Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1413: Kill heart

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Wu Dahan swallowed the elixir directly into his belly.

He was too eager to break through. In the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms, he had stopped for almost ten thousand years, and he could not break through with his own strength, and I am afraid I will always be in this realm.

Now is the only chance!



The other eight martial artists did not delay, and soon they took the elixir into their stomachs.


For a moment, everyone's eyes stopped on them.

Especially the morning peak of middle-aged people from the Star Palace.

"Can't break!"

"Can't break!"

He kept repeating in his heart.

If these people break through, all his net worth will be gone, and he doesn't worry that it is fake! In his heart, it was far less sober than when he was gambling.

"Can't break!"

"Do not break through!"

"These pills are fake!"

Also holding this expectation is the Lord of the Nine Realms who stood around and did not rush forward, and some other Lords of the Realm. They missed this opportunity, and of course they do not want those who seize this opportunity to break through.

Otherwise, they are not losing money!

I'm not good, of course I can't hope you are well!


But at this time, the first big swallower who swallowed the elixir suddenly burst out with a violent breath, shouted involuntarily, and filled the sky with air, like a long dragon.



The equipment worn on his body also collapsed directly under his huge suffocation.


"He broke!"

Countless people exclaimed.

Because this is all a sign and sign of a breakthrough!

For every breakthrough in the realm, it is difficult to control its own force for a while. The collapse of wearable equipment is a clear sign, and the surge of breath on the other side cannot be wrong!




Soon, the other eight masters also appeared in the same situation. The breath on them suddenly increased. In a moment, there was a breath that belonged only to the nuclear master. Since it was not grasped at the beginning, the huge breath and the oppression of some realms. Lord, the domain master was out of breath for a long time.

"Sudden ... Breakthrough!"

Morning Star's face changed dramatically, and the four nuclear masters around him were all shocked.

This is a real breakthrough!

They are all the masters of the star core, and they all come from this step.


At this time, the first Dahan who completed the breakthrough, sang a long voice into the void, his face full of excitement.

He broke!

Really broke!

The Lord of the Nine Realms who stayed for ten thousand years broke through!

"This is the power of the Lord of the Star Core."

"This is my strength!"


虬 髯 Big Han Yangtianxiao.

He has a solid foundation. Once he breaks through, he has a combat power that is even more powerful than the ordinary one-core master.


After the excitement was over, he quickly turned around, flew down, stood next to Ning Tianlin, and bowed to Ning Tianlin, "Little friend's gratitude, some family remember! If you have any orders in the future, although That is it! "

"A family never frowns!"

He said this wholeheartedly, without any falsehood.

But in fact, he knew in his heart that although the opponent was still only a master, and his fighting power was not as good as him, for him who could take out so many nuclear miracles at once, he was absolutely distinguished.

Ask him to do something, it is probably not possible.




At this time, the other eight people also completely completed the breakthrough, there were excited shouting, there were ecstatic crying, there were dancing to the sky, and each one was extremely excited.

"I broke!"

"I broke!"


After the carnival, everyone set their sights on Ning Tianlin.


They all exploded in an instant, landed next to Ning Tianlin, bowed down and worshiped, "Thank you friends!"

"Little friend's graciousness, we have nothing to forget!"

"If there is a command for another day, despite the notice!"

Everyone said it was extremely solemn.

The breakthrough of the big realm is not much different from regeneration.

Ning Tianlin has the grace to rebuild them!


"They all broke!"

"Oh my God!"

The eyes of too many people around them are annoyed.

Why are they so stupid, so slow! If they just rushed forward, hurry up, maybe now, they are standing there! Not these people!

Once the opportunity is missed, I am afraid it is really a lifetime thing.


It was only soon that they set their sights on Ning Tianlin.

Yes indeed.

All the elixir comes from this young man.

Maybe he still has it!

Just wait for him, maybe you can get it!

Free estimates are not good, but you can exchange resources! You can also buy it!

Could not help but look towards Ning Tianlin's eyes are extremely eager and looking forward, because they know that this young man's hands, at least there are so few. Nine people just came to give nine, there must be some left!


At this time, Ning Tianlin smiled at everyone in front of him, nodded, and turned his attention to the morning peak of the Star Palace.


"Should you test them one by one? Are they the masters of the star core?"

Ning Tianlin knew he had won.

And because of punishment for death, he will surely give himself everything in his space ring. Otherwise, he will really die! No one can do the same, not even punishing the death penalty.

"no need."

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, his face was extremely ugly, but he waved his hand, throwing everything out of the space ring, floating in the air, and even changing his underwear!

No way, he signed to punish the death penalty.

He cannot escape!

However, he was throwing out all his net worth, and he was also determined in his heart.

"kill him!"

"Snatch all resources, including that Dongming Dan!"

What if he signed the punishment for death? He has fulfilled his promise and has thrown out all resources, but he did not say that he would not be troubled by this young man after this incident.

Especially in the hands of this young man, there is Dongming Dan!

Not even one!

This is something I'm willing to use for life!

Kill him and grab it, you can go one step further and become a star-level powerhouse! Maybe since then, there is also hope to impact the dream of the King of Stars!

Moreover, although he also speculated that this young man could come up with so many nuclear elixir at once, even Dong Mingdan, it must have come from a big family sect. Killing him by yourself might cause trouble.

so what!

He comes from the Star Palace!

The fifth-ranked Starry Palace among the universe!

There has never been an alchemy sect, and they can be overbearing and overbearing.

There is no background behind you, but my horoscope is stronger than you!

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