Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1494: Today is Fight Day

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Golden light burst, Ning Tianlin's figure, like the reincarnation of Tianlei, turned into a god.

The woman's long sword was chopped on him, as if it was chopped on the huge golden bell, and a deafening roar broke out.

And Ning Tianlin's body was indeed motionless, not to mention the injury, but that there were no marks on his body.

"No ... no ..."

Countless people watching the scene, seeing this scene, all show incredible colors.

Star King.

This woman, but the King of Stars, couldn't even chop.

This defense. . . . . . It's too strong.

You know, even the top star king, dare not accept a star king with all his strength.

Not to mention Pang Juan, the vice president of the Beast Society, who has been hiding in the dark, even the woman who has personally used it, cannot believe the fact in front of her.

she was. . . . . . She didn't kill a star hole!

how can that be!

Her attack is that ordinary star kings have to deal with it with all their strength.




As if she couldn't believe it, she once again slashed her sword at Ning Tianlin, but under the protection of the invincible golden body, all she could do was useless work.


In the attention of everyone, Ning Tianlin spoke, looking directly into the woman's eyes, and said coldly, "Today is my day of quitting killing!"

"It just happened to kill a hundred people."

"Otherwise, what you just did is enough to die a hundred times!"


Even in order to verify what he said is true, when countless people watched, he would fly the woman in front of him with a wave of his sleeve.


It's not that I'm not as effective as you!

I don't want to kill people!

Because today is my killing day! Enough to kill a hundred, can't kill any more.

It ’s just that no one knows how many secret methods Ning Tianlin used, or even a silent one. A layer of arrays was placed between the two.


"Killing Day?"

"Is there such a festival?"

Countless people were stunned by Ning Tianlin's words and subsequent actions.

But think about it, it's not too incredible.

After all, the opportunity is different for one person and one person. For example, can you think that there are people who do n’t eat beef, people who do n’t eat pork, or even people who do n’t even eat fish?

There are only things you can't think of, nothing that doesn't exist.

The day of quitting killing may be a belief of this man right now. It ’s just that you quit killing. Why do you say you want to quit killing a hundred?

And, most people think this is true.

After all, the Star King was flies with one sleeve. Obviously, the combat power was above it. If he went violently, he could kill the other party.

And he doesn't fight back now, maybe this belief is really true.


Ning Tianlin sang a cold drink at the woman, then flickered with golden light all the way, and flew towards the storefront ahead.

When he got there, he was absolutely safe.

In the No. 1 shop, there is a large array of Qiankun ancient swords arranged by the predecessor himself, which can destroy the stars.

"Sir ... we still don't want ...

The slave next to Pang Juan, the vice chairman of the beastly society, asked Pang Juan's eyes sternly.

He also believed what the other party said.

If not, why the opponent can beat the star king, but why not?

"Get a fart!"

Pang Juan yelled and scolded.

He was originally going to let these people test out how much Ning Tianlin had fighting power. If it was really just a star cave, he would definitely do it himself and take revenge for his son.

But now, he cannot know what to do if he cannot keep up.

You have to say that he is very powerful and has a rumor to kill Xingsheng, but his performance is now a star cave warrior. But you have to say that he is not great, just a star cave warrior, but this slap will explain how to throw a star king to fly.

So he was really confused for a moment.

It is impossible to determine what Ning Tianlin's realm is.

Even he prefers rumors that can kill Star Saint.

After all, the bodies of the five Mu Xingshengs on that day, but too many people saw it, and even heard that this time the Mu also came to the strong, and wanted to see where the young man was sacred.

If possible, they also want revenge!

Moreover, he had inquired clearly about the first store of the League of Legends. The salesman was seven Star Kings, and even one named White Axe, and even the top of the Star King, had the strength to fight against ordinary star statues.

But now, he stays in the shop obediently and becomes a waiter.

If this young man was really ordered, he would be really scary.

Not only did he do that, many people didn't take another shot to block Ning Tianlin's way. Three seconds later, he stood in front of the first League of Legends store.

"First League of Legends!"

"He went to the first League of Legends store!"

Soon, too many people noticed this slave who dared to enter the city gate, and all wanted to know why he did it. Now, when he sees him standing in front of the first League of Legends store, he feels that he is likely to come Exchange for treasure.

After all, these days are rumored that there is nothing you can't redeem in the first League of Legends store.

But compared to these locals in the capital city, many strong men who have noticed Ning Tianlin's other identity have watched Ning Tianlin enter the store.

They are all guessing, 99% of the time, it is the young man who delivered!

Three days later, it was their agreed delivery date.


As soon as Ning Tianlin entered the store, as soon as the White Axe was working, he rushed to Ning Tianlin's side while kneeling, "See the master!"

When Ning Tianlin entered the West Gate, they already knew Ning Tianlin's whereabouts, but Ning Tianlin passed a message to them and did not let them show up.

Just with their knees and words, countless powers boiled.


"He is the real owner of this League of Legends No. 1 shop!"

"His fighting power, 98% possible, has been able to kill Xingsheng! Otherwise, how could these star king obediently obey his orders, and even kneel him and call him the master!"

"This is what the slave calls his master, not an employment relationship!"

Too many powerful people affirmed this idea in their hearts.

It was just that Pang Juan, vice president of the Beast Club, looked very ugly. If this is the case, is his son's revenge still not to be reported? Also relieved in my heart.

Fortunately, I didn't rush into it just now. If not, maybe his vice chairman would be shamed.

And just now the woman who wanted to get ahead and was excited about her hands was already wet by cold sweat at the moment.

Fortunately, today is his killing day!

Fortunately, it has killed a hundred people. Otherwise, it must have been dead.

After all, the seven star kings knelt in one place, and none of them was weaker than him. If the other party really wanted to kill her, it would be easy.

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