Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1493: Kill the past

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It's him!"

"It really is him!"

Pang Juan is a Saint of Stars, and he is a good friend to the owner of the capital city. His fighting power is only a little worse than that of the capital city. Therefore, even if it is released, it is not worried about who is hit.

Just a moment later, he saw Ning Tianlin coming in from the left door.

The capital city is not the four gates of the usual towers. There are only two gates, which are divided into the left and right gates, which are commonly referred to as the west gate and east gate.

At this time, Ning Tianlin was being questioned by the gate guard.

He didn't need this step at all, as long as he stepped forward and passed the gate by himself. Because there are information imagers on the side, Ning Tianlin can easily establish a legal identity in the combat system.

However, these two guards have been bought by Pang Juan's servants. They deliberately delayed time here, and wanted to figure out what Ning Tianlin was.

"Come with us. We suspect you have a problem with your identity and are planning to do illegal things in Midtown!"

These two guards are just for the dead.

The slave just told them that their beasts would have slaves escape. This is the way they may enter the capital city and let them stop. Even when Ning Ning Tianlin entered the west gate, he specifically told two Guards.

The two of them didn't know how terrible Ning Tianlin was, and they only thought they were slaves.

"Illegal things?"

Ning Tianlin was stunned for a moment, and was somewhat confused.

"Come with us, you slave!"

A guard came forward with a wave of his hand, and a long chain appeared in his hand. He would use this steel chain to trap Ning Tianlin.


Ning Tianlin was another moment.

Waiting for this guard to be around, he just shot a fine light with his eyes and forcibly read the other party's memory.

Suddenly, I understood what happened.

But it is only known that someone bought these two guards, but the real purpose is unknown.


But from the memory of the guard, he still got the name.

Suddenly, everything was figured out.

It turned out that the beasts would hit their own ideas.

They didn't dare to go to the store, where there was a formation method, but now they found themselves, knowing that the master behind the scenes could not get in touch with themselves.

He knew what happened to the first store of the League of Legends that day. After all, using the ancient sword battle of Qiankun, he knew what happened the first time.


Guessed most of it, and directly confused the guard's mind.

At the same time, he waved and broke the neck of the other guard.

What two idiots!

What kind of errands you dare to take!

Do not look at whether they have that ability!

"Kill the guard!"

"Someone killed the guard!"

"Come on!"

Just in Ning Tianlin's hands, there was a sharp voice sounding all over the world.

Not others, but the manpower arranged by Pang Juan's servants.

They had expected this scene long ago, waiting for Ning Tianlin to break out, and he was very handy.

Which strong person can be insulted by being called a slave?

What they have to do is to judge the strength of Ning Tianlin's fighting strength by the strength of the guards!

After all, according to legend, this person can kill Xingsheng, but no one has seen it with his own eyes, only the body of Xingsheng. So too many people want to know what level he is.

What kind of combat power?

This is exactly what Star Saint Pang Juan means.

He didn't dare to rush into it. He lived for so long. He has long been used to being careful, and decided to move.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, use the strength of the midtown city guards to test Ning Tianlin.

And I believe that through this temptation, there will be results!

After all, the defense force of the Midtown Guards can reach the highest level without upgrading! Although it is only one or two paragraphs of star holy, it is undoubtedly star holy!

The ultimate top guardian is the master of the capital city! This is the pinnacle of the Holy Star.

Jiuduan Xingsheng!



With the screaming screaming, hundreds of guards rushed from all directions. For a time, the entire Ximen was in a state of tension.

There are even a large number of martial arts continually gathering towards this place.


"Dare to make trouble in the capital!"

"Give me it!"

Hundreds of warriors in silver armor wrapped Ning Tianlin in a rigorous package, both in the sky and underground. Standing in the middle of the armored warrior in the middle, with a wave of his hand, hundreds of white armored warriors rushed towards Ning Tianlin.

Some wield swords, and some hold hot weapons, vowing to take Ning Tianlin.



Ning Tianlin just snorted in his heart, didn't explain anything, just started.

For a moment, the flesh broke and flesh flew.

No one is the enemy of Ning Tianlin.

Most of the guards are just Star Warriors. The highest is the three Astral Realms.

Not a little bit different from Ning Tianlin!


Soon, the gold armored warrior started.

He couldn't just stay by the side of his death.

It was just a panic in his heart. This man was really a slave. How could his combat effectiveness be so horrible?


It was just that he had just gone up, and his physical body was also shattered. Although he and Ning Tianlin are not nearly the same in fighting power now, on the actual battle, Ning Tianlin killed him, it took less than a second.

"A star cave warrior is nothing but dare to pretend here!"

Soon, a harsh voice sounded in the air.

Appearing in front of Ning Tianlin was a middle-aged woman. As soon as she appeared, she launched the strongest attack on Ning Tianlin. She watched for a moment and felt that the power exuded from Ning Tianlin was just a star cave-level warrior.

And she is a star king.

Although there are only two sections of Star King, she is still Star King!

The gap between the two of them, but the gap and nature!

Although she is not a guard, she is a showy warrior. She feels that as long as she wins this unknown slave for the guard, the guard will definitely reward her.

After all, everyone is responsible for arresting crimes.

And she stayed here all year round, and within ten seconds, the general of the guard who was responsible for guarding Simon would come.

That is the existence of a star king peak!

In the ten seconds before he came, he was confident that he would take down the slave who did not know the heights and heights.


With that said, a long sword appeared in his hand, severely beheading Ning Tianlin's head.

She's going to use her head to invite credit for herself!

"Star King!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, but instead of continuing, he stood still. Because he knew that it was he who broke out and killed the Star King, and there is more power behind him.

Fighting like this all the time is not the answer!

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