Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1109: Man of luck

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

He is not the opponent of King Yan Luo at all. If he never leaves, he will definitely explain it here!

Since he was defeated last time and lost the position of the Lord of the Galaxy, he has become the kind of bird that frightens the bow. Otherwise, it will not sit in the center of the teleportation array all the time, ready to leave at any time.

He was always guarding that earthling.

Just didn't expect that the one who didn't wait, but waited for the same two people from the earth!

And one of them is even more terrifying!

"Want to leave?"

But King Yan Luo, who was suspended in the void, grinned, as if he didn't see the skinny old man who was becoming very light, raised his right arm, stretched his hands, and spread his fingers.

Suddenly, the world changed color.

The infinite rolling dead gas around the entire place, as if still, became motionless, like suspended dust, even with the flashing space around the skinny old man, all stopped in an instant.

The old man, who had become less visible, slowly began to recover. In the end, he fell from the void and fell directly into the center of the teleportation array.


In an instant, this teleportation array that existed for a thousand or two thousand years also collapsed into nothingness at this moment.


Standing behind Ning Tianlin, he was watching Zhizhi God, this. . . . . . Is this over? Pulling a person out of the teleportation array that is dying, this. . . . . . This is too great.

And so easy!

Obviously, King Yan Luo in front of him was obviously not exerting much force at all.


The skinny old man who just fell in the debris of the teleportation array also changed his face, but he did not hesitate. His body was violent and he flew forward! At the same time control the surrounding huge bone and beast, Zhang Ya dance claws rushed towards King Yan Luo!

The teleportation array is not available, so fly!

The bone beast blocked him!

He must go now!

Otherwise, there will be only death!


Just when his body was about to explode, he saw King Yan Luo open his right palm again. In an instant, his body was like a pinched and thin mouse, unable to move. Despite exhausting all efforts, the body has no effect except after struggling.

"Master Yan Luo, don't kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"

The skinny old man's mouth is still usable. He shouted madly at King Yan Luo. He didn't want to die, especially after experiencing the death of that day, he had fully felt the fear.

I really don't want to come again!

He wants to live.

Although it is similar to a skeleton now, it is an undead wizard! Can manipulate thousands of bones! If you give him some more time, maybe people in the status of Lord of the Galaxy will be trained by him!

His future is infinite, and he cannot die now!

"Must die!"

Just staring angrily at him, Ning Tianlin who did not speak, but shouted in his heart, this man must die, his memory has been read, if it is spread, the strong man in the entire universe will find him!

Even more powerful than Lord Yan Luo will come to your door.

This person must kill!


"You move my friend and tell me a reason why I can't kill you?"

Yan Luo Wang asked with a smile.

People who know him only know that this smile is not even perfunctory, and it should be sneer.


On the other hand, Ning Tianlin on the side heard the word but hesitated. Lord Yan Luo even regarded him as a friend, not a junior. The difference between them was completely different.

The junior is the junior. The other party only cares about you, but the friend is the kind of friendship that can talk about each other's minds and even intersect, especially King Yan Luo who is the true strong one.

"Master Yan Luo, can this man be killed?"

"He can't stay."

At the end, after thinking about it, Ning Tianlin looked at King Yan Luo's eyes very seriously. However, he did not say any reason, because he knew that King Yan Luo was very clear that the other party had read his memory!

"of course."

King Yan Luo nodded to Ning Tianlin without hesitation, and smiled, "Tianlin Xiaoyou, I agree to your request." He even asked, "Do you do it or me do it?"

"Let me."

Ning Tianlin thought and answered.

He is not afraid to kill the old man. As long as he is restrained, he has 10,000 ways to kill him, even he has already figured out a way.

"it is good."

Yan Luo Wang smiled, it was agreed. At the same time, he flicked his fingers, a strong energy, hit the old man's face, but it was only an instant that the old man who was struggling madly became quiet.

At the same time, the color of panic on his face was stronger.

Because he felt that all the energy inside his body was blocked in this vitality, and there was no response to trying to mobilize.

He was banned!


"Master Yan Luo, I have something to say!"

Can't move, but the words can still be said, the slender old man yelled, "Master Yan Luo, you don't know, your friend Ning Tianlin has a big secret in his mind!"

"It's a secret to you!"

At this moment, he can only bet. The friendship between the two is not so reliable at all. He Yan Luo also wants to know the secret of this day! In the face of real interests, it is possible to turn against the enemy.

In the end, he was worried that King Yan Luo would not waver, adding, "Master Yan Luo, the secret in his body is that the strongest in the universe will be stunned!"

The strongest in the universe?

And when I heard King Yan Luo here, although there wasn't much change in his face, his heart was extremely shocked. The secret that even the strongest in the universe should be stunned, what kind of secret would it be!

No wonder this Ning Tianlin can attract the attention of Master.

It's really a chance!

What is the difference between secret and opportunity in him? Now that Ning Tianlin can achieve such great achievements at this age, it must be related to this secret. This secret is his chance of Ning Tianlin.

He doesn't think that seizing this opportunity on himself is his chance. At this level, he has faintly felt some kind of cosmic rules. Whoever is who is who can never change.

You are just forcibly robbing, maybe there is no benefit, it will only bring endless harm and trouble.

If not, why did n’t his Master do anything but just focus on and train?

The man of great fortune is not a joke!

Therefore, he was only shocked, shocked by the secrets in Ning Tianlin's body, but not at all tempted. This kind of luck is not hiss, it is not hiss, forcibly seized, it has no use at all.

On the other hand, Ning Tianlin, after hearing the dry skinny old man saying this sentence, although his face was pretending to be relaxed, but his spirit was extremely tense, because he did not know whether King Yan Luo would do it for his secrets. And tempted.

Especially this secret, the skinny old man has already said that it is something that the strongest in the universe will try to snatch!

It was just that he didn't speak, but stood so quietly.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

So was his heart.

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