Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1193: Kimchi Sky Ball?

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"Sound power?"

The Huai Fairy froze, but did not expect why Ning Tianlin would ask this question, but nodded truthfully and replied, "I have learned."

This can't trick people.

Especially in the presence of the master of Nanzhan House, it is impossible to cheat.

Moreover, there is no need to deceive, that is, there are many music-related exercises in schools, some can use music as a weapon to attack the enemy, and some can enhance the charm of music.

Disintegrate each other mentally.

"What tone work?"

"Can you try it out?"

Ning Tianlin was a little curious. To this day, he hasn't seen anyone use sound power to attack enemies, but he has seen sound power exercises in the exchange platform of the combat system.

It is a combat martial art!

Even the deepest person can resonate with the universe without using a voice and using only his body, and he can kill the other party through the undulating ripples.

It was just that he had never seen it in reality, and was a little curious.


Although she didn't know what Ning Tianlin was going to do, Huai Xianzi nodded.


I saw she slowly stepped forward, stood in the center of the room, and took a deep breath. The air in the house was sucked into her throat, and people didn't enter the belly like usual.

It was shaking in the throat.

Then a rush of golden text squirted out of her mouth.

One by one.

In a short while, a dozen appeared.

Words condensed with sound waves!

These dozen words did not disappear, but circled in the air, exuding some faint energy.

"That's it."

Ning Tianlin smiled and found that these words are similar to combat power and martial arts. If bombed on ordinary people, it can cause some trauma. At least on earth, it is already a very clear martial art.


It was only shortly after that that, to his surprise, under the control of the Huai Xianzi, these words began to change again, forming a square circle around the middle.


Ning Tianlin was surprised for a while!

Although it is the simplest formation method, he can destroy it in one breath, but it is indeed formation method.

This also reminded him of a means of arranging arrays.


Ning Tianlin smiled and nodded. If he finds out the tricks himself, he can also arrange some matrix methods for use.


What surprised Ning Tianlin even more was that when he thought that the Huai Fairy was over, he saw that the Huai Fairy was controlling these sonic characters, constantly changing, and finally turning into a stream-like sound wave, forming a set of golden clothes around her !!

Adding her nobleness to her original shape.




Ning Tianlin applauded. Satisfied.

Although these things are not clever, he can learn as soon as he learns, but Ning Tianlin learns killing skills all day long, and is not connected with these small changes. At least, he wears Sonic as beautiful clothes. Unexpected.

"The little girl shows ugliness, so that the adults can take effect."

Seeing Ning Tianlin applauding, the Huai Fairy bowed slightly, her face a little shy.

Sonic was trying to figure it out by herself.

Although many people can, but everyone has their own style, she feels that this golden dress can reflect her temperament very well.

"pretty good."

"The Huai Fairy is really beautiful, isn't it true that the fairies in Xinghe are ascended to the earth?"

The owner of Nanzhan House made a joke. He is the lubricant in the room. When the atmosphere is good, he dries better. When the atmosphere is bad, he has to find a way to mobilize the atmosphere.

"The master of the house has passed the prize."

The Huai fairy gave another gift and sat back slightly.

At this time, a deafening shout suddenly sounded outside, a wave higher than a wave, as if the entire roof was toppled. The crowd could not help looking, and saw six or seven figures appearing on the grand stage of the square.

The figures are high and low. They are all men, and they are uniform. They are all white clothes. The pants are very short. They only hit the ankles. The tops are casual and business. It feels weird.

At this moment, with the sound of music, standing on the stage, posing in various shapes, motionless.

Some twisted their waists, some put their hats on their knees, and others tipped their toes and lowered their toes.

"Men's Team!"

In Ning Tianlin's mind, these four words could not help but appear.

This is the standard match on earth!

Especially, the kimchi country next to Huaxia often used this outfit to launch various combinations. Five or six people, six or seven people form a group.

"Even that sissy is standard!"

When Ning Tianlin saw these seven people, he was also full of femininity, without any masculinity, and looked like kimchi sky group. But the position of these seven people's feet is more serious than that of Kimchi.

Ning Tianlin noticed that the positions of these seven people all coincided with a simple array. Obviously, it was supervised by an expert.

"Master Ning, this is the Qixing Sky Mission."

"It's been hot recently."

At this time, the owner of Nanzhan House on the side explained with a smile.

Although he is the head of a house, he still knows some things in the entertainment industry, especially the star of the fire, which he has heard a little. And he knew that Ning Tianlin should not understand these.

Looking at his expression at this moment, it really is.


Ning Tianlin nodded.


This idol group is more applicable and popular everywhere.

Glancing at it, I took a sip of tea from the side and was a bit uninterested.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Nanzhanfu master understood what he was talking about. Tell about some Galactic Anecdotes that Ning Tianlin didn't know.

After getting along with each other, he also saw that Ning Tianlin didn't understand many things about the Galaxy. He has not even heard of many classic allusions in Nanzhan House.

If he hadn't known that he was from Jiumu County, he would have doubted that Ning Tianlin was from Nanzhanfu.

And the Huai fairy on the side, from time to time to talk and laugh, to adjust the atmosphere. It is no wonder to say that where there are beautiful women, especially those that cater to you, the atmosphere will always be harmonious.




In this way, one program was continuously performing next to another, and soon more than three hours passed. Some Ning Tianlin stopped at a few glances, while others seriously appreciated from beginning to end.

His biggest feeling is that this represents the high-tech of the galaxy, which really dumped the earth too much.

Earth, there is still too far to go.

"Below, please come from all provinces, counties, large families, and the gods of the temple star. The participants of this martial arts conference come on!

"Let us welcome them with warm applause!"

At this time, the voice of the host sounded in the void, so that Ning Tianlin was shocked.

It's time to get to the topic.

The end of these players is the Lord of the Galaxy!

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