Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1136: Tanglin Province

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


With a bullet in his right hand, he put this elixir into the mouth of Wanzuan.

Devour the heavens!

Ning Tianlin forcibly changed the evolution direction of Manchuria, and once again chose to eat it!

This is also the last time he negotiated with the combat system, and it is also for himself and Wanzuo to maximize the benefits. At that time, this astronomical place really takes shape, but it becomes the universe inside the body.

Living creatures can survive in it !!

The most important thing is that these living creatures can continue to provide Wanzuyu, that is, Ning Tianlin provides one hundred millionth of their combat power.

Although it sounds like only one hundredth of a billion, it doesn't hold up so many creatures!

A single earth has billions of creatures. A single person's fighting power is tens of points. If there are more planets and living creatures, this fighting power will reach the point of explosion.

This ability alone can push Wanzuo and yourself to the top of the universe!

However, this evolutionary path is also the most difficult and long. If there is no combat system in existence, no matter who comes, it will not be possible to fix the evolutionary direction of Millipede.


At the entrance of the elixir, Ning Tianlin saw that all the cells were silent in an instant, not only the energy in the chaos, but also the original energy inside the body, and all condensed towards the purple vortex of the abdomen.


The combat system of the day described the purple vortex like this.




When these energies arrived in front of the purple vortex, they were all swallowed in. Slowly, slowly, the purple vortex began to rotate, and every time it was rotated, the body solidified a point.

If it was initially in the form of a gauze-like dense pattern, at the end it was already substantial, similar to an oval egg, purple and illusive, as if one party had not yet formed the universe.

"Green and yellow are not divided, chaos is not opened, the beginning of the road."

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's mind emerged from this sentence. Could the third evolution be to break the egg and reopen the universe?

Ning Tianlin still remembers that in ancient myths, Pangu opened up the world, and that was it.

"All right."

"Who can predict what will happen in the future."

Ning Tianlin shook his head in his heart and was unwilling to make any further guesses. After all, this third evolution does not yet know when it will start. Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, or even ten thousand years are possible.

This evolution is random and unpredictable.

Maybe in the next second, and maybe in ten thousand years.

"It's just a pity that the choice of this food is now very useless for me and will not bring much change."

Ning Tianlin knows that this is also a matter of no means. The evolution direction of Manchuria is various, and some can quickly improve a lot of combat power after each evolution.

But the staying power is incomparable.

In the future, it will definitely be against the sky.

"It's just that I hope I can live to the day when evolution succeeds."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't know whether it was right or wrong that he chose this long road. After all, the universe is extremely dangerous, and there is a possibility of death at any time. Even if he has a combat system, he doesn't know how many times he almost died.

Living in the moment is the most important thing.

But this evolutionary direction is for him to prepare for the future of the true strong.


It was only very soon that Ning Tianlin took a deep breath and shook his head to dissipate this kind of uneasiness, more precisely, the idea of ​​a weak heart. Now that you have chosen, don't regret it!

Kneeling is all about to go!

"It's time to go to the Milky Way."

Evolution is over and Ning Tianlin is ready to leave here. The galactic genius martial arts competition will start soon, and he has to do this. Seeing other geniuses in the galactic is second.

The Lord of the Galaxy is what he wants to see most!

After all, strictly speaking, the Lord of the Galaxy is the genius among geniuses!

More than two thousand years ago, only a few hundred years old, could defeat the incumbent Lord of the Galaxy!

Even Ning Tianlin didn't know if he could do it in the future.

"It's just that, compared with the Lord of the Galaxy, my combat effectiveness is not that bad."

The combat power of the former Lord of the Galaxy has exceeded 10 million. Ning Tianlin dare not imagine how much combat power he will have if he defeats him. Now more than two thousand years have passed, and I don't know where it has grown.


His body flickered, and when he reappeared, he was already in the house of Miyayama-gun. At the center of this place, there is a teleportation array, which is also the fastest way to get to the galaxy from here.

Otherwise, it would take three to five years to take the spaceship alone to Tangling.

However, Ning Tianlin did not leave in a hurry, but followed Miyayama-gun, which was controlled by the tapeworm, to several places where the treasure was hidden, and chose to leave after making sure that the entire Miyayama Prefecture had been completely searched.

At this time, his energy points increased by more than 500 million points.

. . . . . .

Tangling House Teleportation Array.

There are a total of five, divided into southeast and northwest, corresponding to thirty-six counties. Every nine counties are directly connected to a teleportation array. The position where Ning Tianlin appears belongs to the northeast corner.

No way, if you want to go to the Milky Way, you have to go to Tangling House first, and then take the Tangling House's teleportation array to the Galaxy. In Miyayama-gun, there is no teleportation array that has direct access to the galaxy.

The distance is too long, the cost is too great.

And this teleportation array to the galaxy is located elsewhere, in the house of the Tangling House's owner.

"Go shopping first."

"Go to Tanglin again."

Ning Tianlin doesn't know who is fighting with the Tangling Mansion Master now. Although he can now compete with the four million strong man, he is not only the county man, but also the four Manners. Points.

He wasn't sure, he must be the opponent of this Tangling House owner.

If not, he did not go through Tangling Mansion, but entered the tiger's mouth.


The body flickered, and when it appeared again, it was already transformed into another appearance, standing at the door of a large shopping mall.

This is also the fastest way that Ning Tianlin can think of now to improve combat effectiveness.

crazy shopping.

Redeem resources!

And this is a large shopping mall in a province after all. When it comes to scale, I do n’t know how much stronger than a county.

It was more than a week after all his crazy purchases were completed.

However, in order to be low-key and unobtrusive, he changed the appearance of another person every few shopping points.

Four planets. Almost a month later, he almost exchanged the resources of all the large shopping malls in Tangling.

At this time, his energy points have increased madly to 25.58 billion!

It ’s only less than it took two and a half years to kill the skull crazy, that time earning less money in the forbidden area!

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