Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1528: Star Void Guardian

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The heart of the tower is a mark."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

When leaving the earth, Lord Yan Luo was prepared to give him such a thing, which is the heart of another tower of the nine-round reincarnation tower.

At that time, although he refused, Ning Tianlin felt that the heart of the tower should be a heart-shaped thing, but he did not expect it to be a mark.

A mark that looks like a continent!


Ning Tianlin took a deep breath and rushed away. When the light became brighter and brighter, the whole world was illuminated, he also stood under the golden mark.

The golden mark is not large, about three meters, which is much smaller than other treasures encountered before.


Ning Tianlin did not delay, ready to put it into his own space ring.

But just before he started, a figure slowly appeared in front of him.

Behind his hands, from high to low, he looked at him so quietly.

Also let Ning Tianlin stop suddenly in his hand.

He didn't know when this person appeared there, nor did he know how he appeared, just now, but it was like standing there forever, all the time, just that he just didn't see it.

"Star-strength powerhouse!"

When the combat effectiveness level of the opponent was obtained from the combat effectiveness system, Ning Tianlin was even more shocked!

Star Warrior!

Hidden Void, the powerful existence of Void!

Even more powerful than Star Olympian!

It is also the most powerful warrior he has ever contacted! Who let him to this day still has no idea what level the earth's predecessor is. The answer given to him by the combat system is constantly increasing!

After all, the seal had just been broken and its strength was greatly damaged.

And this is also a great reason to make Ning Tianlin even more shocked. The strength is all at the level of Star Olympic.

Lord of the universe?

I'm afraid it's not at this level.

"who are you?"

Ning Tianlin stopped, tightly, staring at the other person's figure, trying to see his appearance.

It's just a pity that this star warrior is all hidden in the void. He Ning Tianlin does not have this ability.

"It's incredible that you, a star cave warrior, can appear here."

The other party did not answer, but looked at Ning Tianlin, with some admiration.

But then, he said, "And it's still immortal."

"It's really strange."

"I can't even do it."

This phantom is a little strange to Ning Tianlin's state. After all, a star cave-level warrior in front of him has achieved a state he can't do, how can he not be shocked.

"You just came in shortly."

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, and the answer he got from the combat system made him even more shocked.

Because the ghost in front of him, although it is true, it just came in.

Sucked in by that suction.

There was no pressure to stand against the barriers of space, and the body was broken.

But the physical body was broken, but he had a soul, which made Ning Tianlin think of a possibility. The ghost in front of him came from the holy land of the human race!

After all, if you want to give birth to a soul, you must stay here for three days.

And when he came, his body was broken.

Now that there is a state of soul, there is only this possibility, this person comes from the holy land of the human race!

"You are from the holy land of humankind!"

Ning Tianlin directly said the origin of the other party.


The other party didn't hold back anymore. Appearing from the void, he raised Ning Tianlin's whole body as soon as he raised his hand. As if the other party knew too much, it disturbed him.

"How did you know."

"What else do you know!"

The other asked coldly.

This star cave martial artist has been too unexpected for him, making him scalp numb. It's weird enough to be here, and now it comes to his origins in one sip.

Chances are, this boy also knows where this is.

Know what the golden mark stands for!

"I know too much."

"Under heaven and earth, there is nothing I don't know."

Ning Tianlin shone with golden light and was invincible, and he was not afraid of this man's threat at all. He snorted and said a big word.

"For example, I know your name is Luo Jin!"

"Good at guns."

"There is a weapon called a back throat pistol!"

"Your daughter-in-law's name is Po Na. You are the head of the tribal holy land Luo Family."

"I can say wrong."

At the end, Ning Tianlin pretended to be an omniscient expression.

"who are you!"

This Luo Jin, his face changed greatly.

Because the other party is just a star cave warrior, he has no ability to read his memory at all, even if he has the mind occult technique, he must be blocked by the energy around his body, but the young man said so much in one breath.

As if you really know him!

Have you seen yourself?


When he was still in the void, he knew his identity.

"who am I?"

Ning Tianlin laughed. "It won't be long before you know who I am!"

Ning Tianlin knows that if he truly grasps the golden mark, all the heavens and the earth will be under his control, especially the judge pen and the book of life and death. He is the king here!

He wants to be born as long as he wants to die!

He will control everything here!

"Unfortunately, you are only a ghost, not a body. If not, the tower heart of the nine-revolving tower is yours!"

Ning Tianlin's next words made his face change.

The heart of the nine runners tower?

This young man really knows what it is!

He comes from a holy place of human race, has his own soul, is in a large family, and is a star-virtual warrior. He knows the origin of some holy places of human race, and has heard about the universe's nine treasures reincarnation tower.

As soon as he came in, he became a soul, and especially when he saw the golden mark, he understood everything.

Know where you are!

At that time, if he was crazy, he sighed that fortune finally came to him.

He Luo Jin, and finally one day, he can integrate the marks of the nine reincarnation towers and control the holy land of one party! At that time, the aura in the Nine Runners reincarnation tower will nourish his physical body all the time, and his combat power will also skyrocket!

It won't even take long for us to continue to break through and reach the existence of the Lord of the Universe!

But what made him extremely uncomfortable was that he thought about everything, but he did not expect that he could not merge this golden mark at all.

No matter what method he uses, this golden mark is always indifferent to him, and he has no resonance at all.

I thought he was wrong.

But I did not expect the young man directly to tell the root.

He has no body!

He's just a soul, no body!

This golden mark can only be merged by those who have a physical body!

"The flesh?"

Inevitable, Luo Jin took a hard look at Ning Tianlin, you kid, you have a body!

How can I get you what I ca n’t get!

With one palm, he blasted towards Ning Tianlin's body.

Aren't you physically?


I will break you!

See how you merge!

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