Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1407: Fantastic Five

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


It's just that the owner of this domain hasn't come to Ning Tianlin yet. His body has been transformed into the flesh and blood, and the dead can't die anymore.

Except that the old man can see a trace of clues here, the rest have no idea how Ning Tianlin shot.

"not good!"

The old man's face changed so much that he did not expect that the opponent's combat power was so arrogant and the breath that had just erupted, he seemed unable to fight it!

"Kicked the iron plate!"

The old man just arrived. At this time, Hart was dead. He didn't see how he died. He only bullied Ning Tianlin's youth, but at this time, he was panicked. He even felt from Ning Tianlin's eyes. A hint of killing.

"Give me it!"

With a wave of his hand, the remaining domain masters on the side attacked Ning Tianlin, but when the people on the side rushed forward daringly, he flickered and fled directly.




The three bodies burst, and Ning Tianlin's figure didn't come out. He just clenched his fists and blasted the old man's far away body fiercely. The fleeing opponent was in midair and turned into blood mist.

"Okay ... good!"

The people around were shocked.

They never thought that this young man could do this!

Killed a lord in seconds!

The identity of the old man, they all know, is the founder and maintainer of this street, a master!

Long streets of this level are overkill for maintenance by the owner. The oil and water are good, but they are not so popular that anyone can catch the eye. The owner can go outside for a year or two. The income may be better than this. Make more.

This old man, just a little greedy for life and fear of death, and not much background, just made the shopkeeper here.

In the past, he would not be so unlucky, after all, he has eyesight, but Ning Tianlin is only one person, so young, not bullying who you bully.

"And you guys!"

However, Ning Tianlin did not give up, and suffocated himself, all the crowds who were just clamoring for the crowd who had just begun to watch were shocked to death.

Although the charges were not so serious, Ning Tianlai was too lazy to talk to them more.

Dead, nothing.

Over the years, the innocent soul who died in his hands did not know how many.

Don't care so much for one or two.



After doing all of this, Ning Tianlin's body flickered, and all the space rings on them were stripped off, and even the items on their stand were taken away.

He always adheres to the principle of doing things, no matter how small the mosquito is.


When he stood up, everything that had just been on the lookout but did not say anything hurriedly took a few steps back, away from him.

What is this young man who has nothing to do with chickens, obviously a demon who kills without blinking!

But at a distance, there were also a few people looking at it, and their eyes flashed inexplicably.

"What do you think of him?"

"Can you?"

It was a man who spoke.

There was a scar on his forehead.

With today's technology, and even with his physical recovery ability, the scar can disappear for a second, but there is only one explanation on the man's face, that is, he does not want to remove the scar!

Maybe because it seems to make you stingy.

Or maybe it is the person who can't forget to cut himself. This revenge has not been reported, and it must be remembered forever!

"Although he is a realm master, the combat effectiveness is at least above the seven realm!"

"Even the Eight Realms and the Nine Realms are possible!"

The analysis is a woman with short hair, wearing a vest, with her two arms bare, her eyes slick, "No, just let him. It's been three days for anyone, and I haven't met a master of star core here! "

"One more person and one strength."

"Moreover, he is so young and has such a high combat effectiveness. He is a peerless genius. Maybe he is from the Damen school, and he has a lot of secrets in his hands."

"Maybe, we can compete against us!"

The women's opinion is to bring Ning Tianlin into the team.


"What a big door!"

"A lot of treasures!"

"A Bing, seeing your eyesight now is really getting worse!"

At this time, a voluptuous voice, some contrived voices sounded, the same female voice.

I saw a woman who was exposed, most of the ditch was exposed, and the woman in tulle stood out, staring at the woman named A Bing, with a sneer and sneer.

"A Bing, it wasn't my sister who said you, the young man who just grabbed any space ring, even a master, do you think he can come from a famous school?"

"There will be many treasures to defend yourself?"

"This is the master's thing, but under our eyes, we are too lazy to pick it up."

"In my sister's opinion, he must be a poor ghost who has nothing! He even picks up trash!"

The enchanting woman, while talking, leaned her body against a big man on the side, sulking like Lan, looking up, and said to the big man, "You said, no, Brother Bo?"

"Well." This big man, called Brother Bu, smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched the enchanting woman's body. He even pinched his cocky buttocks and let the other party make a humming noise before he said, "Sister Qin is right!"

"In my opinion, the kid must have no idea that the little loach drilled out of that lodge could not be climate-friendly."

"I have a lot of friends and I know a lot of martial arts people, but I have never seen such a person who even picks up trash! Which one of them came out, who is not the arrogant of heaven, would like this kind of thing?"

After that, he laughed. Watching A Bing's reaction.


"Two idiots!"

The ridiculed A Bing was also rude and scolded him directly.

People pick things up, maybe it's just frugality!

Have you ever seen a lord who is under thirty?

Although the other party may intentionally conceal the age, it will never be too different. Such people, who are placed in the gates and schools, are all heavenly pride. It is you who are blind!

"A Bing, don't shame your face!"

The big man was angry.

This is exactly the rhythm of turning your face.

"That is, A Bing, you are too arrogant. Is it so difficult to serve softly and lower your head?"

"I must die!"

Not only was the enchanted woman not angry, but she even laughed, bitterly, educating the world.

"Dead to death, it's up to you!"

A Bing replied directly.

"Hum, shameless things!"

The enchanting woman was furious this time, and yelled back. Even with a wave of her hand, a guqin appeared in front of her eyes. With **** open, she would play.

Qin Gong.



A Bing also stopped talking nonsense and pulled out the sword in his hand.


At this time, the youngest man, the tallest of the five, stood in the middle of the man who had not spoken and sang, "Abing, let that young man come over."

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