Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1477: How many did you say?

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"I ... I have no money."

The man froze for a long time, flushed, and said four words.

"No money for me!"

The fashionable woman yelled, "What boyfriend, you have no money to buy clothes, do you have a dollar in your pocket? You know how much these clothes are, you say no money?"

"You obviously don't want to spend money for me!"

She had torn her face completely, she really didn't want this boyfriend.

"Give you the last chance you don't cherish."

"I changed you from a high-end fashion store to a tattered clothes store, and you said there was no money."

"What girlfriend do you talk about without money!"

"Who doesn't spend money talking about a girlfriend!"

The fashionable woman even pointed at the man's nose and yelled, "Just like you, how can I live with you in the future. I can't afford anything I want to buy, and I will eat bran with you."

"You can live that life, I can't live it."

"Break up!"

Then, before waiting for the man to answer, he said to Muzi, "Wrap me the three clothes I just said. The boyfriend will not buy it, I will buy it for myself!"


He snorted heavily at the man.


Mu Ziyi didn't talk much, and according to the instructions of the woman, she packed three clothes directly.


"Get off with me, and see you sick."

"Don't wander in front of me without money. I don't know how many men are willing to buy clothes and cosmetics for me? For you, I refused. But what can you give me?"

"Now I don't buy three clothes for a broken shop. What do you want your boyfriend to do?"

"Break up!"

The woman shouted reproachlessly.

But she didn't know. When she said "Broken Shop", Muzi Yi was really annoyingly cursing at what was being packed!

Have you ever seen a shop that dared to mark a price of 88,000!

But holding back, he didn't speak.

Although the boss didn't tell her about the store rules, she had already realized this. The customer was God, and she had to bear whatever she did. If not, she is resigned by the boss, she will not cry to death!

This is the salary of 10,000 universe coins a day!

She never dreamed of dreaming!

Can only hold back, shaking his head in his heart, "We are not a broken shop."

"Not a broken shop."

And till now, she has no tears of grievance in her eyes, but in the bottom of her heart, she scorns the woman.

A worship woman, material woman!

You have hands and feet, why should your boyfriend buy you something.

It's his duty to buy you, and it's his duty not to buy you.

Even she saw the shadow of his elder brother from the low boy. His family is now deadlocked with the woman because of the gift money.

The woman asked Wu Baiyuan, their family really couldn't get it.

Alright now, when we go back tonight, everything can be over.

My brother can marry a daughter-in-law.


It was just when she was packing and packaging, and the woman mumbled endlessly, the man who was suppressed to the extreme, screamed, "Enough!"

The sound was so loud that the whole house was shocked.

"What makes me not buy you something?"

"Not paying you money?"

The man's face flushed, "We have been together for half a year, and I spent more than 800 yuan back and forth. What cosmetics do you want, I will buy you, and what clothes do you want, I will buy you ! "

"In the beginning, I thought you were testing whether I was sincere to you and refused to spend money for you. After all, your women often said that men who are willing to spend money for you may not love you, but refuse to spend it for you Money doesn't love you! "

"So, in order to show my sincerity, I will buy you whatever you want."

"But how long can I stay like this?"

"You're not unaware of my property status and family situation, how much money I earn a month, how much income I have at home, I told you all! You spend a lot of money, I can stick to it now! "

"In the beginning, I thought that you would get better slowly, and I persuaded that maybe it would be changed, but now, I know I'm wrong, you are not such a person at all."

"You are a material worshipper, whoever gives you money is your uncle!"

"I'm really blind!"

Talking, the men who are angry and coquettish have the urge to slap the woman.

"Who is the worship woman?"

"Who is the material woman?"

"Who do you say?"

It's just been clear what this man's temperamental woman was before he started to poke the man's forehead with his fingers, letting him take a step back involuntarily, questioning his face, "I spend some money to be a material woman, A woman of worship? "

"It's like speaking of a woman who doesn't spend money on a man."

"Poor ghosts, you can just say it! Don't be poor, stubborn, but also a woman who likes to spend money."

"Tell me, which woman doesn't like dressing up or beauty?"

With that said, he also glanced at Mu Ziyi and sang, "Hurry up!"

"I'm leaving in a hurry."

"If you wear it up, you won't buy it in this shop."

"Okay, okay, right away." Mu Zi Yi nodded, his hands kept moving.

"It's so quibble, so quibble." The man's irritability wanted to slap the woman in front of him with a sheet pile, but he was an honest man, and he couldn't really let it go. He could only point to the company's company on the side, and angered , "It's not that I won't buy it for you, but that you've squeezed me out and exhausted!"

"Aren't you going to break up?"


"Just divide!"

"I've had enough!"

The man finally made up his mind.

He also understood.

This kind of woman is not a living person at all, in the eyes of such a person, except material is enjoyment.

He spent most of this half year wasting his time and expenses on dogs. To understand her, don't even think about recovering the cost of this half year from her.


"Just divide."

"Who is rare."

The woman didn't even care, her mouth was skimmed, and she was extremely mean.

"Are you alright?"

"No matter how bad I go!"

The woman snorted at Mu Zi Yi, and then made the appearance of leaving the store.

"alright, alright."

Muzi quickly said. At the same time, he bowed and put the packed clothes on the table.

"how much is it?"

The woman knew it was asking for money and asked impatiently.

In a broken shop, three clothes add up to five or six dollars, and she doesn't care.

The man does not dig her, she digs it.

Although she earns three dollars a month.

What's this.

Wait for this boyfriend to split up, and then look for the next one.

The man is the wallet.

"Twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-four!"

Muzi answered easily.

"How many?"

When the woman froze, some could not believe their ears, even the man beside them, the same.

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