Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1160: Evil mosaic

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Big news!

Big news!

Shocking news!

Soon, the matter of Ning Tianlin's big trouble at the Colosseum and killing Gazier began to spread on the Internet at a very fast speed in the galaxy. And all the reports are headlines.

"Explosive! Gaqier, the eighth best player in the galaxy, died in the hands of the mysterious youth!"

"Who is this young man? How old? How can there be immortality!"

"True immortality! Real peerless eternity!"

"Mysterious Youth Makes the Colosseum! Kill the Galactic Eighth Master Gazel? There is a picture and a truth!"

"What is this mysterious youth for? Two slaves?"

"How did Gazil die? Why couldn't he do it well, and in the end he couldn't fight back?"

. . . . . .

A series of videos about Ning Tianlin began to spread on the Galaxy network. All the big red headlines and large fonts were the most prominent positions on the homepage, and even some were equipped with the video at the time.

It's just that these news media have received the direct notice from the top layer. The report can also be made, and it must be mosaic!

For the mysterious young man's face blurring, all the segments in which Ning Tianlin's name was spoken were cut off!

And the top instruction is, of course, the Lord of the Galaxy!

Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will blow, his fellow is too young and must be protected.

In the future, I am afraid it is no less than myself.

There can be more masters on the earth. He hopes to see it in his eyes.

"Isn't it? There are still such people? How can they not be killed?"

When Ning Tianlin's figure was broken up again and again, and turned into flesh and blood, again and again, everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

How can there be such a person in this world?

Really immortal!

Ordinary people will die if they lose their heads!

Is this mysterious young man human?


"so amazing!"

"If I have such a powerful body, I'm afraid of a bird! Anyone who comes here dares to work with him!"

Almost everyone cares about Ning Tianlin's immortal body. This is almost too fierce. How did he do it?

Broken and restored, broken and broken, so who can kill him?

What's the secret?

And when they found nothing, they were all thinking, how could this Kazil not move? Dafa Shenwei, who was good at first, finally moved slowly like a turtle.

In the end, it all turned into stone, motionless.

what happened?

People on the side said they were poisoned, but what poisoned them?

What's wrong?

Especially in the video, Kazil swallowed a detoxification Dan!

Even the attentive person zoomed in the video, and through various inquiries, it was seen that this was a superb antidote! It's not too much to call the Galaxy Dan!

But even this kind of poison detoxification can't detoxify that kind of poison?

The poison in that is simply too overbearing!

Numerous people even slowed down the video at that time by a factor of a thousand times. The end result was that the mysterious young man had only three contact with the other person, once on his shoulders, once on his thighs, and once on his belly.

The rest have no chance.

If it were not for these three times, then this highly toxic would be really overbearing, and let Qizier go silent.

"I beg for the contact information of the mysterious youth! I want to worship! I want to learn his immortal body!"

"I beg your knees too! I have to learn his poison, which is a necessary medicine for killing! Dilute it a little, poison a beautiful woman, let alone!"

"Who is this mysterious youth? How old is he? Will he be a contestant in this galactic genius battle? He came to this Colosseum by accident?"

Various opinions are flooding the Galaxy.

But no one has a result.

Damn mosaic!

Evil Mosaic!

. . . . . .

"Ning Tianlin! Ninety-nine percent of the time, it's Ning Tianlin who escaped last time!"

Temple star.

Hao family.

The third son Hao Gong looked at the video in front of him, his expression tense, his body shaking.

Ning Tianlin!

It must be Ning Tianlin!

You Tamar knows you even if I hit the mosaic!

At the residence of Jiu Mu that day, Uncle Lan bombarded you into scum on the spot, but you regrouped without any help, and even took the space ring from Uncle Lan.

Uncle Li Lan said that he felt a numbness in his arm at that time, and he didn't feel it until you succeeded.

This person must be you!

It must be you Ning Tianlin!

Hao Zi's eyes were red and his breathing was a little short.

Because he knew that if he guessed correctly, it would be a terrible disaster for their Hao family!

An inevitable disaster!

The dead man in the video is the super master who ranks eighth among the billions of galaxies! The elders in his family did not squeeze into the top ten! Hovering only on the 13th and 4th!

If it was him, what would happen if he returned to take revenge?

And revenge is for sure!

Fate of life and death, who can not report?

But, how did he cultivate this bastard?

Why is he so powerful now?

Seen in two or three years, his fighting power has exceeded five million? Even if it's not there, it's definitely not too far away!

His uncle Lan also only has more than 3 million fighting capabilities.

At that time, he could be smashed directly with one punch, but now, I am afraid it will be smashed by this Ning Tianlin!

"The Colosseum!"

"Our Hao family, what we can rely on, can we survive this crisis, I'm afraid it depends on the Colosseum!"

"He killed the second master of the Colosseum, and the opponent will surely siege him in all directions! And the owner of the Colosseum, but the third-highest player in the Galaxy, has this ability!"

The frowning Hao Gongzi was shocked at the thought of this.


"You can only rely on the Colosseum!"

"Find Ning Tianlin!"

"Be sure to find Ning Tianlin as soon as possible! Then leak his whereabouts to the Colosseum! In this way, the Colosseum will be shot and Ning Tianlin will be destroyed! Then we Hao family will be able to escape this calamity!"

The more Hao Zi thinks, the more reason.

A few seconds later, he shouted at the door, "Come!"

After telling the guard what to do, he sat in a chair, paralyzed, at a loss.

how come?

How could he offend such a person for the Hao family?

And they are in the Ming, this Ning Tianlin is still in the dark!

. . . . . .

at the same time.

The main residence of Nanzhan House.

"It must be him."

"Ning Tianlin!"

"He is back!"

And Hao Gongzi also recognized that this mysterious young man is Ning Tianlin, and the owner of Nanzhan House!

In his hands, he had a complete video of the scene at the Jiumu Palace in Nanzhan House that day. On that day Ning Tianlin Ke was completely broken and finally reunited. And when he snatched the space ring from the servant, he also succeeded in giving the other party a momentary paralysis.

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