Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1115: Four million fighting power!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



Ning Tianlin and Wanzuyu cooperated in this way. He killed, Wanzuyu swallowed, and finally, after a full 342 days, he finally cleaned up all the skeletons.

It is not that this final skeleton is not strong, but that he Ning Tianlin has grown to a rather scary point.

Even now, facing the owner of Nanzhan House, he dares to fight with him!

Just now, his level has reached a full 2,000 levels, and the counterpart is that he has almost exhausted all his energy, leaving only billions of himself for the occasional need.

Although billions sounds like a lot, it is only a fraction of the tens of billions he consumes.

Except for the purple skeleton that was killed by King Yan Luo as soon as he came, all the skeletons were killed by him. Correspondingly, his accumulated energy points totaled more than 50 billion!

Even today's million feet, barefoot, soared to more than 90,000 pairs of horrors, and even a little bit, can reach 100,000! Corresponding to it is its own physical combat power, which has almost reached one million!

If you equip it with equipment, its combat power will definitely exceed one million! More than January level!

In January, one million combat power.

In February, two million combat power.

In March, three million combat power.

It's a day.

One day, 10 million points of combat power.

On the second day, there were 20 million points of combat effectiveness.

Three days, 30 million points of combat effectiveness.

Arranged by star moon day.

"It's just a pity that through this devouring effort, Manchuria did not trigger the chance of evolution and did not conduct a second evolution."

This is Ning Tianlin's regret. He thought that so many skeletons would allow Wanzu to swallow, maybe it would trigger evolution and continue to strengthen the blood. After all, he knew that the nine-level evolution of Wanzuan was his ultimate road!

The final power is far more powerful than his barefoot! At that time, it is even possible for Wanzuyu to recover the true body and become the chaotic monster that has not yet completely egged, causing a universe to collapse!


It's just that Ning Tianlin breathed a little and didn't care much about it. This kind of thing can't be compelled to be forced. Besides, for Wanzuan, it's only just started, and even the Galaxy has not entered the center.

Their journey is too long.

"And myself, the physical combat power alone has reached more than one million! Not even the miracle in Dantian's position!"

The level is up to 2,000, which represents 1024,000 combat power, and the miracle at Dantian has been increased from the size of the original nail cover to the size of an egg.

It is just that without the help of the combat effectiveness system, he does not know how much combat power this thing can add to himself.

But it should not be a small number.

Otherwise, he would not be able to kill all the red gold skeletons after exchanging a whole set of equipment!

At that time, there were only three red gold skulls, but each of them was amazingly powerful. They raised their hands with great power, and even several unmanned stars were destroyed in their battle.

Ning Tianlin estimated, and compared with the past, the fighting power of these skeletons is estimated to be around three million!

even more!

Except that purple skull, the most powerful one!

"I just don't know how this lord of the galaxy took down so many powerful skeletons."

Ning Tianlin did not know the identity of the original owners of these skeletons, but it must be a big deal. If they were all from the Milky Way, they would definitely be famous characters in their lives.

After all, these are the masters that even the county master level can kill!

But now, it has become a skeleton controlled by people!

But where is he clear? Many of these skeletons, especially the strong ones inside, obeyed the call of the skinny old man and went straight to them. After all, the skinny old man is also the owner of the Galaxy! There is still a certain appeal!

It is also because of willingness that he can be made into a red gold skull.

After all, the dead soul learned by the skinny old man is also a half-deaf, and it is a bit unexpected that he can achieve this effect.

"However, things are bumpy, but I am the winner today! Standing here alive!"

Ning Tianlin's body was full of light, and his whole body was wrapped in a set of scarlet armor, a bit like the fighters in the Twelve Star Warriors. Except for the eyes, the rest were wrapped strictly.

This is a set of star equipment, called the muddy star suit, which he consumed a full 80 million points of energy exchange.

Although it is only one star, each piece can increase his fighting power by 100,000 points!

Originally it took a whole 100 million points of energy, but except for clothes, shoes, necklaces, and war halberds, the ring on his hand was not redeemed, but the Promise Ring that accompanied him to grow up was redeemed!

Redeemed a total of four!

Because although the Promise Ring is not originally included in the suit, it is amazing that it can be integrated with any suit, transforming its own energy, and activating the suit attributes of the equipment.

What delights Ning Tianlin most is that this muddle star suit can already excite the suit attributes! Fully dressed, you can make the surrounding space sticky and prevent the opponent's agility from playing!

Let the people around you slow down. Although it has only been reduced by 23%, it is also a big improvement! After all, Ning Tianlin used to wear a low-level suit before, but he didn't have any attributes.

It seems that the ability is not enough to affect the surrounding.

Today, as a one-star equipment, all-star equipment has this function. After that, the five-star and six-star equipment can be exchanged for more powerful attributes.

It's just a pity that nowadays, Ning Tianlin has the most suitable equipment that his body can bear, which is one-star equipment that can increase his combat power by 500,000 points.

In this way, Ning Tianlin now can rely on his physical body, equipment, and power to achieve 2.5 million combat power! It's not the miracle of Dantian's position!

Ning Tianlin estimated that the combat power bonus brought by that thing would be at least 500,000 or more, and even reach one million!

In this way, his fighting power of Ning Tianlin has reached between 3 million and 3.5 million!

Counting martial arts, secret methods, space formations, and so on, he would dare to fight the April strong with a combat power of more than 4 million!

"I just don't know if the combatant of the Nanzhan House has reached the level of the April strong."

This is what Ning Tianlin cares about.

There is also the mysterious man from the center of the galaxy who killed himself in Nanzhan House. I don't know how much his combat effectiveness has reached, but it is certainly not low to want to come!

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