Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1296: 1st thousand three hundred twelve

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It just seems that the energy points consumed this time seem a bit too much."

"More than two billion spirits are enough to exchange a lot of things and even increase tens of thousands of combat power."

Ning Tianlin knew that this was something that could not be avoided.

In particular, the other side sent his body into the void.

Reorganizing the body, of course, requires the consumption of energy points.

"I just hope that the physical body will become stronger in the future. It doesn't take much to restructure once."

Today he is only a five-day powerhouse, and he has not even reached the domain level. Although it is not known what warriors are on it, the domain level warriors correspond to the star domain. The constellation is large, but it is nothing compared to the universe.

The real master of the universe, maybe using his body, can destroy the star field.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin only hopes that when he finally becomes a master in the future, the body will be broken and put into nothingness, and the reorganization should not consume too much at one time. After all, different spirit points are needed for different realms.

"Now, look at this planet, what secrets are hidden."

This is also Ning Tianlin's biggest doubt.

The combat system allows one to slaughter all living beings. Adding energy points to oneself is one aspect. There must be a deeper intention. Even for this purpose, even the missions are released.


With a single stroke, the figure of Wanzuan appeared and began to devour.

If in this red star, he Ning Tianlin has obtained an extremely crazy spirit, almost more than the Milky Way combined, and a lot of gains, then there is one thing that has made great progress.

The original barefoot of Wanzulu only matured 200,000 pairs, but now it has doubled madly! More than 400,000 pairs! Even faintly reached 500,000 pairs!

The combat power has increased madly to almost 10 million!

If it hadn't been for the purpose of suppressing the combat power of Manzulu, and he didn't make much use of it, he would have easily knocked out the last super warrior!


"500,000 pairs!"

"More than half a million pairs!"

When the souls of the last continent were completely devoured, and rows of densely packed space rings were delivered to Ning Tianlin, he noticed that the barefoot of the million feet was more than half a million pairs!

In other words, its combat power has completely exceeded 10 million!

Become a veritable day warrior!

Especially the poisonous body is more blue than blue, even higher than the fierce beasts below! Ning Tianlin estimated that after they were combined, the combat effectiveness was higher by three to five million opponents. When they encountered them, a poison needle was expected to fall.


At this point, Ning Tianlin's figure sank directly.

The black bones were seen only this time more than 600 meters below. And it was just a scalp of bones. When everything was revealed, a huge flat skull appeared before his eyes.

"Sure enough, this is the end!"

"Even my head is out!"

Ning Tianlin was relieved in his heart. If he continued to explore any bones, he would have no place. Here, it is almost the end of this red star.

"It's no wonder that this last warrior is arrogant."

"The aura emanating from the skull is far from comparable elsewhere."

Ning Tianlin did not move the skull, but instead turned up and broke through the ground. At the end, he was suspended at a height of 10,000 meters.

"Now, let's get started!"

With a big wave of Ning Tianlin's hand, thousands of figures, with his right hand waving, all went downward, and became bigger and bigger, and finally became a creature the size of a metal dog.

But these creatures have mouths that occupy almost the entire head.

No eyes.

As soon as it fell to the ground, it began to devour insanely.


A bug that devours soil metals. It's just that it's a machine shape, and there is no such thing as starvation. Their goal is to devour the soil, metals, and so on of these continents.

With the exception of some motionless bones and veins, all others were swallowed.

After three full days.

A huge biological bone appeared in front of Ning Tianli's eyes.


Although well-prepared, Ning Tianlin still took a breath of air.


too big!

This bone, traversing the void, is millions of kilometers long! They are hundreds of thousands of kilometers wide, which are almost a hundred times the diameter of the earth!

"If this kind of creature comes to the earth, it is estimated that it can swallow the earth in one bite."

Ning Tianlin was really shocked.

He was talking about the combat system. There are only creatures in the universe that you can't think of. There is nothing you can't see, including body size, and the size of some creatures can almost be comparable to a galaxy or star field.

Only you dare not imagine that there is no non-existent!

"However, this bone is not pure black ..."

This is also what surprised Ning Tianlin.

He thought that the bone was unified black, but he never thought that this black was just the place where he saw the front, the upper body was black, as deep as the starry sky, but below the bone, that is, the bones were dropped, and the fish Turned around, the one covered below is flawless white!

As clean as jade!

The entire starry sky shines!

"What kind of creature is this?"

Ning Tianlin said to himself.

The voice of the combat system also sounded at this time, "Black Jade Beast!"

"Ancient beast, the black jade beast!"

"Jade during the day and black at night. Jade is non-toxic, black is poisonous, and the two switch on their own."

"The singularity of this ferocious beast is not in his combat effectiveness, but in his aura!"

"It's all over the body, white and black come together, and become yin and yang, reconcile each other, endlessly."

"That is to say, although it is dead, its aura will not dissipate, but it will last forever, and it will continue forever."

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin was shocked, endless, looping forever?

Could not help but glanced at the long head and feet.

Looking closely, it turned out that the figure was really bowed, the head and foot necklace, and the whole body turned into a circle. The tail of the body, in this circle, becomes the dividing line.

Similar to a Tai Chi diagram!



"If it is placed in the body of the earth, I am afraid it will greatly promote the escape of the aura of the earth!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes glowed with light.

If this black jade beast is placed on the earth, it will not make the spirit of the earth stronger. Especially it doesn't dry up at all, but lives at it!

"And this black jade beast is just a cub."

"It doesn't take much essence points to eliminate toxicity. If you put it on the earth, it will take less than three years, and your earth will double the original evolution!"

"The main thing is that although this black jade beast is dead, its aura will become stronger and stronger!"

Next, the combat system gave Ning Tianlin another crit.

This huge black jade beast is just a cub!

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