Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1137: Lord of Tangling, dare to come out and fight!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Now, you can go to Tanglin."

When Ning Tianlin walked out of the last mall, he looked up and looked at the huge mansion in the middle of the sky, knowing that it was the place where the master of Tangling Mansion was located.

The teleportation array he was riding on was also arranged.


His body flickered, and he flew up into the air, flying towards the most prominent mansion.


"Dare to break into Tangling House!"

Because it was forced to come, as soon as Ning Tianlin's figure appeared, various alarms came, and he was surrounded by many guards in the blink of an eye. However, they did not start immediately, because for many years, this has never happened.

No one dared to appear in Tangling Province without such a notice!

Therefore, for a while, he couldn't figure out the situation and didn't know Ning Tianlin's identity. If it comes at a great deal, they may not be able to please, or they may have an impact on the owner of Tangling Mansion.


It was only that Ning Tianlin didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and exploded into suffocation all around him, and blasted to the people around him, but it was only an instant that before these people had time to respond, he left them with no residue.

He came here not for reason, nor for the courtesy of the owner of Tangling House. If he didn't know what he was under, he might come to the door with kindness and borrow a teleportation array.

But now that he knows that the other party died for the former Lord of the Galaxy, which is the spy of this Lord of the Galaxy, he is not very polite.

Although I have not met the current Lord of the Galaxy, and it is not known whether the other party is Qin Shihuang, but it is not so important.

The identity of the earth man is worth his doing.

The vast universe, the vast galaxy, it is estimated that this person will be the first Earth person he meets, and it is more likely to be the only Earth person. For the sake of fellow villagers, he will also deal with this tail.

"court death!"

"Dare to make trouble in Tanglin!"

Soon, the guards around Ning Tianlin became more and more effective, at first they were the lowest level, and as he went deeper, the level became higher and higher, at this moment when he was about to reach the middle The combat effectiveness of the five people around him has been estimated at about one million.

Reached the level of one county.




It was just not even a round, and their bodies were all shattered, and then they all entered the abdomen of Wanzu. The combat power gap is too big, that is, nowadays, it is enough to kill one county chief.


After killing two more powerful guards, which are also the most powerful guards in Tangling, Ning Tianlin appeared in front of a huge square. It took me less than a quarter of an hour to get to this location.

"This is the teleportation array."

In front of Ning Tianlin's eyes, there was a huge hexagonal array, and the lightning around him flickered as if he were in a thunderbolt. But Ning Tianlin knew that this was not lightning, but the energy dissipated by the matrix.

However, there is still one thing missing from these energies, which can gather them together to achieve the purpose of transmission.

Teleport Stone!

Necessary to activate the teleportation array!

Ning Tianlin did not immediately look for a teleportation stone, but instead set his sights on a huge palace suspended above the teleportation array. He knew that this palace must not be elsewhere or the residence of his master in Tangling !!

Ning Tianlin was jealous of the materials used to build the palace alone.


A kind of cool seasons, which can keep the mind calm at all times, has a great beneficial effect on the cultivation of spiritual power, that is, an ordinary person lives here without training, and his spiritual power can be stiff within a year. From one hundred to one thousand!

Artifact of Cultivation of Spiritual Power!

He used to practice for his family and saw this kind of thing on the exchange platform. Each piece can be exchanged for nearly 10,000 points of energy! Now, how many fast red crystals are needed to build such a large palace!


Ning Tianlin stepped on the ground with her legs strong, and directly rushed into the sky, overlooking this huge palace from a high altitude, but did not go in, but shouted loudly, "Master of Tangling, dare to come out and fight!"

Today, he is going to compete with the master of Tangling Mansion!

On the day he retired from Nanzhanfu, he always had a wish that he could one day fight against the master of the house to prepare for the fight with that boy Hao and his family.

Now almost three years later, he is finally able to stand in front of a house owner and fight him!


It only took about thirty seconds to pass, and there was no sound coming from the hall below, and there was no Dongling he rushed out. Can't help but be stunned.

"Master of Tangling, dare to come out for a fight!"

Inhaled and drank again.

Just like before, there was no response after tens of seconds.

"Master of Tangling, dare to come out for a fight!"

Ning Tianlin shouted again.

Three times, if you haven't responded, don't blame him for being rude.

Similarly, after tens of seconds, there was no response at all.


Could not help but dispel the consciousness and cover the whole hall. I only saw a bunch of sloppy maids and waiters who looked at him in horror, and some timids hid under the table and didn't dare to show their heads.

There is no Tangling House owner at all!

"Not in?"

Thought Ning Tianlin.


Without the slightest hesitation, the god-like mind pierced hundreds of people in the palace, and then entered without thinking, and began to read their memory in large quantities.

For Ning Tianlin today, it is not difficult to read the memories of thousands of people scatteredly.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of these people is much lower than that of him.

"Sure enough."

"Going to the Galaxy Center!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin was on a pretty woman and read the information about the host of Tangling Mansion. He also knew the identity of the woman. The host of Dongling Mansion was a princess.

In the whole hall, he was the only one who knew the news about the Lord of Tangling Mansion.

"Since I'm not here, I'll collect some interest first."

Ning Tianlin originally planned to directly kill the host of Tangling Mansion and solve the bomb hidden around him for his fellow fellow in the earth, but now he is not polite.


Suspended in the void, a palm shot towards the huge palace below.

The palm of his hand gathered countless horrors, and before he even touched the palace, he had condensed into a huge palm print with tens of thousands of feet in length and thousands of feet in width, and patted it towards the palace.


A huge crackle rang through the sky.

The palm prints are gone, and the original huge palaces have all been cracked into pieces of red orchids.

There is more than 180,000 pieces!

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