Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1478: You are a black shop!

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"You say it again and straighten my tongue."

"A waiter, can't speak clearly. What can you do?"

The woman thought that what she heard must not be the price of the clothes, but that the saleswoman was unclear and did not express clearly.


The boss didn't know what to eat, so he hired such a stupid waiter.

No wonder the store can only be opened in this living area, not on the countertop.

No vision.

"A total of twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-four universe coins!"

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain was displayed in front of the other party, and the price was clearly displayed in green.

"Are you crazy!"

"So expensive?"

"No sports car is so expensive!"

The woman's face became very ugly, thinking that the woman must be intentional.

What clothes can be so expensive?

Human flesh!

It is the top luxury store on the highest end, can you sell clothes so expensive!

This is already the price of a top sports car.

"That's the price, that's right."

Mu Zi nodded easily. "If you don't believe it, you can look at the clothes tag. There is nothing wrong with it."

"The one you chose is the most expensive one, 88888, the one on the right is 13888, and the one on the left is 18888.

Mu Ziyi suddenly felt a sense of relief at this time.

Aren't you a cow?

Aren't you rich?

Don't you say this is a broken shop?

OK, can you afford it?

You have the ability to pay for it?

But in this case, she didn't say anything. She still knew what professionalism was. If she really said it, what was the difference between this girl's virtue and virtue.

It's just that she has no bottom in her heart. Is this dress really worth so much money?

Really not the boss to kill people?

Could not help but peeked at the boss who was lying on the deck chair reading the newspaper. Are you sure you are not slaughtering the customer, but are you seriously marking the price?


"Who set the price?"

"Fool, right?"

"Unable to open a black shop?"

The girl was mad. She thought she had only a few dollars. Now she wants her more than 120,000 universe coins. If she has so much money, she still wants to let the man pay him?

Moreover, even if she had so much money, how could she spend it.

Three clothes will cost more than 100,000, this is not obvious pitting people!

She looked at the tag. Is it really the price?

Is this crazy?

A torn clothes, how dare you mark such a high price?

"The price is set by my boss. You have no right to ask questions."

Muzi changed his mind, "You are wrong when you say we are a black shop. We never buy and sell, and we don't have to rush to sell you."

"Gui owns his reason."

"If you can't afford it, you can just go straight. Please don't use your thinking to judge the quality of the goods in our store."

"The door is there, please leave."

Mu Ziyi said very hard at this time.

Obviously, this woman is not a person who can consume such expensive things at all. It is enough for her to talk to her so much. She not only insults herself, but even her boss scolds her.

She must have responded politely.

The boss pays her such a high daily salary, and she must not be humiliated.


"Who said I couldn't afford it?"

"Do you know how much money I have in my pocket and say I can't afford it?"

The woman was so angry that her face changed.

The most important thing about this woman who worships gold is that others say that he has money but no money. She would rather swell her face and fill her with fat, but also let others know that she is rich. Bags.

"Call your boss!"

"I would like to ask, he really ate the ambition of a leopard, how dare to kill people like this!"

"Do you really think other people's money comes from the wind? It can make him so dark!"

The woman's face was filled with indignation, and her voice even increased several times. When I was training my boyfriend, I was sharp enough. At this moment, my voice was almost as sharp as a duck's throat.


"Is it clear at this time that other people's money is not brought by the gale?"

At this time, Mu Ziyi hadn't replied yet, but the man beside him began to sneer. Since you are such a greedy vanity woman, you have broken up, and he no longer needs to maintain it.

When you spend a lot of my money, why don't you think my money is hard earned.

No money kicked off.

This woman is really disgusting!

"shut up!"

"Did I talk to you?"

"Don't have money and still love BB, I look down on you like a man!"

This woman, completely has the potential of a vixen, and directly chatted about just being a boyfriend.

"Our two things have already been cleared up, and we have nothing to do with you. I will talk less about you!"

The woman said, pointing her finger at the man, and Muzi Yi discovered the tattoo on the under arm of the woman.

Tattooing such things, she Muzi Yi is instinctively repelled.

It's like she heard a sentence and thought it made sense. A girl with a tattoo, you can't tell whether she is good or bad from her tattoo, but a good girl will never have a tattoo.

Some girls, in particular, also tattoo in private.

This is definitely not suitable for marriage.

Mu Ziyi also took a special look and wanted to know if the woman had a private place.

Unfortunately, they were blocked by clothes.

"Call your boss. It must be made clear today!"

"Cloths are so expensive to sell, obviously they are dedicated to killing people!"

"Even the most luxurious fashion stores are not as expensive as you!"

"You, I don't know what the brand is."


If it had been changed, she would run into a clothes shop like this, and she would walk away, but now she is very upset, and the clerk said that she couldn't afford it, and her lungs were about to explode.

A reason must be struck.

Even could not help but glanced at the forest lying on the side of the recliner, I think it is very likely that this person is the boss. If not, how can it be so chic and comfortable in the store.

It's just that there is no bird in the forest.

He just wanted to be an outsider and watch quietly.

"Our boss is away."

Mu Ziyi lied, she was hired, the boss was not.

If there is a problem, she must deal with it by herself. Otherwise, the boss will not deduct her salary.

"The clothes in our store are clearly marked. You ca n’t buy them because you ca n’t afford them. Please do n’t talk here."

Mu Ziyi was also angry. "Please leave. Our shop doesn't welcome you without purchasing power."

"If you mess around here again, I will call the police and ask you to leave."

"Call the police?"


"Hurry up!"

"If you don't report it, you will report it yourself!"

"Tell you this is a black shop!"

The woman's face turned red, and she was said twice that she couldn't afford it. The roots of her teeth were itchy. She took out the new communication and dialed the alarm phone.

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