatically. The people in your Internet cafes are scared to death!"

Ning Tianlin nodded, it turned out that these two people were deliberately active, and then asked, "What about their battle strength?"

" What is the battle strength of these two ghosts?"

Ning Tianlin wants to know, if they clash, whether they are powerful or the two ghosts are powerful!

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