Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1114: Chapter 111: The Story of the Undead

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As Ning Tianlin's words came down, a light curtain emerged in front of his eyes, and many words slowly appeared one by one, in the form of the Earth's Chinese language today.

The first glance of Ning Tianlin was his eyes narrowed, because he noticed that the title of these words was "The Story of the Undead".


Secrets of the Undead!

Even the more Ning Tianlin looked down, the more shocked he was, because this is a general outline of the undead. It not only introduces the types and nature of the undead in detail, but also the practice of the undead.

However, this is the first part and the general outline of the opening. Although there are no introductions and secret methods, they are always broken and incomplete, and some places have not been introduced in detail.

But there are some that are complete.

"The skinny old man, the lord of the galaxy who took office, can also be considered as a genius among geniuses. Based on this, he can practice a mystery of undead and control so many skulls, which is almost a sea of ​​skulls."

Ning Tianlin also admired the dry-skinned old man. At the very least, it is impossible for him to practice any secret technique. This kind of thing is lacking. Maybe he has n’t practiced it. .

"Can you restore this Undead Story?"

Ning Tianlin asked to the combat system.

Only after a while, the other party didn't talk back, and didn't show himself the restored things, and then he knew it couldn't do it. And this also made Ning Tianlin understand that what the real combat system, or his soul, is experiencing or hiding.

Because in the past, as long as you ask yourself "Can you", it will definitely scoff!

Because here it is, can it be!

Everything works!

As long as you have enough energy!

But now, without saying a word, it seems that the combat system is definitely undergoing some kind of change that it does not know, and it really does not know whether it is good or bad.

"Well, leave this man's leather secrets first, and then replace everything with his energy points."

Ning Tianlin thought about it, and decided to save it first, as long as the combat system is restored, it will definitely repair it completely. Maybe when he does, he can see the real "Story of the Undead".

And deep in his heart, he always felt that the original author of "The Story of the Undead" had invaded the earth in ancient times. Otherwise, the original Western world on the earth would have retained legends about the undead.

And in ancient times, being able to be hostile to the earth is definitely a power in the universe.

It is extremely important to be able to restore his own writing and even his practice method! Even if he did not cultivate and gave it to the earth, he would do something great.

"Ding! Congratulations host, successfully exchanged 380 million points of essence."

As Ning Tianlin's words fell, the voice of the combat system recalled in his ears, letting him know that he had more than 300 million energy points. It's just that there is still a gap between the spirit of the county owner who was killed last time.

"Come out!"

Instead of disposing of these essences, he waved his hand and let go of his feet.


As soon as Wanzuyu appeared, it was a floating starry sky, yelling at the sky, and his body kept growing, from a few meters to a few kilometers today!


"Or, lethargy!"

This is what Ning Tianlin knew.

After all, just now his body was broken, and Manchuria was also broken along with it. If it weren't for the two of them having the strong resilience of the zombie Bowen, I am afraid they would not be able to escape.

The huge attack power of the skinny old man is not a joke.


Until looking at the dry and thin old man floating in the air, Wan Zuyu roared excitedly and opened his mouth, and directly bit the old man's body into his mouth. In Ning Tianlin's shocked eyes, he clicked and clicked, all Bitten into minced meat and swallowed directly.

"Really good teeth."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

There was a hint of luck in the bitter smile. He was really worried about the teeth of Manchuria, why couldn't this energetic corpse. After all, this can be regarded as the most powerful creature that Wanzu has grown to this day.

Because he knew, when he cut off the skinny old man's head, it took a lot of effort, rushed into the sky, with great momentum, but also madly cut a dozen times before he cut off his head.

And the body of this old man is no different from the bread and cake in the mouth of Wanzuan.

"I guess, this is your instinctual talent ..."

Ning Tianlin is a little happy, because if this goes on, it is estimated that there are not many things in this universe that can't be swallowed by Wanzuo. You know, its combat effectiveness is still very low.

It is estimated that your mouth is the same as your belly, you can bite everything, and put everything together! Can digest everything!

This situation reminded Ning Tianlin of the scene where Wan Zuyu would not be full if swallowed.

I really hope that he can bite everything!

"All right."

"After eating the biggest one, then go on with you to eat other!"

Ning Tianlin smiled and merged with Manzulu again. At the same time, the palm of his hand was opened and a golden rune was activated by him. Then, his body appeared where he had just been brought by the huge bone and beast.

In front of a golden skull.

These golden skeletons, with a combat power of about 1.3 million, were able to kill him, but at the time, the skinny old man sent a purple bone beast to catch it, and even along the way, he saw that there was still Dark gold, faint gold, red gold and other skulls.

Piece by piece, densely packed.

There are billions left!

Did not kill the devour at that time, then kill the devour now!

The skinny old man is dead, and these skeletons have really become ownerless. Without the old man's restraint, they ran out crazy, and don't know how much disaster will be caused. He Ning Tianlin did this, it can be considered as the killing of the Galaxy.

Moreover, he also counted on killing and devouring these skeletons, so as to return to Nanzhan House to take revenge!

He was killed that day at Nanzhan House. There was no sign of death, but his entire body was crushed into a smash. If it hadn't been for his life, I'm afraid it's really a pile of meat now!

This kind of hatred, he would rather not report!

At the same time, when confronting the old and lean elderly, he exchanged most of his energy into levels. Now, his combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. Although he stopped midway and has not continued to upgrade, he also Did not come and statistics. But it seems that it must be a lot better than the original!

Clean up these skeletons, and he will definitely make a lot of progress!

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