Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1159: Fifty percent!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"What is it?"

Bai Qi stood still, but did not turn around, leaving Ning Tianlin only a back view. He doesn't think anything can change his determination to leave here.

He just wants to live.

Next to Ning Tianlin, he's probably going to die badly.

"What I want to say is, I know the whereabouts of Yun Zheng, don't you want to hear?"

Ning Tianlin was a little funny. After so long with him, he also saw that this is nothing but a master who is cold and enthusiastic. If not, I will not remind myself to leave the Temple Star just now.

Turning your back to yourself, you may face your life-saving benefactor without face.


"Master Shihuang!"

Bai Qi didn't even care, but when he heard what Ning Tianlin said, he turned sharply and made a lunge directly to Ning Tianlin. He even reached out and grabbed Ning Tianlin's two shoulders.

Shouted loudly, "Do you have news from Lord Shi Huang?"

"Where is he?"

"Where is he!"

His body trembled, his voice exhausted.

If at this moment his greatest motivation is to find an answer, where is the first emperor and where did he go?

Not in the Tomb of the First Emperor!

Coupled with some bronze people, and some things of the year, he came to a conclusion that it was 80% of the possibility that Lord Shihuang did not die, but left the earth early.

Not on earth!

During his journey, he never forgot to inquire about the Lord Shi Huang.

It's just that there has never been a message.

Even now his life lives for the first emperor.

This loyalty to a life is far from what Ning Tianlin can understand now.

"If you don't let go, I will do it."

Ning Tianlin was a little speechless. This Bai Qi was too excited, even dare to grab his shoulders and shake.

Are you so excited?

If it weren't for the sake of the fellow, and he wouldn't let you be hurt again, he would have shocked him with radon for the first time.


After listening to this and looking at it again, I knew that I was too excited. I quickly let go of my hands and stepped back, but the expression on my face was still quite agitated.

"Where is Lord Shi Huang?"

I asked immediately after letting go.

"First Emperor?"

"Who is this person?"

Even Su Luoman on the side has some questions. Who is this man?

Is it great?

Or is it a woman, a woman that Bai Qi likes so much?

"I don't know the specifics."

Ning Tianlin said, "I can only say that there is a 50% chance that he is now the Lord of the Galaxy."

Ning Tianlin expressed his guess, saying that it was 50%. In fact, he felt that 80% was possible.


More than two thousand years ago.

He couldn't think of anyone else.

Only Qin Shihuang left the earth at that time. After all, his mausoleum is empty!

Even he was apprentice to King Yan Luo.

All kinds of calculations, only he has this kind of combat power, can be the king of the galaxy.


"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

Not only was Bai Qi, but Su Luoman on the side was also shocked and incredible.

Lord of the Galaxy?

Is the Lord of the Galaxy called the First Emperor?

This is also a fact unknown to all Galactics. No one knows his real name, only that he was born more than 2,000 years ago, replacing the last Lord of the Galaxy.

As for the other looks, age, background, and even name is unknown.

Although there is talk of division, there is no definite conclusion at all.

I didn't expect this master I knew, even knew the Lord of the Galaxy!

Do they know?

It seems that from the look of Bai Qi, they are all acquaintances!

Oh my God!

My master knew the Lord of the Galaxy!

"Lord of the Galaxy?"

"Lord of the Galaxy?"

"How did Lord Shi Huang become the Lord of the Galaxy?"

Bai Qi's eyes were a little lost, and he could hardly believe his ears. He thought of countless possibilities, and wondered whether Master Shi Huang is still struggling or practicing in some places.

How much combat power, can I live and be happy.

Or on which planet is called emperor and reopened.

But I never thought that Master Shihuang would become the Lord of the Galaxy!

He even automatically filtered 50% of Ning Tianlin's possibilities.

What is fifty percent?

It must be 100%!

Lord Shihuang must be the Lord of the Galaxy!

Only he is eligible to become Lord of the Galaxy!

Moreover, he feels that Tianlin is not that kind of tonguey person. It is estimated that it is only 50% that it is for the sake of insurance.

"I'll find him now!"

At first hearing the news of Lord Shi Huang, Bai Qi didn't even think about it, so he turned and went to find the Lord of the Galaxy.

He wants to follow him!

Like two thousand years ago, follow me!

Although he was loyal to the three or four kings of the Qin Dynasty, only the first emperor was the most important in his heart!

"You're crazy!"

Ning Tianlin scolded, "I said, there is only 50% chance. If not, you rush to death if you go so rashly!"

"I can't save you!"

Ning Tianlin never thought that Bai Qi would be so excited, not even thinking about his life.

He just said that, but just wanted to remind Bai Qi that maybe he would meet his deceased again in the Galaxy.

I just didn't expect this result would be so crazy.

"Yes and no, I'll know when I see it."

Bai Qi was unmoved and was ready to rise into the air.

More than two thousand years.

No one knows what kind of patience and suffering he had for more than two thousand years.

From being deceived by Xu Fu and the 100,000 mountains, he felt that he was not the right person to start. Especially knowing that Da Qin died, he felt even more ashamed of the enlightenment of Lord Shi Huang.

After more than two thousand years of torture, he just wanted to plead guilty face-to-face and get the forgiveness of Lord Shihuang.

"That's your life to try again!"

Ning Tianlin shot directly, used qi to make a big hand, and hung up the white Qi to the air and held him in the air.


Downright crazy!

Only one person's name is really so heavy either?

Not even the name.

This is also a pursuit that Ning Tianlin has not experienced in the monarchy period and cannot understand.

Scholars die for those who know themselves, and those who let their officials die are obliged to die. The concept of loyalty to the country is not something that can be done on the earth people now.

"let me go."

Bai Qi was detained and struggled.

"I'll let you go when I'm sure."

"If it doesn't, it'll make you die for nothing."

Ning Tianlin's attitude towards Bai Qi has already been benevolent. He wouldn't have shot it if it hadn't originated from the same earth or the old knowledge. Switching to someone else has already cost him hundreds of times.

"Three months."

"In less than three months, everything will have results."

Ning Tianlin promised to the dialogue.

Released his body at the same time.

But this time, Bai Qi no longer struggled.

Three months, three months, more than two thousand years, he can hold back!

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