Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1116: Earth Network, Connect!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"This place, you can leave."

I had a general understanding of his strength. Ning Tianlin was going to leave, but he didn't know where he was in the galaxy now. This position was not shown in the positioning of the combat system.

Ning Tianlin estimated that this is the reason that the real combat system has not yet arrived. After all, this place should be regarded as a forbidden place or a remote place. Otherwise, the former Lord of the Galaxy will not settle here.


"The quickest way is to send it randomly."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care, activated a random teleporter again and left here. Today, it has been two years and three months since he was killed and fled in Nanzhan.

In a few more months, the opening ceremony of the Galaxy Genius Martial Arts Tournament will begin.

You must participate!

All come to this step, the super mission arranged by the combat system, he must complete! Regardless of the final reward, the essence of the book that did not complete the deduction alone is already an astronomical figure.

Even today he can't afford it.

Moreover, in the center of the galaxy, he will definitely come to the scene, the son Hao, the family behind him, and those who killed him, he will definitely meet for a while! And now, I am afraid that many geniuses have set off towards the center of the galaxy.


Activate the teleporter and merge Ning Tianlin, who is full of feet, into a light and shadow, and leave here.

at the same time.

Cuttlefish star.

The first planet Ning Tianlin came to was also the one closest to Earth. Five years ago, Ning Tianlin left from here, and a spaceship carrying tens of thousands of people also entered the starry sky shortly after he left, according to the map he gave.

Heading towards a planet named Earth.

Two years ago, this team came to Earth and caused some commotion. Many people were left there and started to advance the civilization of the earth according to Ning Tianlin's wishes. Although their technology is not good, it is indeed the most suitable for the earth.

If a more advanced civilization goes, it is like letting the present people return to the primitive world and teaching the primitive people how to learn calculus is nothing more than playing the piano.

Just now.

The spacecraft returned, stopped in the outer space port, and then several people flew out of it, heading directly to this squid star's most luxurious and richest palace.

"Well, finally back."

In the luxurious palace.

Qatar, who has been on the road for five years, has been lying on the soft big bed as soon as he returns, enjoying the service of two rather charming young women around him.

The two women were not maids, but his wife, who had been married three years ago, and children of the nobleman of the cuttlefish rich family.

If he had been in Qatar, let alone say that he was being served by them, that is, he would not be qualified to take a look at them. But on the spacecraft ferry in outer space, the moment he met Ning Tianlin, his fate changed.

In less than three days, he changed from a small part-time worker to the governor of Cuttlefish! Governing billions of souls!

Even when Ning Tianlin left, he was even taken a magical elixir, which changed from a few thousand combat forces to 100,000 points of physical power today!

The first strong cuttlefish star!

This does not include the equipment he wears.

This can add a lot of equipment, also given to him by his master Ning Tianlin today!

Therefore, in order to repay his master's kindness, or to show something in front of his master, five years ago, he personally led a team and went to the earth to provide the earth with some technology and slaves.

At the same time do not forget a major event of the master.

Connect the earth to the web!

Connect to the network connected to the Galaxy!

And he really did a good job of this. Three years ago, when he arrived on the earth, he organized people to start laying network lines and arranging various information receivers. Just because he couldn't connect to the server on Earth, he had to activate the signal after returning to Cuttlefish.

Even he remembers that his master Ning Tianlin gave him a second transfer through Cuttle Star, so that others could not find Earth in the Galaxy network. The first signal address found was Cuttle Star!

Not the earth!

Now that everything is in place, it is only the east wind.

As soon as he returned, he sent someone to activate the signal, and then he had the heart to enjoy this gentle village.

Three days later.

"Sir, you're connected!"

"The network that connects the earth to the galaxy has been connected by us!"

At this time, Kadal was standing directly in front of a light curtain, watching various flashing signals on the light curtain in front of him, and at the same time, he heard constant reports from the people around him. Although he didn't understand it, he also knew that it was successful!

He successfully completed the command of the master, connecting the earth to the galaxy network!

Five years!

Five years of hard work without wasting! He deserves his host's request!

"it is good."

"You go down first."

Kadar nodded, then waved his hand to let everyone around him leave. It was only long before these people left, a scream came from outside, and then two tall guards came in with **** swords.

Bending down, he said to Kadar, "Master, it's dealt with."

"No one knows what's going on here."

The two guards followed him to Kadar, and their loyalty was reliable, but the technicians who had just arrived had to die.

Nothing else, just keep it secret!

When Ning Tianlin entrusted him with this matter, he repeatedly emphasized that he must keep a secret! The secret that keeps the earth hidden on this network is not discovered! If the slightest news comes out, he will Ning Tianlin, the first one will kill him!

And in order to save his life, for the glory and power that he already has, he will certainly do the same, killing everyone who knows these things! Those people, already on Earth, will not come.

But these technicians are different and must be killed!

The deadliest person in the world will always keep secrets!


Kadar nodded, and in the shocked eyes of the two guards, shot directly, crushing the throats of both of them.

"Don't blame me, I'll settle your little home well."

Kadar fainted toward the two bodies.

Not that he was uneasy, but that he wanted to complete the master's task. This secret could only be grasped by himself.

Unfortunately, he and Ning Tianlin were both wrong. When Kadal took out the information device and dialed a person's number, all kinds of signals spread rapidly with the cuttlefish as the origin.

You know, there are more than Ning Tianlin who care about the earth today.

No matter how strong Cuttlefish's technology is, it is only a declining low-level planet. Its technology is far worse than the Galaxy's top technology.

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