Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1277: Send Star Pearl

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"You came from the sun!"

After a while, the three Yinchao exclaimed.

Because they can feel the unique blood surge that belongs to the Yangjian people. In particular, Ning Tianlin's blood is not as strong as ordinary people. Just looking at one stop here is just like a round of Hao Ri. The energy emitted is almost to dissolve their spirits.

If it weren't for Ning Tianlin's convergence in a timely manner, the two shades would not be close to him.


Ning Tianlin nodded, already got the answer from the bat's mind, there is no need to stay here, when the other party asked what else, he already flickered and disappeared in this mountain range.

The next time it appeared, it was already in Yan Luodian.

He had a token from King Yan Luo, so it was easy to release.

"Master Yan Luo."

When Ning Tianlin saw King Yan Luo, he was in a small room with a scent of books, and the surrounding dress was similar to the study of some scented doors in ancient China.

Sitting on the main seat is a reddish-brown desk. At this moment King Yan Luo was sitting on a chair, reading with a blue book in his hand.

"Well, Tianlin, you are here."

King Yan Luo put down the books, smiled, and at the same time reached out to signal Ning Tianlin to sit on a wooden chair beside him, then waved his hand and said to the maid who introduced the door, "A cup of tea."


The maid bowed and retreated.

"how about it?"

"The business in the sun is over?"

King Yan Luo teased somewhat.

He didn't ask when Ning Tianlin came back. The space vortex that day, although he was in Yincao Difu, he could see clearly.

And very few things in this world are secret to him.

He knows everything about the earth's sun, as long as he is willing to know. Even if he didn't see it at that time, the three precious stones of the Supreme Treasure can reinterpret a change for him.

That is when Ning Tianlin returned to the earth, including why the earth has changed so much, including when he came to the underworld, even when he just killed a bat animal in a mountain range. He knew everything.

But these are not the main ones, but at the moment looking at Ning Tianlin and King Yan Luo, there is an inexplicable light. Especially at the moment Ning Tianlin entered the door, his mind was extremely shocked.

30 to 40 million fighting power!

This Ning Tianlin's current practice is at least three-day martial arts!

After all, there is a layer of yin and yang, and sometimes he is not very sure, but now he visits it with a secret method, and this Ning Tianlin's combat power has grown madly to more than 30 million!

Even higher!

This speed of growth is too scary.

You know, the last time the two met, was three years ago. At that time, Ning Tianlin was not an opponent of the former Lord of the Galaxy, and his fighting power was not even six or seven million. But now, it is a three-day warrior!

This. . . . . . This means that in three years, his combat effectiveness has increased by 20-30 million!

Oh my God!

Even as King Luo, I was shocked when I saw too many things. This kind of growth rate, which is the peerless genius of ancient times, is not comparable.

Fast is really amazing!

"No wonder he is a figure that Master pays attention to ..."

There was a sigh in King Yan Luo's heart.

Also, the Master noticed him, and naturally there was something easy for ordinary people.

Maybe the ancient glory belonging to the earth can really be reproduced in his hands.


"It's almost busy."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "It won't be long before I leave again, so come and visit you."

"And thank you for saving your life last time."

If the Lord of the Galaxy met that day, if it wasn't for King Yan Luo's shot, he would have turned into nothingness, and the dead can't die anymore. Therefore, in addition to having awe for King Yan Luo, he also felt gratitude.

"It's just a hand."

Yan Luo Wang smiled, "Moreover, those star beads are also rewarded."

"I use them, but I do a few big things."

"It's different." Ning Tianlin shook his head. "I was too hasty in that Jedi that day, and I'm sure to thank you again this time."

Although King Yan Luo did not say what a major event he did, since it can be said to be a major event from his mouth, it must be an extraordinary event. Unable to, one hand, ten purple beads, appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Master Yan Luo, this is Xing Qizhu."

"One piece of it can stay in the nether space for ten years and keep the fighting power unchanged!"

Ning Tianlin used to be experimental and spent only one day in the nether space, but he knew what kind of nature there was to King Yan Luo and even the whole Yincaodi government.

In particular, King Yan Luo paid great attention to it.

Originally, he also wanted to see if it was replaced with other gifts, but the important thing in the other party's mouth just let him decide that this star qizhu was the most suitable.

After all, the gift must be sent to the other's heart.

"ten years!"

Lord Yan Luo's eyes narrowed, his heart was fluttering.

With this thing, he can completely gallop in the nether space and have a great deal!

After all, if you are trapped in that side of the world, it is very possible to stay for seven or eight years. That is why he did not choose some difficult places to go to, but only moved in some marginal areas.

If there is such a thing, he can give it a go and even do something more vigorous!

Although he has not yet made a big name in the nether space, some people know the name of King Yan Luo.

"I was disrespectful that day, Lin Xiaoyou."

"You don't want to reject this gift."

King Luo Luo smiled, and he was not that kind of person. He waved his hand directly and put ten star beads into the space ring. At the same time, he teased, "It seems that in the past few years, Tianlin Xiaoyou not only has some combat effectiveness. increase."

"Even with this refiner, great progress has been made."

"Hehe." Ning Tianlin's face flushed, and he had already seen it. King Yan Luo knew that these things were not made by him. If not, he wouldn't have the same expression as before.

But since the other party didn't follow up, he didn't need to say more.

"Master Yan Luo, you don't know the connection between the world and the world, do you know?"

After all, it was the disaster that Ning Tianlin had made himself. He still wanted to know how the Supreme Chief of the Underworld responded.

After all, it is not a blessing for Yangjian to deal with it badly.


King Yan Luo nodded, "I know that."

He did not hide, "I even knew that all of this was due to Tianlin Xiaoyou."

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