Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1412: Today is your lucky day

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"So, if you dare, we'll all sign this!"

"By that time, it will be fair."

Middle-aged people question Ning Tianlin, and of course Ning Tianlin also questioned middle-aged people.

He has passed the age of believing that the world is a good person. People are not so honest. To some money, too many people do not know that they have done all kinds of incredible things. And this middle-aged person's resources can no longer be measured by money.

If he cheats on his face, can you stand up to me?

Still give it to the body, put a yoke!


At the moment when punishment for death was just emerging, middle-aged people suddenly had a bad feeling. People who could take out such things would really be fake?

And until now, he didn't see any flaws in this nuclear panacea.

Everything is just his guess.

"Okay, sign!"

But now that so many people are surrounded, he has already been riding a tiger, and he can only choose to promise, otherwise, himself, the face of the Star Palace will be thrown into him!

He didn't even dare to fight against a leader in the industry.


As soon as his voice fell, this gray and deadly Fuyu was broken and broken into two halves. The left flew to Ning Tianlin's mind and the right flew to the middle-aged's mind.



It ’s just that no one knows. As soon as this gray breath reached Ning Tianlin's mind, the pale gray gas in the cells rushed up, wrapping up all the gas and death gas, and for a moment, there was nothing left to swallow!

Even Ning Tianlin himself was surprised.

Punish the death penalty. The final result is that if you do not violate the gambling agreement, it will slowly dissipate in the body without affecting the body, but if you violate it, it will erupt in an instant and burn your spirit to destroy it.

It is a living waste.

The other is direct death.

And the disappearance of Ning Tianlin's ashes means that even if he did break the contract, he would not have anything to do with what he said in the bet! This punishment for death has already lost its effect on him.


The middle-aged man on the side, however, has another appearance, his face has changed, and he feels uncomfortable like eating a fly. The situation where this kind of life is in the hands of others, I don't know how long it hasn't happened.

"it is good!"

"Now that the punishment is signed, let's get started."

Seeing everything was right, Ning Tianlin flew into the air and said loudly, "Who wants to come?"

"Here are three nuclear miracles. The Lord of the Nine Realms can directly break into the Lord of the Star Core. Who wants to come!"

"I killed my life with the scriptures, absolutely true!"

"Who's here!"

Ning Tianlin finished talking and looked around. His eyes were bright and radiant.

At this time, there are already more than 10,000 people around, especially too many masters of the world heard the news, all are coming quickly, isn't it? There are voids, many masters of the eight realms and nine realms keep coming!

Nuclear elixir!

They don't know how long they have been looking for the holy medicine!

Now that someone is sending each other, how can they not be excited.

Moreover, according to the situation just now, this young man himself has eaten a lot of sweet beans, it must be fine, at least he can't poison them. Since their lives are guaranteed, what else would they dare not do?

And once it's true, what's the breakthrough?

Compared with the combat realm, everything explains the clouds!



"I come!"

"I come!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin's voice fell, there were too many masters vying for the vocals of the hole, and even a thick-skinned man, who directly shot into shape without Ning Tianlin's consent, landed near Ning Tianlin.

"I come!"

This is a big man.


His time at the Lord of the Nine Realms was almost ten thousand years, he was unable to break through, and even went to the Star Palace to find medicine, but found nothing. This is his chance.

Even staring at the three nuclear miracles in the air, his throat was wriggling.


Ning Tianlin nodded and said yes.

Considering your vision, today is really your lucky day!



But soon, another seven or eight figures burst into a shot and landed next to Ning Tianlin.

They didn't expect to come directly, no need to answer!

At the same time, I looked at the big Han with envy, after all, there were only three nuclear spirits suspended in the air, and one was returned to the big Han. Of the eight of them, they could only divide into two!

Competition is not big!

At the same time, you look at me, I look at you, and you give up.

This is a huge opportunity and they don't want to miss it.

"I'm here first, you've missed me by 0.303!"

"I arrived first. I have a long nose. My nose comes before you!"

"I'm here first, I'm half a foot faster than you all!"

For a moment, these eight people started to shove, all signaled that they arrived first, and the others were later than themselves.

However, due to the comparable combat effectiveness, the departures are almost simultaneous, and ordinary people are really difficult to distinguish.

"All right."

At this time, Ning Tianlin spoke, and he didn't expect that they were all masters. They were still so old, all blushing and thick, but didn't speak, but looked at the middle-aged man who bet on him and asked "How?"

"Do you think they fit?"

"Well." The middle-aged man nodded. As soon as these people appeared, he glanced at with God's knowledge. They were all Lords of the Nine Realms.

Nothing wrong!

"it is good!"

"Now that you agree, let them."

Ning Tianlin laughed and said, with a wave of his hand, six nuclear mirabilis were suspended in front of everyone, plus the three just now, a total of nine!

"This ... so much!"

The remaining eight were overjoyed.

So many people, one for each, they are fighting for fart!

Just so many, are they really all miracles?

But they know the preciousness of this thing, which is fundamentally different from sweet beans!

You have so many?

When to eat sweet beans?

Even the other people on the sidelines were annoyed. Why did they lose their nerves for half a beat? If they just rushed out, maybe they have them now!


Even middle-aged people are frowning again.


You have no end!

You've eaten so much just now, how can you still take out these?

And there are exactly nine, which means that there must be still in your space ring!

Do you sell this stuff as cabbage?

But no matter what happened, he could only continue.

"Now, you each have one and eat them all."

"I personally guarantee that I can definitely break through and become the nuclear master!"

Ning Tianlin glanced at the crowd loudly.




As soon as his words fell, someone sent the **** Dan into his mouth, and the first one to do it was the big man, almost next to the word "start" that Ning Tianlin said.

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