Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1135: Golden Thunderbolt

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



A roar that only Ning Tianlin could hear rang through the sky. Only a moment later, Wanzu was running all over his body, and there was no complete flesh.

Fragmentation, tearing, tearing, that is, bones, have cracked countless cracks.

Under him, it's all blood.

Even the eyes have become a bit sluggish. The severe pain made it only make a constant roar, and even to the end, the roaring sound became smaller and smaller.

"This kind of pain, I'm afraid ..."

Ning Tianlin couldn't bear to watch. This kind of pain is more severe than breaking with his palm. If it is just momentary pain, it is only a matter of slowly cutting bones and flesh!

Almost like Ling Chi. that

This kind of pain, if ordinary people come, can definitely die alive.

Wan Zuyu is no different from his own brother, or it is more appropriate to describe it with a part of his own body. Although knowing that this kind of torture is only temporary and only for future new students, Ning Tianlin still can't bear to look directly.

In this way, it took about ten minutes for Wanzu to pat his body up and down. There was no trace of flesh left. Only a row of bones was left. If it was not to rely on Duerdan to maintain its life, Ning Tianlin I don't know if Wanzuyu will die.


"Began to recover!"

And soon, Ning Tianlin's eyes brightened, because a lot of heaven and earth aura, began to gush wildly towards the body of Wanzuan, the most obvious is the broken body of Wanzuan, quickly repairing.

If the removal of bones and flesh is a matter of slowly pulling away the cocoons, then the physical recovery is like a river going into the sea and surging.

In less than three seconds, Wanzuan's body has been restored to the original condition with a lot of aura, and even the dark scales look more dense and dense, especially the bones inside its body are a little thicker.

The whole body looks more vigorous and powerful.



It was just a bang, and the body it had just condensed was shattered by the flashing golden lightning in the dark clouds in the sky. The molding is faster, and the crushing is faster this time.

But this time is very different from the bone-stripping just now. The flesh did not dissipate, but hovered in the air, as if time were still, it slowly revolved around the bones of Manchuria.

At this time, Ning Tianlin even saw that a round of purple air mass slowly rising around the abdomen of Wanzuan.

This purple air mass, which Ning Tianlin saw last time in evolution, is mysterious, illusory, like the vacant Xinghe, although it slowly rotates, but it exudes great suction!

These flesh and blood are fixed in the air.

Ning Tianlin knows, if in one sentence, what is the biggest benefit of the first evolution of three thousand years ago, that is this mysterious purple air mass! Manchuria was called the embryo of the universe at that time!


Suddenly, under the suction of this purple air mass, these flesh and blood gathered toward the body of Manchuria, and even the golden lightnings that contained it within them were fused.

Ning Tianlin saw at once that the energy of this golden lightning not only permeated its flesh and blood, but also penetrated into its bones. The original white bones were now with a small piece of gold.

Ning Tianlin was stunned, but he knew that the golden lightning was a thunderous punishment for the sake of it! From the chaos, the gods are so magnificent that at this moment they are all melted into the flesh and bones of a thousand feet!

Is this good or bad?

Obviously much different than the first evolution.



It was just a short time, and it was golden lightnings in the clouds. The newly formed body of Manchurian shattered again, but as before, it did not fall apart, but was absorbed by the purple air mass around the body.

When it fuses again, a part of the golden lightning energy is added to the flesh and bones.


But a moment later, under the bombardment of golden lightning, it cracked again! Converged again.

In this way, it cracked, aggregated, and cracked again and again and again, until the golden lightnings swimming in the air became less and less, and the number of aggregations slowly decreased.

Until all the golden lightnings never appeared, the full body was truly their own.


At this moment, Wanzu took a big mouth, like a whale sucking water, and quickly inhaled the dark clouds in the air into his belly. Although it has been going on for more than ten minutes, it is not over, but it does not stop until all these black clouds are sucked into the abdomen.



Ning Tianlin noticed that at this moment, all the cells inside the body of Wanzulu were boiling, and they were greedily sucking the energy in this black cloud.

Chaotic clouds.

It is not appropriate to say that the clouds are the most pure energy in the birth and the chaos of the universe.

No one knows how it came about, and no one knows how it came.

Ning Tianlin also only met twice during the evolution of Manchuria. Last time the combat system told him that it was just the natural punishment, the birth and chaos of the universe.

Wherever the universe wants an obliterated creature, it will appear.

The clouds are the foundation, and Jin Lei is the killing trick!

Du Erdan was specifically used to deal with them.

But after the storm, it is a rainbow, and the chaotic cloud is said to be a killing trick, but as long as it is passed, it only has thick energy, and this energy is also a great helper for the evolution of Manchuria.

The whole world, and only at this moment, can it get enough energy from chaos.

"Now, it's time for you to show up."

Seeing that all the energy had been swallowed into the body of Wanzuan, and all parts of the body were competing for the trial, Ning Tianlin knew that it was his shot and it was the time to consume a lot of energy It's time.

If you don't plan the evolution direction of Mantafoot, the energy absorbed into the body will be continuously dispersed and consumed throughout the body, and various useful and useless abilities will be born, not what he Ning Tianlin wants!

Devour the heavens!

That was the best evolutionary direction Ning Tianlin chose for Manzulu!


A piece of right hand, a purple elixir, appeared in his palm.

This elixir, like mist, looks like if you can see the thunder flash inside.

"Selective spirit!"

An elixir that can choose the direction of evolution!

This is also the most expensive elixir that Ning Tianlin has exchanged for growing up to now.

Billion points of energy!

Although this elixir was also used in the first evolution, the energy contained in it is very different from this.

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