Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1275: Sanitary napkin on bat head

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"These mysteries will one day eventually come to me."

Although it is not the time yet, Ning Tianlin also knows that he will end up in these places after all. According to the combat system, as long as he enters one of the intact secret spaces, the gains are absolutely unimaginable .

It ’s even bigger than killing dozens or even hundreds of thousands of planets!

Like his second brother Xiang Yu, in Wujiang that year, he only accidentally entered a collapsed space, but even then, the resources obtained can make him and his wife Yu Ji become the first master of the Galaxy in just a hundred years. !!

Now they are almost 20 million points of combat power.

If turned into a complete secret, it will be a hundred times, a thousand times, or even a million times the harvest!

"It's a pity that Wujiang is nothing now."

During his return, he had visited Wujiang once, but there was nothing there, even the secret space had collapsed and no longer existed. Although he mentioned the combat system, he can tell him some broken space secret addresses.

But the combat system was rejected.

Because for him today, exploring the mysteries is better than slaughtering several planets.

By that time, it would speak.

And into the mysterious space that helps him, the minimum combat power should be more than 100 million, that is to become a domain strong!

"Now, go to Yin Cao Di Fu and see Lord Yan Luo."

It ’s been a long time since many people have met. Many things to see have already been done. It wo n’t be long before he will leave the earth and go to a wider star field.

But he also wanted to see Lord Yan Luo when he left the earth.

After all, he had saved his life that day, and at that time, he didn't come and thank the other person well, but just gave him some other star dan, which can make the other party's activities in the ghost world longer.

This time I should come back and thank you again.


The body flickered and appeared directly in a mountain area of ​​Yin Cao Difu.

This place is difficult for others to get around, but for him Ning Tianlin, it is just a matter of transmitting a rune. But he never settled there, so he came randomly.

"this is?"

In front of Ning Tianlin, there was a huge creature similar to a bat, with wings spread, his tusks spread out, and he crouched in the air, spinning around a huge tree, but these were not shocked by Ning Tianlin at all.

Because he knew it was just a **** creature he didn't know his name.

What shocked him was the item in this bat's paw!

It was a long **** tissue! It is eight meters long and six meters wide, which is similar to this bat's body. And this paper towel is obviously made of many small paper towels, gathered together to form this big paper towel!

This was not shocking Ning Tianlin, he was most surprised because he recognized at a glance what the paper towel was made of!

On the paper towel, there is **** filth!

It was here that he could smell the **** smell above.

This paper towel is not something else, it is the sanitary napkin used by a young woman when she is a fake aunt!


These things are all assembled with sanitary napkins!

And it's used sanitary napkins!


Ning Tianlin had some cyanosis and never thought that he would see this thing in the underworld.

You bat-like creature, holding this thing, flying above your head, swinging like a diaper, it's not disgusting!



Only at this time, between heaven and earth, above the bat creature, a dark cloud condensed. This dark cloud came very fast, and it was even more depressed in the gloomy sky of Yin Cao Di Fu.


As soon as the cloud gathered, a few lightning bolts split from the cloud and rushed directly towards the bat's body.

At this time, Ning Tianlin saw that a number of gloomy and dressed-up ghosts emerged from this cloud, showing their stature, and each shady hand was holding a long chain.

And one of them held a small hammer like a Skyscraper.

Every time he struck, a thunderbolt came out of the shuttle and slashed at the bat.

But what shocked Ning Tianlin was that the bat was not panicked, but a piece of cloth made by condensing the sanitary napkin, draped over his body, and sneered at the three shades.

Let the lightning strike you.

What's more, it was cut on the sanitary napkin that surrounds him.


What makes Ning Tianlin feel incredible is that these lightnings are extremely fast, and they are about to kill the bat, but they will soon be next to them. These lightnings are abruptly avoided and split to the other side.


Seeing this, the bat made two screams, and then opened its wings and flew towards the three Yincha. When it reached the front, it opened one claw and directly directed a Yincha. The body caught flying.

Then fell heavily to the side.

"This bat ... used sanitary napkins as a magic weapon."

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed.

This thunderbolt, fierce and fierce, how can it detour and dare not hack on this sanitary napkin.

"This Skyscraper is a magic weapon, although it is not very powerful, but it is also slightly spiritual, especially the thunderbolt is the most solitary thing, and it is the least willing to get dirty.

"So, this sanitary napkin full of woman's dirt is really used by this bat beast as a treasure."

At this time, the combat effectiveness opened up and explained everything for Ning Tianlin.

"It's okay ..."

Ning Tianlin is a little dumbfounded. This bat is too clever. Although there is no magic weapon, he can use the sanitary napkin as a magic weapon, which is really powerful.


It was only very soon that Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed and he thought of a possibility, and his face changed greatly. "This thing, how did it come from?"

"Women in Yin Cao Difu can't use such things!"

Ning Tianlin knows that there is also a city in Yincao Difu, which is used for ordinary Yin spirits. Even mobile phones and Internet are available in the underworld, even more developed than today's Yangjian.

But should n’t there be something for aunts!

There is no woman in Hell who is coming!

How did this thing come about?

"Yangjian ...

Unable to, Ning Tianlin's mind came up with these two words.

But how is this possible!

King Yan Luo hadn't told him that **** creatures wanted to go to hell, unless on a certain day, or with his permission, otherwise, it would not be possible to appear in hell.

Those passages are guarded by Yin soldiers.

But now, how did this bat bring the sanitary napkin from the sun?

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