Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1297: Be watched

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"This huge black jade beast is just a cub?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

Such a huge beast that is nearly a hundred times the size of the earth is just a cub?

How big will it be if he grows up.


"Just a cub."

The combat system nodded. "If it grows, its volume will increase thousands of times, and it will be a gap between a tadpole and a toad."

"By that time, it wouldn't say that it swallowed a planet in one breath. It would blow the breath and make the earth deviate from orbit."

"After all, its body, but the ancient monster."

"At that time in the universe, it was definitely the existence of the king and hegemony."

Ok. . . . . .

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin already knew that he still underestimated the black jade beast. But the more so, the more joy he felt. If this kind of creature is fused to the earth, the degree of rejuvenation of the earth's aura will not only increase in speed, but also in quality.

At that time, the combat effectiveness of Earth warriors will increase madly.

"Now, let's get started!"

"This red star, I took it!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered and his body was facing the sky. As soon as he waved his hand, he sacrificed the animal control ring in the space ring and urged the tactics. I saw one of these animal control beads flying out.

It gets bigger and bigger, and when there are a few feet, the whole body emits dazzling light.

The beam of light fell straight and hit the entire body of the Black Jade Beast.

In a few moments, all the black jade beasts with bones began to get smaller and shorter, and after two or three minutes, the diameter changed from millions of kilometers to several feet. Then along the transparent beam of light, all were sucked into the beast of Yu Yu.

Quietly suspended in beads.

like a statue.


At the end, the beads became smaller and smaller, and finally restored to their original shape, embedded in the animal control circle.

With the disappearance of all the bones of the black jade beast, in the sky, a huge round cover disappeared without a trace at the moment. This is the radon released from the bones, which is responsible for guarding the body of the black jade beast.

Mighty to such a degree, it's completely impossible to bury and die. After death, there was radon.

In particular, the black jade beast itself is known for its aura.

Reiki makes it easier to gather radon.

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's control of the beast circle, or for this gas mask, it would be difficult for him to enter. After all, it is it, which blocked all the red stars from the strong out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully completing the mission, slaughtering all living beings on Hong Miao's planet, unlocking the secrets of Hong Miao's continent, and rewarding 100 billion points of essence energy. It has been issued. Please check."

And just after everything was over, the sound of the combat system sounded in his ears, reminding him that the task he had just completed was completed.

"Now, it's time to put the skeleton of this black jade beast into the earth."

If in the past, he would return to Earth on Ning Tianlin, it would be hard to describe it with great pains, and it would take a lot of time and energy, but now, for him, it is only between hands .

Especially now that he has improved his combat effectiveness, it is easier to return to Earth.


It was just when the mask disappeared and the outside scene appeared in his eyes, but he frowned, because he saw dozens of figures, already floating outside, watching his figure firmly.

And three minutes ago.

Ning Tianlin didn't notice that a lot of people had gathered outside this mask, and all eyes were cautious.

"It moved!"

"This mask is shaking!"

"It looks like it will collapse soon."

These people outside were divided into several groups. Standing in a hexagon is obviously different from one power. They all stared at what was happening when the mask was sensational.

Dial their respective messengers at the same time and start looking for someone.

These people are all observers stationed here to observe the movement of the mask, because everyone here knows that there is a big baby under the mask!

They were all waiting for the mask to move, and then went down to investigate.

This place is like a secret place. Although it ca n’t be opened and no one can enter, the more it is, the more it attracts attention.

Especially the five or six major forces of this galaxy have their ideas on it.

The mystery that can prevent them from entering is definitely an extremely powerful mystery!

It is not open today and cannot be entered, does not mean that it will not be accessible in the future. After all, some secret areas also have a specific opening time. Maybe the secret below this mask is the same.

It ’s not that you ca n’t get in, it ’s just that the time is not up!

Therefore, all major forces have set their own eyeliners here. The strong can't be stationed here often, but it's perfectly fine to send some babies to keep an eye on the movement here.


"This mask is shaking, it's disappearing!"

These people outside, looking at the disappearing mask, were all shouting in excitement.

If this credit is reported, their reward will be indispensable. Even the forces of all parties have begun their own battles. Maybe after a while, there will be a battle. After all, this secret state is not for anyone who wants to enter.

But after a few minutes, they saw Ning Tianlin appearing suddenly, and they were careful in their eyes.

Except for this young man of unknown depth, there is nothing left.

"what happened?"

"Why is there nothing?"

"Why a young man?"

All the forces stationed here are extremely speechless. What's wrong?

Why is there nothing?

Just a young man?

Where is the secret?

Where is the treasure?

What is enough for a young man.

However, some sharp-eyed eyes stared at Ning Tianlin's beast-ruling circle with great excitement, because they noticed that the east and west light flickered, the aura was abundant, and they even fell in love for a long time.


Definitely a real baby!

Could not help but the excited eyes, now more and more greedy.

It's just a young man who met them.

How can I keep it?

Maybe there is a lot more in the space ring on his hand!

"who are you?"

"what happened?"

"How did this mask disappear?"

"Is it because of you?"

Ning Tianlin has not yet asked questions, but these people on the side have begun to question Ning Tianlin continuously. I wonder if the disappearance of the mask is related to Ning Tianlin?

How did he do that.

"Step aside!"

It's just that Ning Tianlin would bother with them.

Now he wants to go back to the earth and bury the body of the black jade beast on the earth. At that time, the aura of the earth will probably increase rapidly.

Moreover, Ning Tian was angry at those around him.

What he didn't like the most in his life was that others pointed at himself and watched him as a monkey.

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