Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1529: Temple of Heaven!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Only the next moment, Luo Jin stiffly accepted the attack.

The expression of anger and jealousy turned into a joy.

Because he thought of some possibility!


Suddenly withdrew, turning into a sharp mental attack.

At the same time scolded in my heart.

"Your sister!"

"I was almost mistaken by you little boy."

He is a ghost, but he can possess it!

Attached to you and taken your body, isn't it mine?


"What a **** gift!"

Luo Jin was going crazy with joy.

I just knew how to blend the golden mark, and now I have a body delivered to the door for it to be attached. How can I not be happy!

He could use the body of the opponent to fuse this golden mark.

He has a soul, and another means is to possess it!

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin laughed and looked at the other party's reaction. How could he not know what Luo Jin was thinking? He dared to say, how could he not cope.


Ignoring him, the supersonic wave was launched, forcing the other party to stun for three seconds.


The next moment, a drop of blood had fallen from the palm of his hand, and landed on the surface of this golden mark.

Essence of blood.

Let him confess!

This is what the combat system tells him.

It's simple, but it's the most direct and useful!


The next moment, the world shook, and the entire golden mark, like a rolling golden cloud, whistled, and poured into Ning Tianlin's body, like a swimming golden dragon.

Speak slowly, but also extremely fast,

Just when Luo Jin opened his eyes and woke up from the dizziness, he saw the golden mark. Only the tail was left. It disappeared from Ning Tianlin's palm and disappeared.

Where is the golden mark, no more.


Luo Jinfa yelled madly.

He waited for so many years, especially when the opportunity was in front of him, but he was boarded first, and he was dizzy under his eyelids!


Direct the mind to the needle, bombarding Ning Tianlin's body.

He wants to have it!

Be sure to have it!

Although he didn't know if he could make it, he must fight for it!

Maybe this young man hasn't figured out what it's used for.


What just made him unbelievable was that when he hit the opponent's body, he was bounced back by an invisible energy, as if it were a turtle shell.

"Your sister!"

"Smash your turtle shell first!"

Luo Jin was furious, guessing that the golden light on Ning Tianlin's body was making trouble.


Fisting into the palm of his hand, banged at Ning Tianlin's body.

However, they are also in control of the Star King level, for fear of really breaking Ning Tianlin's body.

At that time, he should not cry to death.


What changed his look greatly was that his attack still had no effect, and fell on the other side. He just shook the other side's body a few steps back, and did not look at all injured.

"You ma!"

"The King of Stars can't do it, then Star Master!"

Instantly, his attack strength turned into an existence that can only be achieved by Xingzun.


But at this time, the world changed, and Ning Tianlin's closed eyes opened suddenly in the package of invincible golden light.




The air waves rolled, the aura rose, and the turbidity gas dropped. The whole nether space began to change a lot. It was originally barren, but in the air waves rolled, mountains and water appeared.

Trees appeared, flowers and plants appeared.

Everything there is slowly appearing here.

In addition to life.

"what happened!"

"This door?"

Even the gates of the nether space where the five Star Olympians are located, at this moment began to gradually narrow and narrow as if they were refined. After a moment, they stiffened into a black gate.

It is tall and wide.

Although the blink of an eye is still endless, but compared to the original, I do not know how much it has shrunk.

After all, some creatures are extremely huge.

"The door is open!"

"This door is open!"

Although the five star Olympians did not know what was happening, they were also very happy. With a bang, they rushed across the black gate, fearing that they would close when they didn't know.

Now they just want to go out and escape this strange space.

Even the three celestial saints, likewise, were shocked to watch the changes in the heavens and the earth.

Because they didn't know what was right, a bridge appeared in front of them, spreading infinitely, as if they didn't know how long it was, beneath it was the rolling yellow spring water, and the stunning flowers on both sides began to bloom.

Neihe Bridge.

Yellow spring water.

Flowers on the other shore.

Everything, everything started to form according to the situation in the earth's Yincaodi government.


I don't know how long it has been. A ray of light across the sky, like a sharp blade, cuts an abyss directly on the ground. Looking at it, there is no sunlight and how deep it is.

But the sounds from time to time in the foreboding indicate that there is still a constant change inside.

After a while, one, two, three.

When all was settled, the endless space of eighteen layers of black paint appeared in the abyss below.

Eighteen levels of **** spawn.


At the same time, the original gray space barrier also became a barren land in the beginning, but then, the earth was torn, and a black hall, somehow tall and wide, rose slowly from the crack in the ground.

A moment later, a palace, accompanied by an endless city, appeared in this vast space.

But there is a plaque on the palace without a name.

However, at this time, Ning Tianlin's figure did not know that he had passed through layers of space, disappeared directly in Luo Jin's shocked eyes, and appeared directly here.

"Since it doesn't have a name yet, it's called Tianlin Temple!"

Ning Tianlin thought of King Yan Luo, who was named after him. And an unknown message came from his mind, telling him that it was built for him.


As soon as his words fell, a force of invisible rules began to lettering on the wordless plaque.




Three big characters full of the power of rules, printed on the hall by dragons and phoenixes.

"It's all mine!"

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, knowing that this side of the world has been under his control, he is the king here, and no one can help him.

"Rules have been established!"

"Six reincarnation!"

"Yin and Yang open!"


Ning Tianlin said to the void, and saw the earth and earth shaking, six reincarnation, the two realms of yin and yang began to separate.

Like the earth and the sun.

After a while, the space where the two floors can communicate is in the mind of Ning Tianlin.

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