Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1495: Midtown City Owner

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"Get up."

Ning Tianlin waved and motioned for the seven star kings who were kneeling in front of them to get up.

"These are the things they want, and they are all inside." Ning Tianlin directly threw a space ring to the White Axe, which contained a lot of resource treasures.


Really a resource!

Too many strong people are boiling with blood and shaking their hearts.

This young man came here to send resources!

The day after tomorrow is a trading day. There are definitely many treasures in this space ring!

Especially those who have booked a treasure exchange, are anxious at this moment, can't wait for the treasure to be redeemed immediately, but they still remember that the trading day is three days later, not a day before.

Even if they are stars, they will not work.

"Citylord arrives!"

When Ning Tianlin first handed the space ring to the White Axe, a long long voice came from outside, and then a tall man in green clothes walked in with a big head.

It's not others, it's the owner of this capital city, Kufi Star Saint.

Star Saint Nine Duan!

The pinnacle of Star Saint.

"Little friend, scumbag Coffey, don't blame me for asking."

As soon as Ku Fei Xing Sheng appeared, he asked Ning Tianlin with a smile.

The words are equal, and Ning Tianlin is completely regarded as a person of the same level. Although this young man feels like him, he is just a warrior at the level of a star cave.

"how come."

Ning Tianlin smiled, this is the real strong.

He is the first person except the previous generation of the earth, and this is the true ground snake of Zhongducheng.

The entire capital city is under his control.

"The owner of the city can come here, I'm glad it's too late."

Ning Tianlin is not the kind of uninterested person. You are good to me, and I am not bad to you. You enter the door with a smile, and of course I welcome guests with a smile.

"That's good, that's good."

Kufi Star Saint looked very humble. At the same time, he waved a servant behind, quickly holding a wooden plate with a red gift list on it, and a space ring on the side.

Respectfully handed it over.

Ning Tianlin picked it up, looked at it roughly, and gave it to the white axe on the side with a smile, and commanded, "Take it away for me."

Saying, arching his hand, to Kufi Star Holy Road, "The Lord of the City is very kind."

"The gift is so precious, I am ashamed of it."

There are rows of words on the red gift list, showing all kinds of treasures, all packed in the space ring next to it.

The richness of the gifts surprised Ning Tianlin.

In particular, the fact that the owner of the city was able to come in by himself surprised him.


"Compared to friends, these gifts are worthless to me."

Kufi Xingsheng waved his hands, showing humility.

And he also knows that he is right. These gifts may be valuable to others, but to the young people in front of them, they are nothing more than a cow. Who can take out so many treasures, how can they really care about him.

However, his true mind was really shocked by Ning Tianlin.

Twenty-eight years old!

The real age of this young man is really only 28!

He has a pair of real eyes, and can see through any falsehood, especially in the study of life rings, and there is nothing wrong with it.

This young man is really young, he is really only 28 years old!

Oh my God!

Twenty-eight-year-olds have this kind of combat power. As a human being, you say that genius is second, and no one dares to be the first!

At the age of 28, he was probably a master at that time.

And the young man in front of him is the existence of even the star king.

The difference is more than the difference!

"I didn't expect that there is really such a genius among friends."

"At this age, such amazing achievements have been made. I am afraid that only the Holy Land can really cultivate them."

If in the beginning, he still doubted whether Ning Tianlin was from the holy land of the human race, now he is 100% sure that the young man in front of him is definitely from the holy land of the human race!

Except there, who else can develop such a genius?

Moreover, he felt that even in the holy place of human race, such a genius can be cultivated.

After saying that, watching Ning Tianlin quietly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Stop pretending.

I already know where you are from.

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't shake his head or nod his head. Whoever lets you know that there is only one holy place in the human race, in fact, there are two hidden in secret. They are all under the control of the Earth people.

"Is the city owner here to exchange things?"

Ning Tianlin did not take the stubble of the human holy land, but asked Kufi with a smile.

He had seen the red axe's redemption list for him, and there was no name for Kufi Star Saint.

"There are reasons for this."

Coffey nodded, but the meaning was clear, which was just one of the reasons.

At the same time, a wave of blood, an image of a blood-red, ginseng-like object, appeared in front of Ning Tianlin. This Coffey said, "This is red blood ginseng. I heard it only appeared in a certain secret place."

"I don't know, can you get this for me?"

Although only part of the reason, Coffey Star was still a little nervous after speaking.

Because of this thing, he really wanted it, and it was of great use to him.

Whether or not it can break through the Ninth Section of Xingsheng and reach the existence of Xing'ao, it all depends on this red blood ginseng.

It contains a lot of heaven and earth aura, which has the effect of making people reborn.

He searched for this thing, and he didn't know how many years of work, but still no result.


Ning Tianlin did not answer, but with a wave of his hand, a blood-red ginseng-like thing appeared in the void in front of the two of them, slowly floating, exuding a clear fragrance.

It smells like blood.

"Red blood ginseng!"


Coffey stood up straight from his seat, looking incredulous.

How many years has he been looking for this thing, and you actually took it out so easily?

"I ... can I see it?"

Kufi Star Saint is a bit disoriented, it's really caused by tension.

With this thing, in less than a hundred years, he can definitely break through the Star Saint and become a star-like existence!

"of course can."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

Although this item is expensive, it is also exchanged for a large price here in the combat system, but it is not too scary for people to see.

Of course, this is Kufi Star Saint, the owner of the Midtown.

If he changed to someone else, he really didn't want to be seen.

Change if you like, don't change it!


As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, Kufi Xingsheng immediately lay down in front of the red blood ginseng, and looked at the long-bearded red blood ginseng with great care with his eyes and mind.

After three minutes.

Said with excitement, "Red blood ginseng!"

"It's really red blood ginseng!"

After being excited at the same time, he was stunned, and asked Ning Tianlin, "I don't know what my friends want?"

"As long as I can get it, I'll get it for the little friends!"

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