Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1102: who are you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Ning Tianlin once again bombarded the five golden skeletons running towards him, his eyes froze, because the skeletons in front of him also appeared in red gold. Darker than gold, but slightly brighter than dark gold.

"It seems that this thing is endless."

I don't know how long I have been here, from white skulls, to green skulls, to blue skulls, to red skulls, golden skulls, and now red gold skulls.

With each step, the skeleton has made great progress no matter its size or combat effectiveness.

Even when he had just killed a red gold skull, he could feel the fighting power of this red gold skull, which exceeded 1.5 million! Just now, instead of killing with the palm of his hand, he even took out the combat weapon, Fang Tianhua Ji.

"That goes further."

Ning Tianlin's mind sank, and the skeletons' fighting power was higher, he really was powerless, or in other words, he would have to exchange all his energy points accumulated for combat power.

"What the **** is this place."

"Why does Nanzhanfu still have this kind of existence."

Ning Tianlin guessed that even the owner of Nanzhan government may not know that his territory still has such a boundary. After all, the golden skeletons and red golden skeletons that have been beheaded by themselves are no more effective than ordinary county masters and generals Bad.

But in terms of quantity, I don't know how many times these county chiefs and generals!

Nothing new is a million times!

If he knew this kind of existence, would he lead the development of Nanzhan House?

Especially all life here is a skeleton, there is no breath of life, let alone people, other animals and so on, don't want to live here. There is no life here, only death!

Endless lifelessness!


It was just when he had just killed the second red-gold skeleton that his eyes were squinting, because he was seeing a void in the distance, and there was a harsh sound of breaking the air.

Even when he had just seen the other person's appearance, the other person's body had appeared in front of him.


There was no time for him to think about it, and he grabbed a paw directly at him.

"Purple skull!"

This was his only reaction. Even if he wanted to hide, he didn't have a chance to turn around and escape. In a blink of an eye, his entire body was detained with a strong force, and there was no possibility of struggling to move.

The current situation is exactly like an ordinary person, hooped by thick steel bars, and he can't escape if he wants to escape.

Even with the Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, he was directly crushed into dregs. Originally, this thing was chopped towards this huge skeleton.

"Don't kill yourself?"

And after a moment of panic, Ning Tianlin noticed that he was now caught by the opponent's paw and flew forward, instead of being slagged into flesh. Although the pain of being caught all over was firmly fixed, it was not possible to die in a short while.

"Would you like to teleport?"

In others, there may be no solution, only the human fish, but in his Ning Tianlin, it is not dead! Just crush a teleporter and he can leave here.

Even in the combat system, there are stealth, amulet, advanced teleport, and invincible amulet.

Nowadays, he has more than 15 billion, nearly 20 billion essence points. How can such a huge sum of money easily die? As long as you are not killed in the first place.

And with the horrible resilience of holy zombies, they can be reorganized when they are broken into dregs. People who do n’t know the details really want his life, it is really impossible.

"Forget it."

"Since life is more than 90% guaranteed, let's take a look at this skeleton first, where do you want to take yourself?"

He is not the kind of person who is afraid of things. He even feels that this purple skull seems to be under his control and takes himself to a specific place. Otherwise, he won't fly straight forward, regardless of anything.

And as the purple skull continued to fly in, he saw more types of skulls, dark gold, turquoise, and flower gold, especially the eyes of these skulls, with green flames.

Or disk, or lying, all seem to have their own territory.

Obviously, these skulls, like the purple skull in front of them, have life and thinking. Moreover, these skeletons are not only limited to human beings, but also to animals.

Individually huge and scary.

Even the gloomy surroundings continue to deepen. The death gas, which was originally only felt by blowing, can now be gazed with the naked eye. The deeper it goes, the stronger the color.




In this way, after flying for a long time, this huge purple skull slowly slowed down, and at this time, Ning Tianlin also noticed that the ground appeared red.

Somewhat incompatible with the grey sky.


After arriving at this fiery red place, the purple skull pressed its head down, and the whole body began to dive downward.


Ning Tianlin faintly felt what was going on, for a while, maybe, what kind of place is here, seeing and knowing soon.

"It's lava!"

As he approached below, Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, he felt the blazing magma, and even saw the continuous bubbles in the grunts, but then his face changed because of a thick The smell of stinky flew across the world.

"Not lava!"

"It's blood!"

"Life's blood!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed and he looked down unbelievably. He thought he was enough to kill people, but when he saw the blood, he felt how kind he was.

This is almost several times the distance from the earth to the sun, surrounded by blood, how many souls it takes!

In particular, these blood are still boiling and bubbling. Obviously, there are extremely powerful beings killed, and the blood of these powerful beings is mixed in it!

"Also, the teleportation array!"

"There is a teleportation array!"

And Ning Tianlin quickly noticed that in the middle ring wrapped in these blood, a beam of light exudes a lot of space energy. He is proficient in arrays and knows that this is a teleportation array!

And what surprised him most was that in the middle of this teleportation array, there was a thin old man sitting in a circle!

Although she had lost her bones and was almost covered with skin, Ning Tianlin could still feel the mighty power contained in this body with only one glance.


At this time, grabbing the huge purple skull of his body, hovering directly in the air for a week, throwing him down heavily, and rolling directly on the ground.


A dive straight into the vast blood.

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