Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1508: I like threats

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"This boss, what's his name? Who is it?"

Ziyan asked quickly.

"Ning Tianlin."

"He calls himself Ning Tianlin."

"A lot of people know."

The treasurer originally thought that it would be very laborious to inquire about this, but it was unexpectedly easy. It seems that the news is spreading around at a rapid speed.

"Ning Tianlin!"

The purple tincture, however, took a breath of cold air, her eyes were bright, and she breathed a little softly in her heart.

Lin Jiayi did not lie to her. This man is really called Ning Tianlin!

They really come from the same place!


"Citylord's guard finally changed his mind, and it must be this Ning Tianlin who spoke."

Zi Yan had an idea in her heart, knowing that it was Ning Tianlin who finally saved Lin Jiayi!

They met!

Lin Jiayi hasn't shown up yet, she must be meeting with Ning Tianlin.

"Hope you don't forget your master."

Aster's heart wrinkled darkly.

She has worked so hard for so many years. First, she and Lin Jiayi are really sympathetic sisters. At first sight, it is Ning Tianlin's reason.

She wanted to bow to Ning Tianlin.

In the future, Ning Tianlin may be used in many places. The breakthrough was her relationship with Lin Jiayi.


At this moment, Lin Yutang's door shattered, and two figures followed behind a middle-aged man, striding in with shame.

"Three boys, they are."

"Ninety-nine percent of the reason why the eighth son is now trapped in the city's capital is that they are."

The talking was a guard on the left.

The two guards on the left and right were not others, but the two guards who appeared with the eighth son Huntiancao just now, and it was the one on the left that hurt Ziyan in the beginning.


"Lin Yuge!"

San Gongzi's eyebrows are clear and eye-catching, but the whole face looks a little dark, and it is for those who are extremely vengeful. When he waved his hand, he said, "Tie me!"


Immediately after the words fell, an iron chain came out of the hand of the guard on the left.

Before Ziyu and the shopkeeper had not responded, they had been entangled with them, no matter how they struggled, they could not move.

"What are you doing!"

"This is the capital city. You don't have a king!"

The shopkeeper's roar.

However, he knows that this is useless work. If these people have the king law, they would not dare to enter the door. Moreover, these three people are all from Dingtianmen.

They came here for the fat man's sake.


As soon as the shopkeeper's voice fell, a heavy slap came on his face, and it immediately swelled up, just like a pig's head.

"Wang Fa?"

The third son, headed by Lengheng, seemed to have heard the most incredible joke in the world, "You tell me the king?"

"Do you know how to write these two words?"

The third son is the brother of the fat man's father and mother. Among the brothers, the relationship is closest. The two guards also knew their relationship, so the eighth son had an accident. The three sons were notified first.


Just stretched out his hand and let go of his breath, and twisted the neck of the shopkeeper alive.

A frightened purple cricket was beside him.

Even scared.

"I heard that you are the disciple of Lin Yuge. The woman taken away by the city owner is your apprentice?"

These three boys were obviously prepared to do their homework.

Knowing the insignificance of this shopkeeper, the key is still this purple cricket.

And his plan is also related to this Aster.


Zi Yan answered in a panic, really worried that the other party would also pinch himself to death with one palm.

This person's strength is obviously the star king!

"So there is something, I want you to cooperate."

Say yes, but the faces of these three boys are obviously the order they ordered.

"You said."

Ziyu doesn't want to die, just wants to live at this moment.

She is sure, if she dares to say nothing, she will definitely die in a second!

"I will take you to the city's mansion in a moment, and you say, you apprentice has been assigned to my eighth brother, is my fiancee's fiancee, there is already a matchmaker's word, the master's order."

This is the idea of ​​these three boys.

He wants to tell the owner of the capital city that his eighth brother and this woman are fiancees.

The upright pursuit on the street was because the woman was dissatisfied with the marriage contract and wanted to escape.

My eighth brother chased her, just trying to bring her back to the house.

Regardless of whether the Prime Minister of the capital city believes this, it is not important anymore, even if the fiancee does not want to, he just wants to take the eighth brother back.

He really doesn't know why the owner of the capital city wants to do this. The only reason he can think of is that the city mainly decides for the people and makes justice for the people, and his younger brother happens to be a target.

Who asked you to hit someone's muzzle directly.

Once this reason does not hold, the owner of the capital city will have no reason to detain his eighth brother. Coupled with my father's face, I will definitely let my eighth brother come out.

It was just that he had made countless calculations, but he did not guess that the mastermind of this matter was not even the master of the capital city, but someone else. He didn't even think that a small disciple of Lin Yuge would have a lot to do.

Able to be the master of the capital city.

"it is good."

Zi Zheng nodded and agreed.

It's just in my heart, but I've already been killing, okay!

It's you guys coming home!

Then don't blame her for being rude!

Originally she was still thinking about how to escape, but this time, but you came to the door, as long as you go to the main city capital, she will make you look good!

I do n’t have any background, but my apprentice does!


"It's kind of practical!"

Three sons sneered.

What he looks down on most is this kind of grass-headed people who fall when the wind blows, but they also like them the most, because they are the most knowledgeable and easiest to use and do things for themselves.

"It's just that I don't believe anyone, but only myself."

The third son said, "Pop", with a flick of his fingers, he saw a dark green bug that flew directly out of the palm of his hand and fell into the mouth of Ziyu. Then it penetrated down from the mouth and directly covered the heart of Aster.

"This is a heartworm."

"If you dare to brush your eyes in the city's mansion, if you say the wrong thing, I will let this heartworm eat your heart."

San Gongzi also likes this means of threat.

He even felt that threats were far more important than trust, and more convincing.

"And, even if I have something, and it dies, it will clean your heart."

"In this world, you will never find a second person except I have an antidote!"

Then, he opened the bottle with his own hands and destroyed the antidote in his hand.

"Unless I do it myself, you won't be alive."

San Gongzi's expression was full of confidence.


"I dare not."

Aster nodded.

Although I was afraid, I still knew what to do. Moreover, he thought of Ning Tianlin.

It may not be possible for others to have an antidote, but he cannot be!

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