Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1192: Ruyi Langjun

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Thank you."

Su Luoman took it, bowed very carefully, but was just avoided by Fairy Huai when she had just moved.


How can she bear the bow of such a character.

Although the specific identity of the other party is not known, but being able to appear here has proven to be not an ordinary person.

Not to be ashamed of it, I dare not accept it!

"All right."

"Sit down."

Ning Tianlin smiled, waved his hand, and motioned to Huai Fairy to sit down.

And with the Huai Xianzi's restrained seat, everyone began to talk, and the owner of the Nanzhan House on the side also acted as a lubricant. Whenever there was a cold spot in the room, he talked about various funny and jokes.

It won't be an old monster with many faces and a long life.

Even often cited the topic to the topics of Ning Tianlin and Huai Xianzi, and joked, seemingly to match them.

And with his old-fashioned eyes, he could see that Huai Xianzi was the virgin. Compared to those coquettish female stars, I am afraid it can attract Ning Tianlin's attention.

Just not together, it is good to spend Ning Tianlin overnight.

In this way, maybe Ning Tianlin can give him a high look, at least there are advantages and no disadvantages.

Huai Xianzi is not a fool, but she can obviously feel the match of the master of Nanzhan House. She just avoids it with an awkward smile, but at the same time, she can't help looking at this Ning Tianlin.

And the more she looked, the more her heart beat.

Nothing else, because counting this, this Ning Tianlin is really a suitable boyfriend or husband.

Regardless of the opponent's combat effectiveness, her age alone matches her quite well.

Although she has become famous for five or six years, she is only twenty-two years old. She started her debut at the age of seven. The veritable child star has already appeared slim at the age of sixteen.

It was also at this age that the fire started.

Ning Tianlin, although he does n’t know the exact age, can still participate in this talented martial arts competition, but at the age, he is less than one hundred years old.

Compared to those old monsters that have been moving for hundreds of years, this age is really very suitable for him.

Moreover, his combat effectiveness is explosive, the existence of the top three in the galaxy, and even recently, some people often compare him with the lord of the galaxy. This kind of person is definitely a harbor sheltering himself.

It's not a fake, it's not a joke.

Her beauty, rich and natural, noble, elegant and charming, she is more than one point, less than one point, and she can rank among the top ten in the galaxy. Although I dare not say that it is the most beautiful, no one who has seen her says that she is ugly.

This natural beauty, although it has given her countless opportunities, she will soon be able to make a name for herself in the show business, and even stand out, but she is also plunged into a very difficult situation!

There are always some powerful people who want to support her!

Keep her in a cage as a canary.

Some seduce with monstrous power, some seduce with lofty status, and some with endless wealth, and even more fierce men threaten her and use her strong.

Over the years, she has always been hiding away, or blocked by the agent behind her, but she is really worried that she will be irresistible one day. The temptation is okay. She firmly believes that she can refuse.

But intimidating, she really may not be able to resist!

She doesn't know how many times she has bet on her life!

If it wasn't for the other person's fear that her death would cause a galaxy of netizens, these people really have already started!

So these days, she also wants to not find a boyfriend, or find a harbor that can shelter herself from the wind and rain. After all, no matter how beautiful she is, she is just a woman.

And there are still not many fighting women.

Let her sing and dance, be happy, and relieve people's boredom, but if you let her fight with a knife, she can't really do it.

Now listening to the meaning of the owner of Nanzhanfu, the more she thought, the more she felt the same.

This Ning Tianlin is really a suitable candidate.

To have money and money, to have identity and status, to have status and status, and to have combat effectiveness and combat effectiveness. Although the character is a bit harsh, but that is also to treat outsiders, always better than some people.

Really want to be with him, maybe he can trust his life.

Most of all, she believes in fate.

It's not the first time that the two of them have met. The vast Milky Way, incomparably vast, could meet in a mall, but also helped itself, and now meets here again.

Although it is not destined to be destined, there is definitely a trace of fate.

Involuntarily, she was excited.

And the more you think about it, the more you jump.

I just don't know how many wives Ning Tianlin has, can he count in his heart, can he occupy a seat.

What is his attitude towards himself?

"Huai Xianzi, Master Ning, I think you two are so speculative. Why not exchange contact information, and you can still contact after a while?

At this time, the master of Nanzhanfu spoke and smiled at the two.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin nodded and didn't care.

In other words, he didn't even think about it.

He knew he was destined to leave the galaxy, and maybe he would leave after seeing the Lord of the Galaxy. His ultimate goal will be the more vast real universe.

Rarely think about private affairs.


The Huai Fairy nodded, but there was no such generosity in Ning Tianlin's expression, but she was a little bit rude and even blushed.

With the contact information, it is indeed more convenient to connect in the future.

And she thinks Ning Tianlin should also agree, if she has this idea, if not, how can such a noble person add the information number and give it to anyone.



Bai Qi, who had not been silent, snorted in his heart. Just didn't say it.

However, he also knew that this was his own purpose for Ning Tianlin.

In the Qin Dynasty, as long as there was a prosperous man, which was not his three wives and four widows, or he was in vain, he did not know how many women there were.

He is so uncomfortable now that he only has an opinion on Ning Tianlin.

"And me, and me."

Just after the two had exchanged contact information, the prospective apprentice Su Luoman also gathered up and said to the Huai Xianzi, "Hua Fairy, can we add a contact method?"

She really likes Huai Xianzi, and she is a little different from idols and fans.

After that, he looked at Huai Xianzi with a look of anticipation.


Huai Xianzi certainly would not refuse, nodded with a smile.

"Oh, right."

And just after Su Luoman and Huai Fairy exchanged contact information, Ning Tianlin asked abruptly, "Hua Fairy, have you learned the phonics?"

Note: The article is Kake, I don't know what to do with this Huai fairy.

After writing for two hours, I wrote and deleted, sorry.

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