Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1274: Mysterious space

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Too many people hear this, they all involuntarily swallowed a spit, 10 billion galactic coins! Even today's RMB is one billion! Such a big reward has never been seen on Earth today.

How crazy!

The real combat force, but more concerned about the value of this exercise!

Because of it, you can fight for hegemony in the galaxy or even larger star fields, which is far from being measured by money. At that time, if there is to be combat power, money, beauties, are at your fingertips!

Fighting power is the root of everything.

"The first one with a combat effectiveness of 300,000 will be rewarded with a set of the most suitable combat equipment, which will greatly increase your combat effectiveness itself!"

"The first one with a combat power of 400,000 will reward a slave with a combat power of more than one million, so you will never have to worry about your life!"

. . . . . .

Every 100,000 combat effectiveness, the announcement said that rewards, and each time the rewards are extremely rich, although not getting better, but each kind of reward is extremely eye-catching.

There is a strong fight for desire!

"The first combat force to break through the million and become the strongest in January will directly reward a planet rich in resources! You will be the owner of this planet! Master all the creatures inside, master the power of life and death!"

"If you do anything in it, no one will care!"

"And, this planet will be blessed by the galaxy! Get the greatest protection of force!"

The final reward, the announcement even gives a planet as a reward! Although at this point, you can already occupy the planet and become the owner of many planets, but this announcement says that the planet is rich in resources!

At this point, we can compare too many planets!

And many people are also willing to believe that Ning Tianlin's products must be excellent!

"I am!"

"Reward the planet directly!"

This really shocked countless people.

This Tamar is definitely very big.

The most fascinating thing is that as long as you become the owner of this planet, you can do whatever you want in this planet, and no one will stop you from doing anything. At that time, if you want to be romantic there, you will be romantic.

I am the emperor of the land there, the 72nd concubine in the third house and the sixth house, whatever I want!

But with a longer-term perspective, it is more important in the announcement that "the galaxy will be blessed, no one can be offended!" With this sentence, it means that it is likely to be protected by Ning Tianlin!

Who dares to come to this planet for wantonness is to have trouble with him Ning Tianlin.

You know, Ning Tianlin is now the top three superstars in the Galaxy. The Lord of the Galaxy seems to be his friend. Having such a person as the backing does not mean that he can come wherever he wants.

The reward of this millions of combat power is not the most powerful planet, but the shelter of Ning Tianlin, which is almost the same as the death penalty!

This is the most precious thing!


Countless people are excited.

These ten kinds of rewards are almost fatal to them.

They really want to get it!

With one, you can definitely walk in front of everyone and get more and better resources!


"I want to work hard!"

For a time, countless people were surging and their blood was boiling.

Although everyone knows that this number one is difficult to win, but the number one is there and can't run away, there will always be someone who gets it, maybe through hard work, it really is him. "But what we want to emphasize is that these prescribed combat capabilities can only be their own physical combat capabilities, and have not swallowed any combat effectiveness potions! If the potion is up to the standard, the qualification will be cancelled.

"In this life, they will be on the blacklist of League of Legends and Ningfu."

The announcement also made a ruthless statement and said restrictions.

If not, some people who meet the requirements by swallowing the combat effectiveness medicaments will get rewards, and this also loses Ning Tianlin's original intention to cultivate genius. After all, if the combat effectiveness is improved through combat effectiveness potions, it will be greatly limited in terms of self-improvement in the future.

It may even stagnate forever, relying on swallowing potions of combat effectiveness.

To this point, not many people object, only some people who are extremely desperate to sigh in their hearts.

Damn it.

How come you Ning Tianlin blocked all the roads.

"So far, the announcement is over!"

At the end, all the announcement sounds ringing in people's ears disappeared without a trace. What remains is the noise of countless people.

"All I can do now is done."

"Which step you will eventually take is still up to you."


Ning Tianlin sighed. He knew that his approach was a little radical. Many people would die because of this decision. But otherwise, he didn't know what else could be done to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of Earthlings.

Although bloody, for the rapid rise of the earth, only when faced with the pressure of life and death, people will truly inspire their potential. Unparalleled conditions, he created for the people, knowing whether to cherish it is their own business.

What is more important in combat effectiveness is the aggressive heart of these people!

Only by threatening their lives will they know how to work!

So many conditions have been created, and you still can't fight the beasts, then don't blame how wronged you are.

"Three mountains and five mountains, rivers and lakes, are recovering their original appearance, and even some space is slowly recovering!"

This is also the biggest shock and discovery of Ning Tianlin in recent days.

He knows that there are many secret spaces in the earth, and the power of that year almost lived in that secret space. Moreover, with the existence of so many mysterious spaces, the earth has not yet broken, showing how domineering and stable the earth's space was at that time.

In those ancient wars, the collapse of these mysterious spaces collapsed, and concealed concealment. Now, even under the nourishment of these auras, they have slowly recovered, and even the concealed ones have revealed their clues.

Sanshanwuyue, higher places, just a superficial appearance.

What is really powerful is the secret space of space hidden among them.

"It is estimated that it will take a long time for these places to show up."

"I hope that I will have the ability to enter!"

Ning Tianlin knows his own strength, but the combat system tells him that if such a mystery really appeared at the moment, he now goes in with only one word, die!

The mystery of the crushing and collapsing is okay, there is not much power, but there are not many treasures in the store, and the hidden space, which is full of crises, was all arranged by the earth.

Maybe they all have their most complete heritage!

If you rush in, you will definitely be blasted into the dregs by the formation of gate formation!

They were hidden then, but as long as they recover, the power is still there!

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