Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1101: Earthling?

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This dry body, old, wrinkled skin, the eyelids were almost completely pulled down, the entire head, no hair, let alone hair, no nose hair in the nostrils.

The nails on the hands are very long and I do n’t know if they were born. It ’s been a long time since I cut them.

Sitting cross-legged, sitting on the central array of light. The body was a little stooped, but suddenly opened eyes, still seeing a very sharp light.

"Someone came in!"

"It also ruined my efforts!"


From the moment he opened his eyes, the old man with wrinkled skin already felt abnormal. In the sea, he has lost too many light spots, not even half of the original.

Even just flashing his mind, he noticed that a young man with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin was killing those golden skeletons, and every time he went down, dozens of skeletons became shattered.

"Black hair and black eyes!"

"Yellow skin!"

When he saw the specific appearance of Ning Tianlin, the skinny old man trembled, and even faintly looked, he was shaking with great excitement, more than half of the skeleton disappearing in his mind just now.

Even with the magma rolling around, it was boiling violently, and bubbling bubbled up, and some could reach tens of feet high.


"I didn't expect me to hide for so long, you are still here! It hurts me like this, and you don't let me go!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"I'm going to see it today, how can you be patient with me!"

"Damn earthman!"

The skinny old man grunted and gasped, with a vicious light in his eyes. Ning Tianlin's dress reminded him of a man who was born more than 2,000 years ago and stole everything from him!

Today the temple is high, overlooking the Milky Way! He is here to stay alive and die, as if to die.

The original romantic appearance also became such that people are not ghosts or ghosts.

Can he not hate!



It was just in the fury that he was going to take his own shot and kill Ning Tianlin, but he suddenly thought of a possibility, and shook his head in his heart. , I must have shot it myself, and came to me in an instant, killing me. "

"Instead of killing all my skeletons one by one!"

"Even white skeletons with a combat effectiveness of less than one hundred have destroyed them time-consumingly."

"This kind of thing is far from that person's heart."

The skinny old man didn't have four or two flesh all over his body, but his mind turned sharply, thinking about all kinds of possibilities. Especially based on his experience, it was quickly determined that the young man with black hair, dark eyes, and yellow skin who broke in had a combat effectiveness of no more than two million!

Far from being your opponent.

But at this age, being able to have this fighting power is totally a genius among geniuses. Even myself was not so powerful.

"Maybe it's just a mistake."

"Rather than specifically looking for yourself."

The skinny old man thinks more and feels that he has made a lot of trivial questions. If he really finds himself, it is impossible to send such a person to kill himself. Such a genius, how good it is to stay in the hands of training, why let him die in vain.

Moreover, no one knew that he was still alive, that of the earth, and he was probably considered dead, after all, in the end, he was killed by his own hands.

In his heart, even the hearts of countless galactics, he has lost such a person.

Moreover, for more than two thousand years, he has also been dormant, slowly recovering his strength and never going out. Even just in case, I chose this area of ​​tens of thousands of light years, there are not many strong places, as my hiding place.

To be discovered, this should not be possible.

Thinking of this, the skinny old man's heart was loose, maybe he really thought too much, but felt that Ning Tianlin, who was constantly killing the golden skull, had deadly eyes, but shot a terrible killing intention.


"You rock!"

"He persecuted me to this point. You, the earth man, are killing my savings over the years, really when I am so bullied!"

"I don't kill you today, I hate it!"

The skinny old man's eyes were filled with scarlet blood, which was the anger of seeing monstrous enemies.

It's not that he made a big deal, but that he couldn't help it. He hated to kill the earth people in his life!

It is the one who brought him from the high altar to where he is today!

"Cangming, go!"

"Bring me this earthling."

"I'll see, what's his idea!"

The skinny old man was originally prepared to do it himself, but when he was about to leave, he reluctantly endured it. With a wave of his hand, a huge purple skull appeared in front of him.

Now is not the time for him to show up.

Although his appearance has changed too much, and even his breath has become very different, but in case, it is better not to do it himself. Maybe there is any special connection in this earth person. Once he shows up, he can make him feel it.

After all, the means of the Earth people are unpredictable, and he can't handle it at all.

Even the one who pulled himself down from the altar at that time was very young, and the fighting power was higher than himself!

Especially in the end, I searched all the information about the Earth in the Milky Way and even higher constellations. Although I only got a few words, this is only one word, less than five or six sentences, but I also feel that I have not been in the position of the Galaxy Discovered earth has great terror!

It is by no means self-defeating.

The other party's means may expose themselves.

When I only encountered two Earth people, they were so young and had such a high combat power. I can guess this earth with my toes, and they have absolutely terrifying strength and power!

He still wanted to live, even if he lived in such a lingering way, maybe there would be a day of revenge in the future. It is not wise to rush out. Let ’s break the mentality first and then talk!


As the skinny old man finished speaking, a roar growled in the magma around him.

Desolate, gloomy, overbearing, bloodthirsty.

I saw a huge purple animal-shaped skeleton about a thousand feet high and ten thousand feet long, sprang out of this magma, and even when floating in the air, a pair of huge wings on the sides of the wings also covered the sky and spread their wings.

Especially its eyes, which glowed with green ghost fire. The four claws underneath are like giant blades, set against a red magma, like a **** sickle.

As soon as he appeared, he circled in the air for a few weeks, then bowed to the old man in the light array and nodded.




Fluttering and flying, toward Ning Tianlin.

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