Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1406: Want to leave if you kill someone?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"You ma!"

"Little thing, you look for death!"

Hart was angry. He didn't expect the other person's mouth to be so vicious that he even greeted his daughter. Most noticed that he really had a daughter!

Tolerable, unbearable!


Fisting his right arm, he attacked Ning Tianlin's head straight.

Boy, you look for death!

No wonder I!

I just wanted you to buy something and cheated you some money, but now, what I want is your life!

Dare to insult my daughter, my daughter is my forbidden scale!

Damn it!

This is the San Regime Zone, which is a city formed by these vendors themselves. It is designed to provide goods to adventurers in the Mugu Abyss. There are no law enforcers.

I don't know how many people will die here every day.

You are a young man from a foreign country who will die if you die, who will care about your life and death!

The eyes were ruthless, and Ning Tianlin's life was directly taken!

And at this moment, a group of people watching around in an instant were all pointing and pointing, but they didn't stop. Some people were also vendors and knew Hart.

Although it was speculated that Ning Tianlin would die, it would never be possible to catch Hart's punch. After all, Ning Tianlin looked too young, but he looked at Ning Tianlin with no regrets.

I don't know how many people are going to die here every day. A young man is dead.

Hart, on the other hand, often wanted to win.


It's just unbelievable to everyone that Hart's punch was caught by Ning Tianlin's fluttering hand. No matter how he struggled, it was futile.

Ning Tianlin's palm, like iron tongs, tightened his fist firmly.


"You little bastard!"

Although shocked, Hart is not afraid, especially the people around him, most of whom are known, are his colleagues. Although he has a bad attitude towards guests and abducts, he treats these peers quite well. .

Such as customers, these peers are the iron camp.

And this conflict, I don't know how many times, they will help every time.

"You just helped me explain my doubts. I owe you a favor, and I have a reward for it. Now, I give it back to you! Don't kill you!"

Then, waving his hand, Hart stepped back and took a few steps.

Standing unsteadily, he fell to the ground, just next to the stall.

"But if you are not finished, I will kill you!"

The sound is cold, such as from the Nine Demon!


After speaking, Ning Tianlin turned and left.


It was just that he hadn't taken a few steps, and a voice came from behind. I saw the unconvinced Hart, took out a bottle directly from the space ring, and then opened it and waved it out. The colorless dust everywhere, Xiang Ningtian Lin wrapped up.


And it is very toxic!

It's one of his killers!

Not to mention the master, even the domain master may not be able to resist it! It was the real thing he bought.

Even some of the vendors on the side changed their faces and took a few steps back involuntarily. They also felt uncomfortable when they smelled such things as general paralysis and death!

This young man is dead!

Let Hart cut out of his original!


It's just unbelievable that the young man with his back to Hart turned around, opened his mouth, and breathed in when the poison came, and all the poison floating in the air was sucked by him. In the mouth.

Roll into the belly!



"He's stupid!"

Everyone was exclaimed.

Even Hart, the original creator, did not expect that Ning Tianlin would look like this, and actually used this method of disposal.


If you take a mouthful or two, maybe it's okay, but now, I'll give you your last name!


But he didn't wait for Ning Tianlin's death. The next moment, Ning Tianlin had stretched out his hand, and as soon as he opened his hand, he sucked Hart's body into the palm of his hand and grabbed his neck.

"Can't blame me!"


He didn't wait for his response, took a breath, blasted the other's head, and burst like a watermelon.

But the scattered blood was blocked by suffocation.

After doing all of this, Ning Tianlin took a trick and put the space ring on his palm and the medicine bottle on the stall into his space ring. Although it can not be exchanged for much, the mosquito is small and it is meat. What.


After all this, turn around and get ready to leave here.


It just surprised him that after he had done all this, there were people who dared to speak and let him stand still.

Could not help but look back.

Appearing in front of him was an old man with a beard, holding a cane in his hand, and standing with four guards on his side, all of them had good fighting power. Looking at them, they all turned out to be the peak of the master.

Even the old man is a master of the Five Realms!


"You want to go like this when you kill someone?"

"Isn't it really a good bully for us to make a sound?"

The old man's voice was a little yin and yang, so Ning Tianlin sounded a relatively long-standing occupation, eunuch, in ancient China.

Although there are no law enforcers here, there are leaders!

It is this old man who takes the lead!

Moreover, instead of setting up a stall on this street, he has one of the largest stores!

The reason why he let Ning Tianlin stand still is because these vendors all take the lead of others. Now dead, he must give an explanation to other vendors. Otherwise, so many people look at it, and some of them have more fighting power than the merchants, and they don't want to buy anything, but use force to snatch. This place is not messy anymore?

Although he also knew that Hart was not, but what about it, he was not upholding morality, but order!

If people ’s hearts are chaotic, the team will not be good enough!

Kill the vendors, don't think about leaving here.

"Yes! Kill the vendors, where is it so easy to go!"

At this time, other vendors saw someone taking the lead, and their principals came, and they started to coax.

This incident must give these onlooking buyers a kick!

If not, what will happen if the buyer does not obey and does not follow the common sense? What to do if you do n’t pay for it?

"I don't talk nonsense to you."

"Dozens of times, you are so noisy, I will kill people."

Ning Tianlin looked around, his eyes narrowed, staring at the old man in front of him, he knew that this was the head.




As soon as I finished talking, I started counting down.


"When we are the next big thing!"

"Also threatens us!"

A domain master next to the old man smiled coldly, did not wait for Ning Tianlin to finish counting, waved his hand directly, grabbed Ning Tianlin.

Just a young man.

He didn't take it to heart at all.

Hart, just a domain master, I can kill him backhand!

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