Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1507: This hug, old days

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Lin Jiayi only felt her head faint. She thought that the person who entered the city would be the owner of the capital city, but she never thought that it would be Ning Tianlin, who had gone back and forth a lot.

Compared with before, he looks more mature and his eyes are more determined.

Instantly, countless previous pictures began to flash in her mind.

For the first time, she was abducted by a kidnapper in a broken building in Jinchuan City, and threw a hundred-dollar bill for help out of the window. That was when she thought she was dead, but in the end, the man in front of him, dressed in a shroud, rescued herself as if crawling out of a grave.

At that time, he was not a ghost in a shroud, but a god.

Be your own salvation benefactor.

The second time was a vegetable market thousands of miles away from Tsugawa.

At that time, I brought my nanny to pick the fish, and I just met Ning Tianlin who killed the fish in the fish shop.

Because of the misunderstanding of the babysitter, she did not want to contact the other party.

But at that time, she couldn't believe it. There was such a coincidence in this world.

Jinchuan city is thousands of miles away from Jingbei city.

There are so many people that they can meet in the vegetable market.

You know, she never went to the grocery market.

That time, she decided that it wasn't going to the vegetable market, it was God who wanted her to meet her own true life son!

For the third time, she was more certain about her conjecture.

They are destined!

That fate is destined.

If not, how could they meet in the same school!

Meet the freshmen on the first day!

This is fate.

Fate arranged by God.

It was just after all that Ning Tianlin was not staying at school. Soon after the League of Legends was born, he became the leader of the League of Legends, and he was in power in front of people all over the world. Finally, he became a hero of the entire Chinese people. Huaxia humans.

Today, too many places on the earth have erected Ning Tianlin's statue to commemorate his contribution to humanity.

In the end, he had his own wife.

And a year or two later, in order to dream, he left the earth alone and began to wander the universe. But she stayed on the earth, looking forward to it, expecting him to return to the earth again, to see the previous one.

In the end, she couldn't wait.

Also went alone to the starry universe.

Moreover, she once made an oath, that one day, if she really had a relationship with Ning Tianlin and met in the starry sky, she would desperately pursue and love. Even if he never accepts herself, she will stay with him and watch him.

Even if you are a servant.

Even in this starry sky, how difficult and painful she was for a woman without much fighting power, she never had any complaints. Just because she firmly believed that their fate was doomed to heaven.

Doomed to meet eventually.

Now her wish has come true!

God finally let them meet again!

Even tears fell involuntarily from the corners of her eyes, and a flowery smile bloomed on her face, thousands of words, and the words came to her mouth, but only one sentence came, "You are here."

Tears also struck across the cheeks and fell to the ground.

"Well. I'm here." Ning Tianlin smiled.

The most innocent smile from the heart.

He didn't even know how many years he hadn't laughed so much.

"how have you been?"

"Are you ok?"

Lin Jiayi asked.

Step by step, but his eyes were always tenderly staring at Ning Tianlin, for fear of missing again.



Ning Tianlin nodded and stepped forward, without avoiding the other's eyes, and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm okay." Lin Jiayi smiled and nodded, and when they finished speaking, the two of them stood together unconsciously, and even opened their arms at the same time, hugging each other in their arms.

This hug is old.

. . . . . .

Lin Yutang.

"How's it going?"

"Is there any news?"

Ziyan was very weak sitting in a chair and asked the incoming shopkeeper.

Although she swallowed the life-saving elixir, it was the King of Stars who hurt him.


The shopkeeper who came in shook his head and frowned, "I heard that Lin Jiayi broke into the main frame of the city at that time, and was almost chopped by the main body guard!"

"But in the end I didn't know why and stopped."

"Bring Lin Jiayi and the fat man back to the city's capital."

"As for what happened in the future, Lin Jiayi is dead or alive now, I really don't know."

The shopkeeper answered truthfully, "But the news of the fat man is found out."

"It is indeed a fixed gate."

"It is the eighth son of the three elders.

"The three elders, named Hunfeng, are a star respect. I heard that they have reached six stages! Anytime, they may break through. They also love the eight sons. He has wiped the buttocks for the boy himself. . "

With that said, the shopkeeper's face was already covered with bitterness.

Because this is Xingzun's own son!

Still love this!

This level is a fight with the head of their Linyu Pavilion, not to mention the purple chrysalis in front of them, just a star cave-level warrior.

The two are not on a level at all.

"Star Respect."

Sure enough, after listening to this tone, Ziyan took a breath of air directly!

This is the existence that can annihilate her in one breath.

Revenge against such a person's own son is really a bit unwise.

"You mean, the Lord Lord brought both Lin Jiayi and this muddy sky trough into the Lord Tower?"

Aster is a little strange.

This is completely unnecessary.

When Lin Jiayi was brought back alone, why did he want the heavenly trough to come together?

Does the city mainly live in Qingtian once and want to decide for Lin Jiayi? But shouldn't it? She had never heard that the owner of the capital city was a nosy person, and even heard that he was a bit cold-blooded.

It was strange that Lin Jiayi ran into his driver without being killed.

"Then do you know why the city owner appeared there?"

Ziyu is even more strange. She asked Lin Jiayi to run north to go to the League of Legends Hall 1, not the main city house! How could she meet the owner of the city.

"I heard that it seems to have just come out of League of Legends Hall 1. And the owner of League of Legends Hall 1 sent him out in person."

Treasurer said.

"The owner of League of Legends Hall 1?"

"What does it look like?"

"what is it call?"

"Did you find out?"

Zi Zhi asked quickly.

"in this way."

The wave of the shopkeeper showed Ning Tianlin's figure. After all, many people at the time saw Ning Tianlin's appearance, and Ning Tianlin did not hide it.

"It really is him!"

"It really is him!"

When seeing this person, Ziyan directly has a lot of eyes.

Because she recognized this person!

It was in the wooden abyss who saved his life!


Then I took a breath of cold air.

Because in her eyes, Ning Tianlin stood with the city owner and sat up!

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