Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1278: True eternal life

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Ning Tianlin's face rarely showed a sloppy expression. This feeling was just like being a thief just caught by the host. Who caused the disaster between Yin and Yang?

"The Seven Connected Places were not created by anyone, but when the Yincaodifu and Netherspace formed, they already existed and were born with that year."

"After all, **** cannot be separated from sun, and it needs to be connected."

King Yan Luo seems to be explaining what secrets, and he is not afraid that Ning Tianlin knows, because these do not affect the overall situation. "But this connected place is almost a forbidden place. Few people in Yangyang can pass freely."

"Everything is in great danger."

"It's like the road you entered from the tomb of Qin Shihuang that year was covered with water from Huangquan. Anyone who touched it would turn into pus. The same goes for the other six roads."

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin nodded.

Indeed, if it weren't for him and replaced by someone else, even if the road was found, it would not be possible to lead to Yincaodifu. The water of Huangquan is not much different from the sulfuric acid for a warrior who has little fighting power.

"But now it's different."

King Yan Luo said, "The thirty-six days of the large array you arranged in the outer sky activated the recovery of the earth itself, that is, the escape of ancient auras. Such a mighty aura directly swept the damage of these seven connected places."

"It's like, for example, part of the water of Huangquan under the tomb of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum has been replaced by Reiki."

"The black bamboo in the black bamboo forest is also all wrapped in aura, and does not devour the spirits and humans."

"The seven connected places have already been flooded with three Auras, and the other four will soon be connected. By then, all the aisles will be buzzing Auras instead of Close to nature insurance. "

"That is to say, it won't be long before these seven connected places will be completely connected."

That turned out to be the case. . . . . .

Ning Tianlin had the answer in his mind. It turned out that all the auras had seized the gates for erosion and seized them, leaving them in danger, and there was no danger of losing their lives. The connected place really became connected!

"Can you block all these channels?"

Ning Tianlin thought and asked.

If not, yin and yang will change, it is very easy to happen!

Yang Jian people see bad things, I am afraid that the three souls will lose both souls!

"Why block?"

On the contrary, King Yan Luo asked Ning Tianlin, with a smile in his mouth, and it seemed that he did not take this as a big deal at all.

"So too."

"Send guards on both sides to guard the place where you can go in and out, and you don't need to block it."

Ning Tianlin thought that Lord Yan Luo meant that, and nodded.

And he already knew in the mind of the bat beast that the Yin Cao Di government had sent guards to the entrance to the underworld of the seven connected places to prevent the underworld creatures from entering the world. It's hard to see this bat animal thing again.

At that time, he will also send some guards at the entrance to the sun, which should be able to put an end to this.

"I'm not talking about this."

Familiar with King Yan Luo waved his hand, but was a little excited, "You don't know, but I haven't even thought about it. The seven places are connected, not only not bad for the sun, but great benefit!"

"It can even be said to be a big benefit!"

There was a fine light in the eyes of King Yan Luo. Obviously, this matter had a great impact on him.


Ning Tianlin was a little puzzled. This yin and yang connection is also good for the yang?

If the souls of the underworld go down, it is estimated that not many of them are their opponents. In particular, Ning Tianlin knew that there were many powerful creatures in the underworld, and even he himself did not necessarily win.

"Little friends know that people in the world will die, and then they will be born into the world in the form of souls, right?"

King Yan Luo spoke and asked a very simple question instead.


Ning Tianlin nodded. He knows this.

That was how he entered the prefecture and was born again.

"And the little friend also knows that if the Yangjian was killed by a combat weapon, his soul would be damaged or even die, and he would not be able to enter the reincarnation of Yin Cao Difu, right?

King Yan Luo continued to ask.


Ning Tianlin thought about it and nodded again.

He once tried to kill an enemy with a combat weapon. Not only was he physically destroyed, but his soul was also under the power of the combat weapon.

In the end, it was reduced to pieces.

This means that combat weapons can destroy souls!

This is why he Ning Tianlin always worried that the Chinese on Earth were killed by aliens.

Because the aliens have combat weapons in their hands and they are killed, their souls will be damaged and even apoptosis, and they will no longer be able to enter the Yincaodifu reincarnation.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to rush back to earth from the outside in such a hurry.

After all, even if his loved one is gone, he can still find the old Luo King and tell the story, maybe he can restore the soul and continue to be born again.

But if he was wounded by a combat weapon, he would only stare.

"But now it's different."

"I also discovered a few days ago that Ruoyang Soul, even if wounded by a combat weapon, can be reorganized in Hades! In other words, this is true eternal life!"

King Yan Luo's breathing was a little quick.

Because this is also a great event for him!


"The soul can be reorganized in the underworld!"

Ning Tianlin also suddenly stood up from his seat in shock, because he also knew what it meant in an instant, meaning that the Chinese people on the earth will truly immortal!





Some mighty people can even be reborn with memory!

After all, no combat weapon can destroy the soul!

As long as you have a soul, you can reincarnate!

"Actually, the soul can be reorganized in the former hell." King Yan Luo said, "The difficulty is to let the broken soul be wounded by the combat weapon and return to the hell."

"They have lost their spirituality, they are horrible, they have no life, they are just fragments, and they will disappear in the heavens and earth before long."

"But the Seven Connected Lands opened, and I have noticed that there are several souls killed by combat weapons. Through them, they came to the underworld, and after the reorganization in the land of reincarnation, they became the original souls!

"This means that people in the sun are truly immortal!"

"Nothing can destroy their souls!"

"At the very least, I haven't tried it yet, and I don't know, anyway, combat weapons are not working anymore!"

This. . . . . . This is really great news. . . . . .

Hearing here, the light in Ning Tianlin's eyes is also getting stronger.

This does not mean that it is very difficult for Earth people to actually kill today! Even if he died, he wouldn't have to go round again. The soul is still his own, but he has no memory.

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