Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1108: King Yan Luo is here!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"This Ning Tianlin must die!"

The old man was determined to kill.

There are too many secrets in Ning Tianlin's grasp, and each one is earth-shattering, and even the strongest in the universe will try to seize it.

The combat power system alone is a cornucopia, which is even more powerful than the cornucopia. As long as he is there, anyone, regardless of talent, can be trained into a superpower!

If there really is a combat system, let alone the Lord of the Galaxy, the Lord of the universe, as long as he is given time, he can do it!


Divine thoughts seemed like thousands of needles, and blasted towards Ning Tianlin's sea of ​​knowledge. He was confident that these things were enough to blast Ning Tianlin's sea of ​​knowledge into a slump, and he would be completely dead in an instant!


Only at this time, Ning Tianlin knew the depths of the sea, but blasted a mighty wave, humming and trembling, attacking the thousands of gods, and all these gods were made just for a moment. All collapsed.

Even the images of the old people gathered with the divine thoughts collapsed in an instant. No trace disappeared from Ning Tianlin's knowledge of the sea.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"


The skinny old man sitting in the middle of the teleportation array squirted a large mouthful of blood, making his almost pale face even paler. Now he has no essence.

A moment's loss can hurt his vitality.

At the same time, he opened his eyes suddenly, and it was full of incredible colors.

What just happened?

Who did it?

what happened?

He has read most of Ning Tianlin's memories. Who has this ability?

Is it the combat system?

No, it won't take the initiative to take the initiative, it's all to exchange things to help this Ning Tianlin!

Just that breath, there is a real strong shot!


Never before weakness!

He didn't even see how the other party attacked, and his divine thought disappeared. If his devotion is Mai Mang, the other person is a mountain that can't be climbed with great coercion!

Does Ning Tianlin still have a secret that he didn't read?


"what happened?"

Even Ning Tianlin himself was a stunner. He had already prepared for death, but he did not expect that he lived, and even directly drained the old man's thoughts from his own mind.

Who did it?

Fighting system?

The only possibility he thought of now was the combat system.

However, his eyes were staring at the old man in front of him because he knew that the other party had read most of his own memory, and I am afraid he already knew most of his secrets.

This feeling of being kept secret is really bad.

Especially his secret of Ning Tianlin, if any one goes out, I am afraid that it will make the universe turbulent! Don't say that he is the master of the galaxy, that is, the true cosmic strongmen know, I am afraid they will rob it!

At that time, he was a moving treasure.

Anyone who has the strength must rush up and take a bite!

"Ru is so bold, dare to hurt my earth genius!"

When both were extremely puzzled, a faint middle-aged voice sounded, and in the void, a tall and majestic middle-aged figure slowly floated, overlooking the old man in the teleportation array.

The look was exactly like looking down at an ant, full of contempt.

"King Yan Luo!"

"Master Yan Luo!"

Ning Tianlin and the old man both startled at the same time. It's just that the expressions are opposite. Ning Tianlin's eyes are completely surprised, and the old man's eyes are full of panic.

From Ning Tianlin's mind, he knew the identity and appearance of the King Yan Luo. Although he did not know the specific combat effectiveness, he also knew that it was the strong survivor who survived the ancient times of the earth.

He is in its heyday, and I am afraid he is far from the opponent.

He can clearly see the clue just by the invisibility just now.

"Who is you, report your name!"

"Know me!"

King Yan Luo did not look at Ning Tianlin, but questioned the old man in front of him. It was just that his eyes narrowed quickly, because he thought of something and had just dispelled his spirit in Ning Tianlin's mind.

And now he uttered his name.

There was only one possibility, that is, the person in front of me read Ning Tianlin's memory!

"So daring!"

Suddenly there was anger in my heart.

Because Ning Tianlin's memory is that his master would not allow him to read it, saying that the natural flow is natural, and that Ning Tianlin is the hope of the entire earth people in the future, and he can't dislike him.

Now, this ant-like existence even reads Ning Tianlin's memory.

How can he not be angry!

In particular, the Master attaches so much importance to this Ning Tianlin, and his body must contain great secrets. Although I don't know what it is, it is absolutely earthshaking and can even affect the big secret of the universe!

How can this secret be obtained by an ant in front of me?

If you let this ant out, maybe the wind and rain that spread throughout the city, will the entire universe know?

So how does this genius related to the future of the earth grow!

"I am Lord of the Galaxy."

The old man declared himself.

Until now, he has also assumed himself in this capacity. This is his glory, and also his pinnacle, all his life! Even in his heart, it was only in this capacity that he could look directly into the eyes of King Yan Luo.

"Just ants!"

Yan Luo Wang gave a cold hum and didn't care.

At the peak of his glory, the owner of the first line did not even match him with his shoes! Only a true cosmic power is qualified to compare with him. Even now, with one look, he can destroy the master of the first line!

"Brother Tianlin, is he your friend or an enemy?"

At this time, King Yan Luo turned and set his eyes on Ning Tianlin, with a majestic tone and a soft tone. And when asked, they hit the point.


Ningtian Forest Road.

This man must die!

If not, he may not be at peace in the second half of his life!

"What are you going to do?"

King Yan Luo nodded, and it turned out that way. He asked Ning Tianlin.

"kill him."

Ning Tianlin directly expressed his intention to kill.

No way, anyone can live, just this person can't live!

Otherwise, his secrets might be exposed to anyone's eyelids, and he would be so horrible that he would put a time bomb with him.

"it is good!"

King Yan Luo nodded, without further comment, turning around, he would have to do something to this dry old man.


At this moment, the teleportation array around the old man suddenly burst into a fierce light, and even his body began to fade into nothingness, and he would disappear in front of them.


This is the only reaction the old man can think of right now!

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