Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1476: A broken shop, think I can't afford it?

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"Hello, welcome."

Seeing someone coming in, Mu Ziyi quickly bowed and said hello.

However, the man and the woman seemed to be mixing their mouths, and they were sulking. They did not hold their hands. The woman's face was pulled very long, and the man was not good-looking. He followed them step by step.

Women's dresses are glamorous, high-heeled mini skirts, bright lipsticks, men's slightly plain, and ordinary clothes and shoes.

"Okay, aren't you expensive clothes in the mall?"

"Why not buy me."

"Okay, so here it is."

"This is a small street shop. If you don't buy it for me, we will break up!"

"Although I don't wear such a drop-off brand when I buy it back, I just want to see your sincerity."

The woman was carrying a bag on her elbow in her right hand, with a high toe.

When it comes to this, it is not giving the man's face at all.

It was just that the man didn't speak, his face flushed. In a clothes store, he was told that he wanted to get into the ground, but he really didn't want to break up.

First, the woman was a high school classmate. She had a crush on her when she was in high school. After graduating from college, she was in a city. She knew that she did n’t have a boyfriend now.

Second, these days, he spent almost three or four hundred on this woman, and he really couldn't bear it.

You know, one yuan is enough to buy a pig, fifteen bikes, and three hundred yuan, enough to buy a car.

He had hard-working deposits, and he borrowed a considerable part of the money.

If he really breaks up, he's just a chicken fly.

It was just that he didn't expect that the goddess looked like that in his heart, but how he had been in contact for a long time, just like vanity and worship, wanting the best of everything, regardless of their ability.

Just pay a month, and you have to have the best cosmetics and clothing.

If you do n’t buy it, you say you ’re not good for her, and you do n’t want to spend money, not really. No matter what her girlfriends are, what brand she uses, she doesn't need defective products.

And how much money her girlfriend makes, how much money she makes!

You know, not only was his salary gone, he even borrowed the money of others!

Today, he really doesn't have much money. His pockets are full of money and it is only one dollar. This month's living expenses. If it does, he will eat soil this month!

He had originally planned to save money to buy a house and get married, but now it is completely out of date.


"that piece!"

"And this one!"

"Just these three, wrap me!"

The woman didn't even look at it, she changed her way to Muzi on the side.

In her mind, such a small shop on the street, where it can be expensive, is estimated to add up to less than twenty or thirty dollars.

For a little money, just two or three ordinary bicycles!

After that, he looked at his boyfriend with a sullen face and saw what he would do.

It was just that the boyfriend did not speak, but stood awkwardly, his face flushed, because he really only had one dollar in his pocket. The three pieces together would definitely exceed this price!

Even if he does n’t eat for the next month, he ca n’t afford it.

"Sister, you really ... don't you look at the price of this dress?"

"Three things?"

The man did not speak, but Mu Ziyi asked the woman with some hesitation.

On this day, she has clearly remembered the price of all clothes.

Any one of the three items ordered by this woman will cost more than 10,000 yuan!

Even for the one on the right, the price is as high as 88,888!

The price of three items is over 100,000!

You are trendy and have a good temperament, but at 100,000 yuan, you can eat enough for one dollar. Are you sure you can get so much money? Or is your boyfriend really so rich?


"Who is your sister?"

"Am I so old?"

"Or, do you think I'm older than you?"

The woman's face salad was already long. At the moment, she was just like a donkey face, holding Muziyi directly and questioning it directly.


After all, Mu Ziyi is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and it is the first time she sells clothes. She really does n’t know how to retaliate. She feels that calling her sister is very respectful.

When she first responded, she wanted to call her aunt.

"You what you!"

"Don't shout without sight!"

"Who is your sister?"

"With your sister, I still panic."

The woman was unreasonable, and she even spoke a few words about Mu Ziyi.

Mu Ziyi's eyes were flushed, and she almost cried. Although she was impoverished from childhood, she also suffered the sorrow of poverty, but she was also the heart of the parents in the family, and she had not been scolded so much.

"Ha ha."

"Cry again."

"On the basis of your mental quality, a saleswoman who still sells clothes?"

"Go and see your mother's milk!"

The woman saw Muzi Yi tears swirling in her eyes, not only did she not blame herself at all, but she was also mad.

A saleswoman in a broken shop, she is a white-collar worker in a private company! Pursuing a petty bourgeois life! They are not at the same level at all! Saying you a few words is good for you, letting you find a lesson.

Don't scream in the future.

Who is your sister?

I'm so old?

You should call my younger sister!

Ning Tianlin was lying on a lounge chair not far away. Although his eyes did not look here, he had already used his heart to see everything here.

It was just that he didn't speak, but looked at it all lightly.


On the first day of business, he knew how disgusting the woman was.

But he didn't do anything, but took a newspaper next to him and read it.

If he went up, there was only one result, and the woman was stabbed to death with a single finger.

Now he just wants to relax and sit in a seat of an outsider, watching the situation lightly.

Moreover, Mu Ziyi also wants to grow after all. Now that he has been paid, he has to face everything that should happen.

He had previously heard of it on the earth, many of the customers are very difficult, even difficult to make you nauseous, and beat him up.

"Have you heard that, wrap up these three clothes quickly."

"No discount on you!"

"How expensive can a broken shop be!"

After speaking, the woman showed her vicious face and changed to Muzi.

Here, she rarely enters such a small shop. She has only been here as a student. When she earns money from work, she is from two levels, but never comes.

If it weren't for this time to get some money out of herself and the wandering boyfriend, she wouldn't be here!

What a good thing a broken shop is!

"Hurry to pay."

At the end, he also despised the awkward boyfriend.

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